Dearest Willifred,
Hello! I limped onto your site once again and saw that you had a June 17th post ("A sore for site heads"-or sumpin like that).
You said that " Handel hasn't said anything that you couldn't handle". I was glad to hear you say that. Although I couldn't help but to think that perhaps you enabling your comment moderation option was because of me. Made me think that by now, some hiney sniffing, know nothing, industry panty waist gave you a little warning about me.
IF that is indeed the case, let me assure you that I have nothing but the
highest of respect for you. You have always seemed like an amiable
bloke with a youthful energy and a love for the artform that is both sweet and admirable.
Who knows, Maybe you and I could have had a beer in the past at the local pub and swapped bluth
stories from yesteryear. Maybe, maybe not. But in either case...I think
your keen. And even when the inevitable time comes when you say
something stupid, (as we are all prone to do-some more than others,
right, robo?)....I will probably still like the cut of your jib..
Welcome to the blog woild.
PS: I hope you dont mind, but I could'nt find a pic of you that I liked. So I opted for something that brings out your spirit. Something that says ESSENCE OF "FINN".
I think that I have succeeded. Don't you agree?
Will's bloggy: