Looking back over the last three months, I don't think that I've had a post on my thoughts on Sarah Palin.
Well here's my thoughts.
I adore this woman. Just adore her.
Here's why:
When she was rolled out as the VP choice, many people came out saying "who?"
I knew who she was due to her record in Alaska and her stance on energy. That and I have relatives that are familiar with her. I knew her to be a very capable person, with a fiery streak. A fighter.
But I didn't know how she would fare on the national scene. Its a bit different than the local. In other words...shes a governor. Governors know how to run things which is what makes them the most able to be a leader of a country. But again...how would she translate to the 'national scene.'
I said that --knowing that the media would be out for her. As they are with any conservative.
I had no idea just HOW MUCH though. They went after her with anything that they could come up with. Even sounding like the national enquirer than so called 'reputable' news organizations.
"is trig not her baby but her daughters baby???"
The amount of bile that was thrown at her, was stunning. And continued on through the last week of the campaign. (more on this in a future post).
It really made two things clear.
1) The news has really abandoned even the 'illusion' of being balanced and non party.
2) The left was clearly afraid of Sarah Palin. Moreso than John McCain.
Especially after she was hit with a week of non stop attacks, and then to come out and give a jaw dropping speech at the RNC convention.
She scares the crap out of them.
Shes smart, shes got charisma, shes real and genuine, shes a fighter. With a record.
And yeah...she's damn attractive.
That last one can cut both ways. As a plus and a negative.
Dems don't worry about that with their female candidates as they all look like old shoes, which may make it easier for some women to vote for them.
But in Palins case, shes attractive and she isn't ashamed to show herself as what she is. A woman. Feminine.
Another thing that dem women don't like. Which is why they are the pantsuit party.
Femininity scares dem women. Threatens them. Since they aren't attractive they feel more..comfortable trying to be men than actually being women.
Palin's charisma is also something that scares the crap out of them. To see her bring out tons of people. Tons of them. To rival any crowd that Hillary came out with. To rival Barry as well.
To see her take all the shots and come back with dignity and poise and grace and STRENGTH....Is really really impressive.
And again...to a dem...scary as all SHITE!
She is the real deal.
And win or lose tomorrow...she is here to stay. And she will definitely be back. To which I say....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah baby.
If she, Jindal, Pawlenty, Romney are the future...all we have to do is minimize the damage within the next four years. (of which will still be extensive as if barry wins, I truly expect to see the first act of street terrorism, as we'll be so weakened due to a child like view of the world...mark me on that). More on that some other time.
But to Sarah? Glad your here! And if the McCain ship doesn't make it tomorrow....You load that gun for 2012. There's a dumb moose properly initialed B.O. full of B.S. that needs to be field dressed.