Friday, July 31, 2009

Ok..I'm bored of obama...

....for the time being.

There's only so much writing about incompetence and poser'ish behavior that I can stand.


I thought i'd switch up and over the weekend write a post on my favorite topic.

Still in the spirit (no pun) of COMIC CON.

So be on the lookout for that. Should be fun.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Urkel obama...

As our lil Urkel obama continues to fumble around and damage our country more and more with each passing day...heres some recent food for thought...

*"Cash for clunkers" program is out of money. AFTER ONE WEEK! Govt is scrambling to figure out a way to keep it going. Hmmmm where's the money gonna come from?
Beats the heck outta me.
*jobless claims rose again last week by 25,000 as more that 584,000 Americans applied for unemployment benefits for the first time.

But hey..Need a confidence booster in our lil man tate prez? How bout another pic of obama in a grocery store?!

Now I ask you...How many good, self respecting produce sections sell douches next to the granny apples and tangerines?


Our man-cub president trying at least get a cheap photo op out of a huge screw up.
But all I see is an image that just makes you shake your head in a "jeeeez! what a laughable pathetic sight" type of way.
I mean I laughed for a good three minutes at this!

Well when Zogby has you at 48%
Rassmussen at 48%
Gallup at 50%
Pew 52% ( dropping)
Wall street journal/ nbc 52% (And dropping FAST)

..I guess I'd drink a few beers too.

Drink up webster prez! Tomorrow is another day...(of stumbling and fumbling).

I look forward to it.




Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Soldier schools McCaskill/Obama...

Hmmm..A proud American...a Soldier.....And someone who knows more than both obama and McCaskill on the Constitution.

I wonder which way he votes?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama approvals plummet.

Rasmussen: 49% approve of obama.

Zogby : 48% approve of obama.

Hope and Change that I can believe in.
Stay tuned.......

Monday, July 27, 2009


Well another Comic Con has come and gone! The San Diego Comic Con is without a doubt the culture collision to end all culture collisions!
The combination of comics, games, movies, animation, toys, books, prints, original art and YOU NAME what makes comic con the event to plan ahead for a year in advance. I'm talking about the day you leave Comic Con, to make your reservations for for the next years comic con.
Cuz they sell out fast..that's for the event AND for hotels.

I love it. And while I just couldn't get to it this year...I will definitely make it next year. I"m posting that right damn now! Gonna happen.

Below is a RE-post from a few years back. About "Fans and Geeks" of the Comic-Con.

...And the Geek shall inherit the woild!! So it is let it BE DONE!




(originally posted in 2006)

When attending these types of things. You encounter a WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE variety of people. From the older 40-50 year old to the pre- teenager dressed up as their favorite "sailor moon" character. You also get to see a lot of the “hardcore” fan. You know the ones I’m talkin about. The ones that have their batman shirts on, or better yet, the ones that have their batman SUITS on!

You see so many different types of fans that you find yourself tending to roll your eyes as you pass them by. Upon going with some friends and fellow industry people, we were having a dinner after a fun day at the con. And as these things go, we were discussing the day, and the four that I was with were just hammering on allot of the people that we had seen during the day. Making fun of them in every way! One tends to get caught up in the discussion and I was no different while I laughed along with my group, I had been thinking about it the ENTIRE second day..And I just couldn’t seem to get it out of my mind

So the time that dinner rolled around once again,,(same place. sue us, we like sea food), There was even MORE conversation about the assorted people that we saw. I sat and listened as the jokes flew. This time I didn’t laugh.

I said to them:”.....But wait. Aren’t these people...US? I mean really?? The only difference is that THEY are just a little more honest about it? I mean crap! If only I could have enough courage to put on a killer batman outfit!! HA!"

Well needless to say, that kind of spurned a bit of a light debate at our table. But really...I mean the only difference is that we (at my table) are now within this industry, But it wasn’t all that long ago that we would go to these things with the hope of talking with our favorite artists and writers,(We STILL DO!). And we're talking about the "civil war" story arc, which is probably the same conversation that they are having at the OTHER table. And we're wearing our own industry paraphernalia, toting our own bags of crap that we spent the day acquiring. And WE'RE scoffing at THEM? Since when did we get so coo' for schoo'?

Fact is...we're just trying to cover up our own 'geekiness' as if we are somewhat 'above' that sort of thing. And yet...we are amongst the first to mark the con on our calendars.

Lets remember....once a fan, always a fan....lets just be honest about it, and stop being ashamed of it.

Good Lawd!

