Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, when you've even lost 'obama-girl'....

'Obama Girl' now falling out of love


"First, Massachusetts turned on the president.

Now, the bikini-clad "Obama Girl" -- who famously cooed about her "crush" throughout the presidential campaign on YouTube videos -- admits the thrill is gone.

Amber Lee Ettinger -- the buxom sensation who lip-synched about her love for then-candidate Barack Obama -- said she wishes he spent his first year in office more focused on fixing the abysmal economy.

"I think he's doing an OK job," said Ettinger, whose original "Crush on Obama" video, first shown in 2007, has had more than 16.5 million views on YouTube.

Awww.... :(

AND NOW....for something completely different..

...yeah...thats about right.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

STATE OF THE UNION: One more thing I forgot to say...

The frustrating thing for me and for any one really wanting some sort of health care REFORM. Is that it IS possible to have it. All that is needed is :

1) Dems have to abandon the foolish notion that they have any idea of what they're doing.
2) Work with us grown ups that do know what we're doing.

If that happens, then obama can travel down the road that Bill Clinton traveled.
If not, then he can travel down the road that carter traveled.

My prediction:

Obama is a child...and he is hemmed in with other children (pelosi , reid, frank etc) .
Arrogant, immature and foolish.
He will not switch gears. Therefore willingly thrusting the country into a dangerous, dangerous hole. The only saving grace is that the adults can now have options to shut the children down and put them in the corner.

Tonights State of the Union...he just doesn't get it.

A week after the truly historic election in Massachusetts, Obama and the dems have been saying that they 'get it'. That the election last Tuesday wasn't a referendum on obama care, but instead that it was because the people didn't feel like obama was ...DOING ENOUGH to get it through???
REALLY? Are these people THAT stupid? Well....yes.
But this isn't about them being stupid..this is about them desperately wanting their insane philosophy to work. And they're willing , against all evidence that shows it DOESN'T work...they are willing to drive the country right into the ground.

Scott Browns election last Tuesday sent shock waves through the country and sent the politicians quivering. But now the thought is..that the public reaction in Mass, is due to obama not spending enough, and not jamming his health care through. EVEN THOUGH Scott Brown ran SPECIFICALLY on STOPPING obama care.

So...after the defeats in Virginia, New Jersey and the devastating defeat in Mass...what is the boy prez gonna say at the state of the union tonight?

Here's what I predict:

Look for him to come out and give lip service. In his very eloquent way (which seems to be his only real talent) to say that he "hears us".
His proposed 'spending freeze' that was unveiled the other day, will be touted tonight as evidence that he is NOW a fiscal conservative. A spending freeze that does absolutely NOTHING to curb our fiscal bleeding.
Look for other things to be brought out that are nothing more than dressing..WINDOW DRESSING to make it look to folks (specifically the independents that are flocking away from him in droves) like he is really working and taking steps to solve the countries economic death crawl.
This...should be insulting to every THINKING American. Because quite frankly...he and the dems think your a moron. This is designed to fool you into thinking that it means anything. Fool you into thinking that after a year of NON STOP irresponsible spending, that he is NOW the responsible leader with his fingers locked on the purse straps.

Uh huh...right.

The sad thing is, that this is and will move some people, cause quite frankly some people are truly stupid. I mean comon...people DID vote for him based on nothing more than oratory..and that's WHO this speech is designed for.
Now we'll see just how many are fooled.

On the upside: It will fail. Why? Because the policies..the policies that OBAMA and the dems are putting forth, don't work. They CAN'T work. And the evidence will be obvious.
As the policies that were put forth a year ago are now.....obvious. (remember..I was right. On ALL counts.)

All you or anyone else has to do a little research. And those that would be fooled tonight by empty eloquence, all you have to do is wake up for just a split second from your self imposed coma and take notice:
You see that pool of blood your sleeping in? That's from your self inflicted wound from a year ago.
Don't make the same mistake twice, fooled by the same flowery emptiness.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

jon stewart on obamas teleprompters..for a 6th grade class..

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Obama Speaks to a Sixth-Grade Classroom
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

GALLUP: Obama most polarizing president in history.


Obama most polarized first-year presidency:

"The 65 percentage-point gap between Democrats’ (88%) and Republicans’ (23%) average job approval ratings for Barack Obama is easily the largest for any president in his first year in office, greatly exceeding the prior high of 52 points for Bill Clinton."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I thought this was the "one". The "ONE" that would bring us all together and sing hand in hand the 'who'ville' song. He said the waters would part and tides would rise and blah blah blah!
Or...MAYBE he's just another arrogant, elitist, far left tax and spend your childrens future away type of politician.

Monday, January 25, 2010

HAPPY my good friend, 'countsy'.

You allll the hustle, and alllll the bustle of the past few months..I TOTALLY forgot to wish my heartiest of birthday wishes to the most devious and diabolical of my nemisisisi-sissies.
(well I got the last part right anyhow)..


I know I'm about a month late, But I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten you my favorite transsexual dwarf. And I hope you are quite well!!


Obama uses teleprompter to speak at a school with 6 graders.....

"A good solid B+...."

Sunday, January 24, 2010


(originally posted Saturday, May 02, 2009)


As I said, I had several discussions and arguments with Steve Hulett. Pretty much amounting to nothing more than me venting my displeasure with the wasting of funds.
There really was very little that could be done about it from a 'member' standpoint.

Frustrating? Sure! you bet...but it is what it is. You voice your two and a half bits and move onto other things in your life.
That frustration kicked up a notch when the industry was really starting to feel some of those pains. Many people were being laid off in pretty much all the studios. Disney, Dreamworks, Warner Brothers, etc. Many people were gravitating towards the television studios. Places like Philm Roman, Nickelodeon, Klasky Csupo, Cartoon Network, WB TV....These places were doing things and.. were hiring.
What irked me, is that the illustrious fearless leader of the union...a one Tom Sito...sent out a letter in the union newsletter (The "pegboard") slamming those who would work in Television. slamming those that are working in 'non union houses'. People that (like those in the union) have families and bills to pay and mortgages hanging overhead.
People with responsibilities.
Slamming them and besmirching them, saying that they are hurting the animation industry by doing so. Harming the industry and harming those in the industry by daring to go against the union grain and work in 'non union' houses.
In short...vilifying them.


"Of course. I mean after all numbskulls, they (non union shops) don't care about you. All they (non union shops) want to do is get cheap labor, send things over seas, lay you off at a moments notice. Take advantage of you! YOU NEED US ( the 'Union') to PROTECT YOU!"

Uh huh...yeah.

IT was no big surprise...(not to me anyway) to learn that Warner Brothers Feature Animation back in 2000 was ( guessed it) OUTSOURCING WORK.
To Canada (and other places if I'm not mistaken. But definitely Canada). Animation, Clean-up, Inbetween, you name it.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA! Handel...Isn't Warner Brothers a Feature Film studio? That would make it a UNION SHOP, right?"

Yuuuuuuuuuup. That would make it a union shop. The very same Union that REQUIRES you to join the Union in order for you to work at feature film studios like Warner Brothers. Cuz after all, You need to be UNION so that they can protect you! After don't want things to be like the NON UNION houses (like Television) where your jobs are shipped somewhere else do you?

Here's the real kicker though. Who do you think was the animation Director on the Warner Brothers release ('osmosis jones') at that time ?


How do ya like them cranapples?

The very same Tom Sito that chastised people for working in non union houses. Slammed those who would dare work in television.
He was working as an ANIMATION DIRECTOR at a UNION SHOP, on a film that was indeed OUTSOURCING animation gigs. To Canada.
Now...wouldn't you think that that might warrant some sort of dialogue around the round table at the union offices about possible conflicts of interest..or maybe how doing so would in essence make him (Sito) the epitome of the 'ultimate hypocrite'?
How utterly ridiculous this would make him and the precious Union look?

Now, I know that there was some blow back on this. ( I know I put my two bits in).
There was a response from him saying that its out of his control. He's just an employee at the studio.. and people have to work and so does he...(or some such nonsense).

