Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Buck up! All is not lost. Why you ask?....
I said from the beginning what would happen if obama won the election.
Less than a year into his presidency, I was able to say "I TOLD'JA SO",
I said that when it would happen (and it would happen quickly), the crash would be "spectacular".
I was correct...but with that let me say that the 'spectacular' part....has not yet occured. But we are getting very close to it. And it will absolutely demolish the dems. And with the jam down of obama care (which I also said would happen...THROUGH 'reconciliation')...... We're close to it.
So, with that...I can hear you asking yourself:
"where are we now oh great and powerful Handel!? The bill is passed, you magnificent bastard."
What will happen now? Well, now the fight continues towards November where this will be hammered down the throats of the dems.
All the while the taxes will start to come down on the public. Small biz will continue to struggle, and the recession will continue to drag on.
Once the elections happen and IF the Republicans take over even ONE chamber....we starve the bill.
If the republicans take over even ONE chamber, guess who holds the purse strings...congress. And if the Republicans take over a chamber...obama care gets halted.
And if/when obama loses reelection....the repeal will happen and we can get to the business of doing real reform.
Again..I hear you:
"Oh handsome piece of vile man-flesh, with a pooper so glorious, they should market hats that resemble it and sell it at Walmart....HOW have you been able to be soooooo damn accurate! In allllll that you've said???? "
Is it because i am a genius? Well, it doesn't hurt to be a genius..(which I am. What? you haven't heard my tunes?..philistine!!)
But it isn't that I'm 'super smert'. Its simply because none of the obama numbers add up. They are destined to fail. The same way obama was destined to fail if anyone looked at his resume or history of experience. He's a nothing. Built from nothing. A cover with no actual pages.
So that is how I have been able to be razor sharp on my predictions.
The only way...obama had a chance (ironically)... is if the same thing happened to him that happened to Clinton. If the republicans knocked him back a step. Causing him to shelve obamacare.
Now thats gone. Obama care is here...and while its here for just a small time (before being repealed) will still cause enourmous damage. Damage to every household across the country.
Why? Because you:
...........CAN'T SPEND MONEY......YOU DON'T HAVE!!
It's always been about common sense. All of which democrats and obama have never had.
And sadly the American electorate last November took leave of, and is now paying the price for.
But that can be changed......all of it changed.....
...............................starting THIS November!