Saturday, June 17, 2006


But wonderful days for Conservatives, our incredible military and everyone else that loves this country and freedom in general.

For starters, last week (June 7th), the roach known as abu al zarqawi was was killed by our fantastic guys in uniform. AND on the same day, Iraq filled two critical positions in their government. You would think that EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, would be thrilled with this news. Well everyone but our sweet little radical lefties, also known as:...the demonrats.

As I sat there, reading the news via internet, and watching the incoming reports on TV, I could almost hear the shriveled little blackened olive pits that stand in for their hearts-----breaking.

You see this is bad news, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD NEWS for the nutty left. I am positive that the reaction that they were having as they read and watch the same reports of this incredible news, that their reaction would be the total opposite of MY reaction. And I made bets with myself on what I would see.

And sure enough...My assumption was spot on. OOOOO the sorrowful faces that I saw at the death of this terrorist. Even as they stood before the microphone to say what good news this was. And then turn and try to downplay the meaning of this achievement.

Nutty 'san fran nancy pelosi'....democratic 'leader', (AHEM)...came out and said, “I salute the troops...." And then went on to talk about social security!

THAT WAS IT! …." I salute the troops...”.

SURE you do.

Glum faces all on the political hard left. I found myself actually looking for black armbands on them to mourn the loss of zarqawi.

But why? Why this reaction?

Were these NOT fantastic achievements? Is this not great news? Isn’t this good for ALL? To stomp out this roach and take in a treasure trove of intelligence and have the Iraqi government fill TWO key positions in there cabinet. Isn’t that a good thing? Well obviously, yes. Yes it is.

So why all the gloomy faces from the demonrats?
Well. ANY good news is bad news for them. Because they depend on sadness. They depend on tragedy. They depend on bad things happening to give them SOME sort of traction. EVEN if that is at the expense of the country. They don’t want zarqawi dead. Because He HELPS them. As long as he keeps those beheadings a’ coming, then they can point and shriek about "quagmires" and "
Vietnam". He (zarqawi) is, in ally for the crazy liberals.

With the number three terrorist taken out, a person who is responsible for THOUSANDS of deaths..(THOUSANDS!).He is a pawn no longer on the 'payroll' of the spineless ‘cut and run’ liberals.

And that is EXACTLY what they are...'cut and runners'. They want out of this war. They do not have a good track record with evil or dealing with evil. Wrong over and over and over again. History is a good indicator of the liberal heart (and spine) when faced with true evil. And one of the reasons they are always wrong, is that they view THIS country to be as evil as or more evil than say....nazism/facism, communism, and now radical Islamism in the form of the Taliban and al-qaida.

Such brave folks. And why not? Its safer to take a stand against a government that WON’T slit your throat and hold your severed head up to a video camera, and then post it on the internet. Brave indeed.

So a bad day for our little pets known as the loopy lefties...The cut and runners. To them, a better world is one with Saddam Hussein still ruling, the rape and torture rooms still in effect and heavily in use. zarqawi still alive and beheading innocents. And the U.S. trying to coddle osama bin laden, to try and "understand why he hates soooo ve-wee much!"

The "cut and run" label is a perfect term for the demonrats. Because they've never met an evil that they aren’t willing to deal with in their own interesting way....To hang their heads, tuck their tail firmly between their legs and skulk away with a whimper.

The modern democrat.

PS: So long zarqawi! Hope you took some marshmallows so your hiney isn’t the only thing roasting.