Mind you...its not so much nonsense, because that's what everyone who were clamoring for the non union gigs when features hit the skids...that's what THEY were saying.
But to hear Tom Sito (union prez) say something even remotely close to that, especially after bashing those that were working in TV for doing so....
It seems to me, just out of sheer seems as though he should have stepped aside and said (and said loudly), that I can NOT accept this position as animation director for this long as you are following policies that are against what my hard fought beliefs are."

But again...that is only if you are a principled person.

I worked in Union feature houses, and I worked in non union television houses..and then I went back to features again. I, like most people in animation can speak about both working conditions.

when I went back to features, I worked at Sony Imageworks. Mind you...things were really bad in animation. And everyone knew it. That obviously included the studios.
It was a buyers market baby...and boy were they picking the fruits!!

Rampant exploitation. The studios were making people work longer hours with no overtime.
Coming right out and saying that if you didn't do what they (the studio) wanted and how they wanted it done...sayonara baby.

Steve Hulett, who is and has been the Union business of his duties (apparently) is to walk the halls of the studios, and say...""So..hows everything going?""

I saw him quite abit, and spoke to him (as many others did, no doubt) about what was happening at Sony.
His response was this...""Well..You could fill out a form..File a complaint...""
When asked about protection from being fired if we did so...He said:""Well..that is always the risk""

I asked : So what happens after a report is filled?

Hulett: ""We would call them and speak to them about it, bother them...."
ME: "that's it?"
Hulett: ""Well..that's about it, there's really not that much we could do at this point. The industry is really hurting. Buyers market...""

So...That's that.

Again...You are told that you are REQUIRED to join the union. For protection against the BIG BAD STUDIOS. But what it comes down that there really is not alot that the union can do.
Other than bitch and whine about the non union houses that still hasn't bowed and kissed the union ring. Its not so much about 'protecting you' the worker. It is very much about getting more people signed in.
Getting more studios signed into the union and therefore EVERYONE IN THAT STUDIO (like it or not) forced to be in the union.


The more people signed...the more union dues that are collected. The more money taken away from you. The union stays fat and happy (see picture above).

Its a bizness folks! The Union is a bizness. Based on extortion.
Its Jesse Jackson without the black, and without the rhymes.

Now...while the union is yelling at the people who are working in non union houses ( Being scolded for doing so, by a union president who is himself - working at a FEATURE studio as an animation director....WHO IS OUTSOURCING WORK TO CANADA)
While all of that is happening...those people who have worked at both Union and non union shops find out some very interesting tidbits.

I can safely say that the most fun I've had was working in development at a feature house. The second MOST FUN I've had has been in NON UNION shops.
I have been more poorly treated at 'Union shops' then I have at non union shops. There is pretty much absolutely no difference in security. You can be laid off just as easily and just as quickly at a union shop as a non union shop.
You can also stay just as long at a non union shop as you could a union shop.
It all depends on what is happening at either place, really.

So lets look at it this way.

The union tells you its BETTER to be in the union than out of the union. But is it?

**There is no more security being IN the union than that of NON union.
**You can be taken advantage just as easily at a UNION shop as you could a NON union shop.
**The union says that the non union shops send stuff overseas will ( AND DO) the union shops. By the UNION PRESIDENT himself!
** There's not much a Union can do (they're own words) if the studio starts to rip you off. The only difference is that the union is forcing you to pay them (the Union) so that they can tell you that!
At least with a non union shop, you are KEEPING that money.

I have, since that time, worked at non union shops exclusively. And I can tell you, that like any entertainment have ups and downs. But in the downs...there are the feelings of more control over things. Mainly because the jobs are more abundant, so that there is SOMETHING to always grab onto. Something to do.

A great deal of the reason that there are, is that the union is not there...screwing things up!
Unions can be a cancer. Not always..but often, they are. They can make things so difficult that they would rather people be out of work than compromise on an issue.
They would argue that, and argue that with vigor and passion no doubt!
But lets look at some examples.

Michigan: A bastion of Union activism...Michigan is in the toilet.
Most places that have a union at the helm are in the toilet.

Teachers Unions are killing American education. making it difficult to impossible to get rid of terrible teachers, and dumbing down our education to cover up for their incompetence.

The entertainment areas: When the writers strike hit, it affected TONS of other people in the industry. Besides the writers. So many people were hit and hit hard. People such as those that work as camera people, set builders, craftsmen, designers, etc etc. All because the union wanted to hold firm on a point.
People were hurt. People with families . And the union didn't give a damn.

There are so many examples of union caca..its not even funny. you see...Its not about teaching our kids. Its not about protecting the worker.

It is about acquiring power. And keeping it.

It's politics.
It means dragging money out of you or you don't work. It means pushing candidates that meet the unions political needs, To benefit the union--not the workers.

Baby aren't even in the equation. BUT your invited to the meeting.
Have a slice of pizza (after paid for it) and a beer, and shut the hell up.

The places with worker unions are in desperate desperate times. Across the country.
The ones that aren't shackled to the unions..... are doing better. Growing.
People are working, and people are thriving.

The people/workers as WELL as the businesses!
While the Places with Unions and the people forced to work under them are NOT.

Now tell me...isn't it time someone asks........."why"?


(ground properly scorched? Yes? moving on then..)


(originally posted Sunday, April 19, 2009)


Its been a long time since I've had an "animation industry" post. I've been so busy with the politics of present I've literally had TOO much to comment on and too little time to do it. It's proven hard to keep up with the incompetence of the boy wonder obama, that I just have not been able to carve out the needed time to post an 'industry' post.
So being that I haven't had an industry post in quite a while, I thought I'd comment on this little nugget from the past.

"The Union"

Specifically the animation guild, Local 839. First let me preface my comment on this possible two part post, by saying that I am not anti union. Not at all.
In its most ideal form, the union is a beeeeeeeeeee-autiful thing. The organization that looks out for the little guy. Fights for the oppressed worker! Attempts to level the playing field! Dons its armor, shield and sword to do battle with the mean, big, old animation studios!!

Our hero's.

But in the real world....when you are confronted with the realization the the Disney studios is not the magical place where you could walk in off the street and see employees playing in a makeshift 'fireman' jazz band, or where everyone walks around whistling zipadee doo da out of there nether crevasses....You also come to realize that the union a nutshell...a racket.

Now, are there are good things about the union?
Of course.
But one thing I found out early was the union is only as powerful or as effective as the times that they are in.
Back when I was starting in the animation world, it was BOOM TIME! Every one was working! Every one was having fantastic times! We was rollin' baby!
The union touted success after success. And some of it rightly so! It was a form of 'sellers market' in animation. I remember being really stoked to have this union. I thought "Man! They are really REALLY on top of this stuff!" I remember really being glad that Tom Sito was at the helm.
But, looking back..that had more to do with the times and less to do with the union or with Tom.

Now let me say..I'm not anti Tom Sito. Far from it! I think Tom is an amiable feller. With a twinkle in his eye, a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly..yeah...sure! He was indeed chubby and plump. A right jolly old elf! >:)

If you ever want to have a drink with him and get some useful information about how many toes bugs almost had or if Walt had a freckle on his left testicle that had to be removed, (you know, real important stuff like that), then you couldn't ask for a better person to hang with.
But as the union head honcho back then...he was just another bureaucrat. Another pol. Ironically, another "head honcho" of the sort that he no doubt disliked from the big old nasty studios.
Only HIS cause was a moral one, cuz he fought for the common man, don'tcha know?
To be fair, he is a nice guy. But you really have to (like all politicians) keep in mind that he's in it for Tom, and once you have it in mind that he really doesn't give a rats assy about individuals in the industry, then your in good company with him.

NOW... let me lay some ground work for ya. To work in the industry..for feature films...You had to BE in the union. Required.
You want to work, you have to join. No work.
With that..that means you pay fees. Or as they dress them up.....'dues'.
These "fees/dues" are usually spent on political causes or political candidates ...usually leftist democrats. Not due to any evidence that they (the democrat candidates and causes) ACTUALLY HELP business or workers, but just because they say they do. And because Tom and Steve Hulett are in fact democrats.
Now they would say (and have said to me) : "well you do have a say in where your money (dues) go to."
But being that many in the entertainment field pretty much have the same insipid mindset as Tom and Steve...any 'say ' is pretty much voided out.
My beef is that if I DON'T want my money going to people or causes that I FEEL harm our industry BASED ON FACTS and the RECORDS of those individuals....I should have the option of 'opting out'.
Now I've had several run ins with Steve Hulett where I stated JUST THAT. After a long lengthy argument, he finally said: "well you do have an opt out. You don't have to be in the union".
Which led me to ask "oh so I don't have to be in the union, but I can still work in studio".
Heulett : "no...."