You know..there's times when I feel pity for most celebs.
For starters, they live in a make believe world. A world almost 100% narcissistic. A world based on self importance and self centeredness. A world where its all about "ME".

Sooner or later the reality hits where one just can't stop or fight the sands of time. It hits us all.
But celebs who have lived in this make believe house for so long...It must hit them especially hard.
Which is why so many resort to extreme plastic surgery or extreme workout regiments where there isn't in ounce of fat so the muscles just look grotesque..

It's sad.

I hope that they find that something that they need to fill that empty void in their lives.
I hope that they stop looking inward and start looking upward.

Something we should all do more of.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wonderful....Just wonderful.

When I first saw this about a week ago, it just about brought some tears to my crusty ole eyes.
I just loved it.
In times when its just so important to have the "perfect wedding" ceremony...when everything has to be so (OVERLY) orchestrated and over much money spent...It's just so refreshing to see something done just for fun. Just beautiful and sincere.

I loved the roll out of the Groom and the "yahoooo" quality of the brides entrance.
God bless this couple and I'm glad that they have so many good people around them .

Looking at this video..Its kinda neat to look at the crowds obvious surprise and elation at what they're seeing. Because what they're witnessing is something truly special in this.
And that's one thing.


Good luck to them.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 what have we learned...

Well..for starters, we learned that put it lightly, I am a genius!

Well...actually, not really. It never took a genius to see back in the campaign, what was going to happen. Much of the reason being that he (obama) to his credit--so much as said what he was wanting to do.
But it also took not so much genius as to know that the numbers for what he wanted to do...didn't add up. They COULDN'T.
You simply can't do what he wants to do, and make it work. Not without bankrupting the country and skewering small biz AND shafting the middle class.

The really interesting thing, was that the 'man-cub obama' got so many people...not dumb people--- believing that he was not the tax and spend liberal radical that he REALLY is.
That he convinced them that he had the KNOW HOW, as to how to run a country.
That he knew how to get the economy up and running again. That he could LEAD.
All that based on..well...absolutely NO experience to show otherwise!

No record. NO past. No history of ANY success, on any front!

But he had a slogan. He had a poster. And people bought it.
"Yes..we can..."
or my personal favorite....
"Hope and change...."


So....The 'change'.

We have the man-cub now keeping many of the same policies that he roundly criticized "W" for.
He can't close Gitmo, because contrary to what he other country really likes the idea of taking in terrorists.
The few that were released, were released into a tropical paradise of Bermuda and Palau.
(with OUR country PAYING Palau upwards of 200 MILLION to take them..)

We have our pinhead lightweight prez also keeping many of "W's" terror policies in place:
*Obama has argued that detainees at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan do not qualify for habeas corpus ("Robo"? are ya out there? paging egg on face "Robo"? Aww never mind. Go back to sleep where reality never intrudes..You might want to ask whatever pin head lawyer friend you were getting your talking points from what he thinks of this.)

*"State Secrets".


ALL THINGS criticized by lil webster, and he now does the same things. Oh, theres lots more. But you get the idea.


In Februrary, the Dems forced through an 800 BILLION "stimulous" that had TONS of pork spending (waste).
They forced it out quickly and without any real effort to make enough time for anyone to read it. Including themselves!
Little did they know that there was also little nuggets like the bonuses for AIG in it....
Now again...had THEY read their own bill.....yeah. They would have seen that.
So out went the 800 billion 'stimulous' (with no republican votes) and what is the effect?


In fact..its made things worse. Because its gone out to pay for tons of pet (LIBERAL) projects and wasteful spending and some even unaccounted for.
AND they said it would go out quickly to those needing stave off unemployment at 8%
Uh it turns out, ALOT hasn't gone out yet and unemployment is now past 9.5 % and in some states 10% .

And now these a$$ clowns want to be in charge of Healthcare too? Want us to believe that they know what they are talking about??

Now our lil man tate prez says he wants 'universal healthcare'..and says he wont tax anyone but the rich.
Aint gonna happen .
It's impossible. You can tax the rich 100% and not be able to pay for the mess he wants to put us under. Which essentially is 'canada care'.
In other words...obama is going to (very soon) have his own "READ MY LIPS" moment come up.
He's going to have to tax us. EVERY ONE OF US, for the crap healthcare that he wants to force on us. It WILL drive quality down and force prices ON EVERYTHING.... UP.
Drive unemployment UP! Shut down small biz's.
Such as is Canada.

And my good lil blogger pals on the left? "Robo" and "countsyfunkypants"..where are you now?

