Friday, January 22, 2010

Just a cap off ....

....of this glorious glorious week!

57% of adults — adults, not registered or likely voters — give Obama poor marks for his first year in office:

Rassmussen :
(61%) of U.S. voters say Congress should drop health care reform and focus on more immediate ways to improve the economy and create jobs.

-Dems lose Massachusetts 'teddy seat' to Republican Scott Brown. By a margin that made it impossible for dems to cheat their way out of it.
- Lose 60 vote filibuster.
- Death of obamacare in current fashion.
- Death to cap and trade.

-...And as of the other day, Supreme court strike down of idiotic campaign finance provision...well!!! That just made for just one fab FAB FAB week.

Facebook politix coming.