So basically...If one wanted to work, you have to be in the union and you have to pay dues and you have no say as to how those dues are (foolishly) spent. (can anyone say extortion?)
I had a few talks with Hulett . Especially was when the animation industry was starting to go into its crash. I was adamantly against spending any more money on political candidates due to their histories and stances that was causing more and more work to be sent overseas. Not just in the animation world but across the board in the entertainment fields.
The candidates and stances were all leftists, by all democrats...and the union was endorsing them. With OUR money. With plans to keep doing so.
Yeah..that got me cranky and I said so.

I mention Steve Hulett. Who is himself a nice guy. But like Sito, a racketeer (in my humble opinion). A recruiter for the cause.
When I was a starry eyed CAl-Arts student, I remember Steve Hulett coming in and giving us a talk in the life drawing room. I remember thinkin, '"ooo makes sense!" And really..much of it did make sense. The studios are bastards that will take advantage of you in any way possible!
But... what he neglected to say- was that the union were bastards too, that will take advantage of you as well. Also that they (unions) CAN be a force that can make things EXTREMELY bad for workers and cause mass unemployment due to being totally unreasonable.
But see...that's stuff that doesn't play well when they're trying to depict themselves as the ones wearing the white hats.
End part one

Coming up...part two "WHITE HATTED BLACK BARTS"


"Sito and Hulett: Hypocrites running the asylum"

.....Yeah, It gets better....

While you hurry up and wait...

While I work on my 'facebook' post, I'll be reposting a two part post I had on the animation UNION.
I was over at their blog a day or so ago (as many of you already know)..we had a lovly little tussle! It made me remember the entry I had on Steve Hulett and Tom Sito..So I'll throw that up tonight.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obamafinancial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey. as anti-business and question his ability to manage a

The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.

The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.

“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York. Young cited Obama’s efforts to trim bonuses and earnings, make health care his top priority over jobs and plans to tax “the rich or advantaged.”

Carlos Vadillo, a fixed-income analyst at Wells Fargo Securities LLC in San Francisco, said Obama has been in a “constant war” with the banking system, using “fat-cat bankers and other misnomers to describe a business model which supports a large portion of America.”

Wait a sec...I thought HE was the smart one?
Again..for the record let me just say...."I told you so."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just a cap off ....

....of this glorious glorious week!

57% of adults — adults, not registered or likely voters — give Obama poor marks for his first year in office:

Rassmussen :
(61%) of U.S. voters say Congress should drop health care reform and focus on more immediate ways to improve the economy and create jobs.

-Dems lose Massachusetts 'teddy seat' to Republican Scott Brown. By a margin that made it impossible for dems to cheat their way out of it.
- Lose 60 vote filibuster.
- Death of obamacare in current fashion.
- Death to cap and trade.

-...And as of the other day, Supreme court strike down of idiotic campaign finance provision...well!!! That just made for just one fab FAB FAB week.

Facebook politix coming.

Air America......D..E..A..D A..I..R .

WELL WELL...It looks as if my week is turning into the best week EVAH!!

Air America more. :

""The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Charlie Kireker, one of Air America’s principal owners and its chairman, said in a memo to employees Thursday that the company was done in by “a perfect storm” of plunging ad revenues, intense competition, high debt and poor prospects for new financing. A search for new investors, he said, has been fruitless. The company declined further comment.""

Now while a part of me is in a sort of gloat mode, A part of me wishes that they hadn't gone under. Why? Because the more things out there the better. The better for people being employed!
The problem "air america" has is the same problem that the liberal mindset had in Massachusetts and really across the country. And that is a revulsion to that liberal mindset. A revulsion to liberal philosophy. To liberal 'values' across the board !
In short "Air America" failed for the same reason liberal philosophy fails.....It just plain sucks.

Union votes for Brown! Well..the MEMBERS do anyway !


