I know another feller....'Robo'.
He's a pal of my nemesis, 'countsy'.
I've criticized 'robo' as being something of a 'follower' of my nemesis 'countsy'.
Just kinda keeping his nose really close to the stank hole of the 'countsy', being that its easier to 'go with the flow' with your workmates rather than think for yourself and act accordingly. Why rock the boat, ya know?
I read somewhere (possibly 'countsys' blog) that 'robo' said something like he was actually leaning towards Ron Paul. Now I don't know what scares me more...
either its :
1) a desperate attempt to look like your a free thinker, willing to take ones lips off the pockmarked, cottage cheesed tuckus of 'countsy'...ORRRR
2) He really does like ron paul for whatever reason....either ignoring the stupidity of ron pauls isolationism, and blame America first attitude.
Also ignoring that he (paul) was highly touted by far FAR fringy RIGHT wing groups who like his isolationist rants and writings .
But! Lets give ole robo the benefit of the doubt. Lets say he WAS truly intrigued by Ron Paul's fascinating allure. His alpha male ruggedness! His UBER CHARAAAAAAAAAAAAAZMA!!
Lets say by now, ole Robo has schooled himself as to what a dork Ron Paul is. Who is Robo NOW going to vote for?
McCain or barry ?
Who is it Robo? I'm going to assume that you have had some time to do some research on the two of them. Any thing about McCain bother you? anything really EXXXTREEEEME about him?
How bout barry O? Anything EXXXXXTREEEEME about HIM?
Tell me robo. Pweeze oh pweeze! I'm really curious! Lay your cards on the table for all to see. With reasons why you are choosing who your choosing.
But ...there's always the chance that he can't hear me. Its hard when your head is either tucked firmly in ones own assy or in someone elses.
(or so I'm told...)