Well.....here we be. One year in. Lets take a looksie at where we 'the people' are.
It was just one year to the day that obama, (also known as "the one", "the Messiah", or "the black JFK")...stood and took his oath of office. Inauguration day.
Throngs were present to welcome in the new president. The one that they placed all their hopes on. Enchanted by the message of "hope". Beguiled by the notion of "change". Hypnotized by the phrase "yes we can".
Enchanted and Giddy at their own obvious sophistication of voting for the 'first black president'....
One problem.
None..NONE of those things mean a damn thing.
Because when you come down to it, They are nothing more than slogans, and being black doesn't mean ones escapes being an incompetent. (just ask jesse!)
In short...people voted for a nothing BASED on NOTHING.
Thus is the danger of voting with little more than emotion and absolutely no intellect.
But lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. Lets look back at the year that was, shall we?
Here are just a few tidbits:
-In Feb 2009, Obama and the dems passed an 800 BILLION "stimulus" bill. NO republicans supported it and voted against it.
The dems said that "It MUST be passed. It will stave off unemployment at 8%!! To NOT pass it would be a catastrophe"
The republicans said that 'the bill is NOT a stimulus, and that there is nothing in it to stimulate the economy. In fact that it was so pork laden that it would have the opposite effect'.
The result: (of course) a 800 billion pork bill loaded with massive spending resulting in a spike of unemployment to 10.2%
The dems now claim that it "worked". (wow..)
- A dangerous childlike view of the world that was insistent in coddling up to evil, to the extent of throwing out (in a very public way) the term "terrorist", "terrorism", and "war on terror" and replacing them with "suspected terrorist", and "man made disaster" in a misguided want to make nicey nice with them.
Therefore emboldening terrorists and despots like Chavez and Irans Ahmadinejad, and North Korea's Kim Jong-il, and Russia's Putin. Sending a clear signal to them that we are not to be taken seriously.
The result: Iran, and North Korea are rapidly progressing to having nuclear weapons and Putin and China's power is growing...while we are shrinking.
- Many supported the prez idea in the campaign that terrorists ( sorry..I mean "suspected terrorists") be given all the rights of a U.S citizen in U.S. courts..
The result?: A total collapse of interrogation, replaced by political correctness and a fear by our intelligence that they will be brought up on charges if they do any thing at all.
IN FACT...Due to our safeguards being totally lowered (or rather, non existent) A terrorist that should have been detected was allowed onto a flight and was close to detonating a bomb. The only thing that stopped the plane from exploding in mid air was the bombers incompetence. That's it.
Upon being taken into custody, the bomber was talking freely and giving information....until someone said "he needs a lawyer". Upon getting a lawyer...he stopped talking.
Robo? Isn't this what you and I were arguing about? Our NEW brilliant policy now is that we now have to give them Miranda rights. Congratulations on this absolutely brilliant concept.
Other tidbits of obama brilliance:
- KSM to be tried in US courts, giving Al Qaeda a huge propaganda platform, and also a very real possibility of getting off due to technicalities.
- Charges dropped against the USS Cole bomber.
- obama waits three months to make a decision to listen to his Generals and send needed troops.
- takeover of auto companies
- The democrats and the AIG bonuses.
- The ACORN Scandals
- The never ending stream of Extremists appointments like Van Jones and Cass R. Sunstein, Carol Browner and Anita Dunn (to name a few).
- A health care bill that no one wants due it bankrupting the country.
- A crippling deficit that continues to mount due to irresponsible spending and giveaways.
- An over reaching cram down of his idiotic policies by dem congress that the people DON'T want.
- The bribing of congress members, and back room deals with special interests.
- The closed door dealings with dem members when "TRANSPARENCY" was promised.
SO!! What and where does this leave us? Whats the result of these many many missteps and foul ups?
A drop for his poll numbers quicker than any other president in history. Across the board for him AND HIS POLICIES. (Health care, Economy, Terrorism, foreign policy, Etc Etc Etc!)
Dragging not only Him down but also the other democrats. Spurring on a rush of democrat resignations and leading him to go and stump for democrats like Corzine (jersy) Deeds (Virginia).....who ended up LOSING their seats to republicans. By no small margins.
Bringing us to last Tuesday..
The democrats went into utter chaos when it found itself in an actual horse race of a special election. Finding itself in danger of losing their filibuster proof 60 votes in the senate which enabled them to cram down 'obama care' and the rest of their agenda . UNCONTESTED.
HERE'S the yummy part.
The seat in question is none other than the seat that was held for many a year by .....TED KENNEDY.
Kennedy..The very guy who said that universal health care was his 'lifelong bottle'(woops I mean 'battle') , his 'life cause'!
A 'life cause' Now in jeopardy of being torpedoed by the loss of the seat...TO A REPUBLICAN!!
The very notion was silly to lefty commentators, and laughed at roundly. But it got soo close that obama himself was sent to stump for the dem candidate.
So surely that would put her over the top...right?
Or would it be the same embarrassing (and losing) outcome of his stumping for the dem candidates in Jersey and Virginia?
Meet the NEW Senator from Massachusetts: Republican Scott Brown.
RIP: 'Obama-care', 'Cap and Trade', etc.
"Teddy's seat" was lost. "Camelot" officially dead. And a 'blue state' went...BROWN. By five points!!
I said..on Inauguration day, January 20,2009-- one year to the day:
""Hold onto your hats folks! It's going to be a bumpy ride!! A wonderful, glorious bumpy ride...
Its astonishing how idiotic things have gotten. Now don't get me wrong. I say this with a big ole smile on my face. What we have here is..
After you strip away the branding.
After you take away the bling bling..
After you take away the facade...
After the illusion....
What you have is...Jimmy Carter.
Its my hope that obama would turn away from some of his silliness. Turn away from his carter influences..and would do great things.
Yet I doubt that he will. Dems are notorious for doing the same dumb things over and over and over again. My hope is that the country wont bleed itself too much due to this self inflicted wound.
As for me...I almost feel a little bad for obama. He has been put on such a pedestal, (partially of his own doing), that when the crash happens...which it almost certainly will (cuz no man can be ALL things to all men)...
The crash will be.....SPECTACULAR.""
To all who voted for obama...To all who I fought and did battle with..
(Countsy? Robo?)
You may now bow to my brilliance. And you know what?
We're not even to the truly 'spectacular' part yet. But the loss of Massachusetts at the very end of his first year WAS pretty sweet.