By: Michael Whitney Friday January 22, 2010 11:34 am

""A post-election poll by the AFL-CIO shows that more Massachusetts union members voted for Republican Scott Brown than Democrat Martha Coakley in what the labor federation dubs a “working class revolt.” Union voters, concluded the AFL-CIO, are dissatisfied at the slow pace of change and perceive Obama and Congress as doing too little to help the middle class.

Republican Scott Brown’s victory in the Massachusetts Senate race was lifted by strong support from union households, in a sign of trouble for President Barack Obama and Democrats who are counting on union support in the 2010 midterm elections.

A poll conducted on behalf of the AFL-CIO found that 49% of Massachusetts union households supported Mr. Brown in Tuesday’s voting, while 46% supported Democrat Martha Coakley. The poll conducted by Hart Research Associates surveyed 810 voters.""


Thursday, January 21, 2010

A caveat....

When I say in my last post:

"RIP OBAMACARE"....That assumes that democrats are wise and finally hear what the people are saying.

Thats a big "IF". Democrats are anything but wise. If they find someway to cram it through..which is doubtful, But if they do....Look out. Thats when you'll see a huge uprising of disgust and anger.
The dummies find themselves in a very very tuff spot.

And ole' Handel is a'luvin it.

Comin soon..."The politix of FACEBOOK."

obama...exactly one year in. we be. One year in. Lets take a looksie at where we 'the people' are.
It was just one year to the day that obama, (also known as "the one", "the Messiah", or "the black JFK")...stood and took his oath of office. Inauguration day.
Throngs were present to welcome in the new president. The one that they placed all their hopes on. Enchanted by the message of "hope". Beguiled by the notion of "change". Hypnotized by the phrase "yes we can".
Enchanted and Giddy at their own obvious sophistication of voting for the 'first black president'....

One problem.

None..NONE of those things mean a damn thing.
Because when you come down to it, They are nothing more than slogans, and being black doesn't mean ones escapes being an incompetent. (just ask jesse!)
In short...people voted for a nothing BASED on NOTHING.
Thus is the danger of voting with little more than emotion and absolutely no intellect.

But lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. Lets look back at the year that was, shall we?
Here are just a few tidbits:

-In Feb 2009, Obama and the dems passed an 800 BILLION "stimulus" bill. NO republicans supported it and voted against it.
The dems said that "It MUST be passed. It will stave off unemployment at 8%!! To NOT pass it would be a catastrophe"
The republicans said that 'the bill is NOT a stimulus, and that there is nothing in it to stimulate the economy. In fact that it was so pork laden that it would have the opposite effect'.

The result: (of course) a 800 billion pork bill loaded with massive spending resulting in a spike of unemployment to 10.2%
The dems now claim that it "worked". (wow..)

- A dangerous childlike view of the world that was insistent in coddling up to evil, to the extent of throwing out (in a very public way) the term "terrorist", "terrorism", and "war on terror" and replacing them with "suspected terrorist", and "man made disaster" in a misguided want to make nicey nice with them.
Therefore emboldening terrorists and despots like Chavez and Irans Ahmadinejad, and North Korea's Kim Jong-il, and Russia's Putin. Sending a clear signal to them that we are not to be taken seriously.
The result: Iran, and North Korea are rapidly progressing to having nuclear weapons and Putin and China's power is growing...while we are shrinking.

- Many supported the prez idea in the campaign that terrorists ( sorry..I mean "suspected terrorists") be given all the rights of a U.S citizen in U.S. courts..
The result?: A total collapse of interrogation, replaced by political correctness and a fear by our intelligence that they will be brought up on charges if they do any thing at all.
IN FACT...Due to our safeguards being totally lowered (or rather, non existent) A terrorist that should have been detected was allowed onto a flight and was close to detonating a bomb. The only thing that stopped the plane from exploding in mid air was the bombers incompetence. That's it.
Upon being taken into custody, the bomber was talking freely and giving information....until someone said "he needs a lawyer". Upon getting a lawyer...he stopped talking.
Robo? Isn't this what you and I were arguing about? Our NEW brilliant policy now is that we now have to give them Miranda rights. Congratulations on this absolutely brilliant concept.
Other tidbits of obama brilliance:

