Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ryan to confused dumbocrat: " I can tell you don't understand it accurately.

Paul Ryan DESTROYS three dumb democrats on healthcare debate.
This is what everyone should understand. Three democrats...totally confused about what bill they're arguing about! Who don't even know whats in THEIR own bill much less Paul Ryan's bill.
Now here we stand on the brink of passing a bill that will do enormous harm to our country and these dickweeds don't even know what their passing.

Rasmussen finds that "just 20% of voters think most members of Congress will understand what is in the plan before they vote."

They are absolutely correct. As is painfully evident.

When you watch this dumb woman democrat...hobble through, dazed and confused on what friggin bill shes trying to talk about...its frightening.
Ryans line "I can tell you don't understand it accurately." comes at the 3:32 mark.
He goes on to kick all three dems assy's all over the place.
