Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"patches throws a hissy....cuz he's a sissy.

Patrick "patches" kennedy..who will be leaving us (sob) soon..Tries to remain somewhat relevant by throwing a tantrum about the medias coverage of the "massa (D) scandals".
It's just kinda fun to watch such an obviously spoiled lil girl throw a fit like this.
You can almost picture him as a lil junior that didn't get a pony for his fifth birthday.

This is the type that you just want to beat up (comon, admit it!) and shove in a locker with some dirty sweaty underwear shoved in his mouth.

Whats even more that this is EXACTLY how I picture my old nemisis "countsy" to be and even in some ways look. When I see Patches kennedy..I see my "countsy".
"Weeehhhhh! waaaaaagh! WAAAAAAAGH!!"

Although I gotta say..."countsy", has been very quiet lately. Golly...I hope everything is alright. Can't imagine why he would be so quiet.
Maybe he's sad...And not just in an overall way, but in an emotional way.

"Countsy...hun..if your out there, and if your sad and you need a hug..I hope you'll change you're mind and have the audacity to come and get a hug from me. I do believe we can put our differences aside and come together in a sincere moment of unity.
Yes we can!