- KSM to be tried in US courts, giving Al Qaeda a huge propaganda platform, and also a very real possibility of getting off due to technicalities.
- Charges dropped against the USS Cole bomber.
- obama waits three months to make a decision to listen to his Generals and send needed troops.
- takeover of auto companies
- The democrats and the AIG bonuses.
- The ACORN Scandals
- The never ending stream of Extremists appointments like Van Jones and Cass R. Sunstein, Carol Browner and Anita Dunn (to name a few).
- A health care bill that no one wants due it bankrupting the country.
- A crippling deficit that continues to mount due to irresponsible spending and giveaways.
- An over reaching cram down of his idiotic policies by dem congress that the people DON'T want.
- The bribing of congress members, and back room deals with special interests.
- The closed door dealings with dem members when "TRANSPARENCY" was promised.

SO!! What and where does this leave us? Whats the result of these many many missteps and foul ups?

A drop for his poll numbers quicker than any other president in history. Across the board for him AND HIS POLICIES. (Health care, Economy, Terrorism, foreign policy, Etc Etc Etc!)
Dragging not only Him down but also the other democrats. Spurring on a rush of democrat resignations and leading him to go and stump for democrats like Corzine (jersy) Deeds (Virginia).....who ended up LOSING their seats to republicans. By no small margins.

Bringing us to last Tuesday..

The democrats went into utter chaos when it found itself in an actual horse race of a special election. Finding itself in danger of losing their filibuster proof 60 votes in the senate which enabled them to cram down 'obama care' and the rest of their agenda . UNCONTESTED.
HERE'S the yummy part.
The seat in question is none other than the seat that was held for many a year by .....TED KENNEDY.


Kennedy..The very guy who said that universal health care was his 'lifelong bottle'(woops I mean 'battle') , his 'life cause'!
A 'life cause' Now in jeopardy of being torpedoed by the loss of the seat...TO A REPUBLICAN!!

The very notion was silly to lefty commentators, and laughed at roundly. But it got soo close that obama himself was sent to stump for the dem candidate.
So surely that would put her over the top...right?
Or would it be the same embarrassing (and losing) outcome of his stumping for the dem candidates in Jersey and Virginia?

Meet the NEW Senator from Massachusetts: Republican Scott Brown.
RIP: 'Obama-care', 'Cap and Trade', etc.
"Teddy's seat" was lost. "Camelot" officially dead. And a 'blue state' went...BROWN. By five points!!

I said..on Inauguration day, January 20,2009-- one year to the day:

""Hold onto your hats folks! It's going to be a bumpy ride!! A wonderful, glorious bumpy ride...
Its astonishing how idiotic things have gotten. Now don't get me wrong. I say this with a big ole smile on my face. What we have here is..
After you strip away the branding.
After you take away the bling bling..
After you take away the facade...
After the illusion....

What you have is...Jimmy Carter.
Its my hope that obama would turn away from some of his silliness. Turn away from his carter influences..and would do great things.
Yet I doubt that he will. Dems are notorious for doing the same dumb things over and over and over again. My hope is that the country wont bleed itself too much due to this self inflicted wound.

As for me...I almost feel a little bad for obama. He has been put on such a pedestal, (partially of his own doing), that when the crash happens...which it almost certainly will (cuz no man can be ALL things to all men)...
The crash will be.....SPECTACULAR.""

To all who voted for obama...To all who I fought and did battle with..
(Countsy? Robo?)
You may now bow to my brilliance. And you know what?
We're not even to the truly 'spectacular' part yet. But the loss of Massachusetts at the very end of his first year WAS pretty sweet.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hey...'Countsy'?.. 'Robo'? ..'Scrblles' ?......


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Quinnipiac Poll:

Obama OVERALL Approval :-------45%
Approval on Healthcare:------------ 35%

By a 47 – 40 percent margin, independent voters rate Obama’s first year in office as mainly a failure;

Obama approval -------46%

approval on Economy :-41%

Appoval on Healthcare:-36%
Dissaproval :--------------54%

Do you hear that large sucking sound? That would be obama.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jack Cafferty on pelosi: "what a horrible woman."

