Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obamafinancial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey. as anti-business and question his ability to manage a

The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.

The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.

“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York. Young cited Obama’s efforts to trim bonuses and earnings, make health care his top priority over jobs and plans to tax “the rich or advantaged.”

Carlos Vadillo, a fixed-income analyst at Wells Fargo Securities LLC in San Francisco, said Obama has been in a “constant war” with the banking system, using “fat-cat bankers and other misnomers to describe a business model which supports a large portion of America.”

Wait a sec...I thought HE was the smart one?
Again..for the record let me just say...."I told you so."