""Americans' Confidence in Congress at All-Time Low""
by Frank Newport
NJ -- The percentage of Americans with a "great deal" or "quite a lot"
of confidence in Congress is at 14%, the lowest in Gallup's history of
this measure -- and the lowest of any of the 16 institutions tested in
this year's Confidence in Institutions survey. It is also one of the
lowest confidence ratings for any institution tested over the last
three decades.""
WOW!! Just had to place this pose in. While the Bush administration is at a low as well, he is STILL higher in ratings than the nancy pelosi congress! By about 12 points!
nancy and the dems...America do hate you. Do NOT like what you stand for, and think your doing a lousy job. Even more so than they dislike of the Bush administration, which has largely to do with the war in Iraq, which will prove to turn out OK.
Poor dems...if America didn't hate them so, the only emotion that they would have for them would be pity.