Cafferty on pelosi's massive coppenhagen spending.
It's so juicy. But really...I kinda think that he's also pissed that he looks like such a jackass for thinking a democratic takeover of washington has proven to be what it is...A disaster. An appalling disaster.


Time for some polls kids!


Approve: 47%
Disapprove: 48%

"Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday say Obama’s presidency has been a failure so far, with 47 percent saying Obama has been a success. The poll’s January 12 release comes just 8 days before Obama marks one year in the White House."

  • Economy – 44/54, his biggest deficit of the year
  • Terrorism – 50/49, down a bit from 52/45 in August and not asked in October
  • Health care – 40/59, by far the worst showing of his presidency
  • Taxes – 44/53, down from 49/50 in October and 52/43 in September
  • Federal budget deficit – 36/62

Unemployment: 45/54


And here's the kicker...we're not even to the bottom yet.

Friday, January 08, 2010

By The Numbers......So suck it!


In 2003, Over 87,000 Jobs Were Created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

  • But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Criticized 2003 Job Creation As “Far From Enough.” “The slight increase in jobs last month is wonderful news for 57,000 Americans. But the 2.1 million Americans who have been actively looking for work for more than two years … know that it is far from enough …” (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “Pelosi: ‘Slight Jobs Increase Far From Enough -- We Must Do More to Create Jobs and Growth,’” Press Release, 10/3/03)

In 2004, Over 2 Million Jobs Were Created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

  • But In 2004, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) Claimed Bush “Created A Climate … Where The Number of Jobs Is Not Growing.” “This President has created a climate in this country where the number of jobs is not growing. It did not have to be that way.” (Sen. Dick Durbin, Congressional Record, 10/08/04, p. S10764)

In 2005, Over 2.5 Million Jobs Were Created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

  • But Pelosi Called 2005 Job Creation Numbers “Anemic.” “Today’s anemic jobs numbers confirm that President Bush has still failed to create a single new private-sector job since he became President.” (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “Pelosi: ‘Today’s Anemic Jobs Numbers Confirm the Administration Has Failed to Create a Single New Private-Sector Job,’” Press Release, 6/3/05)

In 2006, Over 2.1 Million Jobs Were Created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

  • But Pelosi Claimed Bush Policies “Favored The Privileged Few At The Expense Of America’s Working Families.” (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “Democrats Will Restore the Economic Security of America’s Working Families,” Press Release, 9/22/06)

By 2007, 5.7 Million Jobs Had Been Created Under Bush. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

  • But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Claimed Bush Had “Shameful History Of Losing American Jobs.” (Sen. Harry Reid, “Reid: As Unemployment Reaches Two-year High, American Jobs Are The Latest Casualty Of Bush’s Failed Economic Policies,” Press Release, 1/4/08)


In February, Obama Signed $787 Billion Stimulus Bill, Claiming It Would “Fix The Economy.” “President Obama on Tuesday signed the $787 billion stimulus package ... ‘We have begun the essential work of keeping the American dream alive in our time,’ Obama said, calling the legislation ‘the beginning of the end’ of what needed to be done to fix the economy.” (Michael A. Fletcher, “Obama Leaves D.C. To Sign Stimulus Bill,” The Washington Post, 2/18/09)

And Obama Pledged That Stimulus Would Create 3.5 Million Jobs By End Of 2010. “[W]hat makes this recovery plan so important is not just that it will create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years ...” (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)


2.8 MILLION Jobs Lost Since Obama’s Signed His $787 Billion Stimulus In February 2009. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 12/10/09)

  • Including 85,000 More Jobs Lost Last Month. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/8/09)

In Addition To 3.5 MILLION Jobs Obama Promised Would Be Created By His $787 Billion Stimulus By December 2010. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)

That Equals 6.3 MILLION Jobs Dems Need To Create This Year Alone To Declare Economic Success, A Level Of Job Growth That Has Never Been Achieved in American History. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 1/6/10)

CSPANS Brian Lamb.

Brian Lamb, on obamas cspan lies.
Are we really shocked.

I mean really?

Cafferty getting snippy about obamas 'cspan' lies.

Folks...when leftist nutter butters like cafferty are upset by just gotta throw your hands up in the air....