Where are you now that the projected ten year deficets under obama policies will be near 10Trillion?
Well.."Robo" is not speakin. Other than a 'thumbs up' on universal healthcare that i've seen posted on Facebook..theres really not much more than that. Because this bright boy can't figure any way to explain HOW WE GET he'll be content to live in peter pan world.
Well close your eyes "ROBO", clap your hands, and say " I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES! I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!! I DO! I DO ! I DO!!"

And speaking of Fairies, that leads me to "Countsyfunkypants".

"Countsy" was the brains to robo's igor...The one I had the most back and forths with.
"countsy" had a "POLITICAL BLOG", but is no longer blogging due to not being able to back it up with his boy crush (Obama) in there now.
Can't defend his positions...can't defend the best to just tuck tail and stop all together and say ..."things are just too busy to do so."

'countsy' and 'robo' are just a tip of the ice burg. Yeah..while they have their thumbs ticklin' thier prostates and pretending to be 'smert', there are several just like them.
Those that are average hard working people. People that VOTED for someone for the highest office in the land...based on nothing. Nothing.

The only sollace I take in it is....(true believers like 'robo' and 'countsy' aside...)
is that many of those people, 6 months into this epic failure in judgement--are waking up to the truth. And voting NO on obama care and NO to OBAMA.

Am I a 'genius'? Well...yes. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out the truth about this poser. Just a little common sense.

Lets hope it continues, because that is HOPE that I can truly BELIEVE IN.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Where we're headed.....OBAMA-CARE=CANADA CARE

This is what our a$$-clown in chief wants us to head to.
A fantastic example of govt care...the govt care that is so often put in front of us here in the good ole USof A as the shining example of what WE should have.
Well have a snoot-full from someone that has been there and experienced it.
Have a taste of the many people interviewed...from nurses to patients.

Remember that the most wonderful thing about Canada's socialized medicine, is that its FREEEEEEE!
( isnt.)
Remember that its great because no one goes without. right?
(only...they do.)
Remember...obama-care is supposed to SAVE us money in the long run..right?? And create a surplus??
(only Canada..seems to be in a state of crisis because of it.)'ll be different here because..well...obama is OBAMA!!
I mean after all... I've heard the obama song! "YES WE CAN! CAN! CAN!! YES, WE CAN! CAN! CAN!!"

Heres what we see so far...
Theres no way to pay for it.
There WILL be rationing.
There WILL be higher taxes and higher costs...ON EVERYTHING.
There WILL be lower quality....

Obama care...Yes, we can't
.......afford it, that is.
On so many levels.

Comedy GOLD!

Here's democrat gonad Rep. Russ Carnahan trying his level best to sell obamas crappy healthcare reform to some of his constituents.
Listen when he tries to say that it (obama govt healthcare) will create efficiencies and a surplus...Its just awesome to see a previously sleepy public wake up in a collective WTF moment.

Wait for the last question. You'll love it as carnhan can't answer any better than his messiah the other night.

Comedy Gold.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"You're going to destroy my presidency !"

Now that's "hope and change" I can believe in!!


National Journal

Dems Start To Push Back Hard To Prevent A 'Waterloo'

""A telling episode recounted by Senate Finance ranking member Charles Grassley reveals the Obama administration might be more worried than they are letting on that a Republican senator's comparison of the healthcare overhaul to Waterloo might be dangerously close to the truth.

Grassley said he spoke with a Democratic House member last week who shared Obama's bleak reaction during a private meeting to reports that some factions of House Democrats were lining up to stall or even take down the overhaul unless leaders made major changes.

"Let's just lay everything on the table," Grassley said. "A Democrat congressman last week told me after a conversation with the president that the president had trouble in the House of Representatives, and it wasn't going to pass if there weren't some changes made ... and the president says, 'You're going to destroy my presidency.' "

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Most of the Blue Dog Coalition opposes the House overhaul bill and have managed to delay the Energy and Commerce Committee markup. (See related story, page 1.) Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., the Blue Dogs' Health Care Task Force chairman, said Tuesday he is not the member Grassley was referring to.

House Republicans Tuesday made hay of the issue, with Ways and Means minority staff sending out an e-mail asking, "Who's really blocking health care reform?"

"Do not be fooled by the president's repeated attempts to create a Republican straw man for his health care troubles," the e-mail reads. The GOP pointed to ads the Democratic National Committee is running to pressure Democratic lawmakers.....""

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Who knows? With a little luck, alot more educating the general masses and alot more prayer, we can for the 2nd time in 20 years, beat back the commies.

Read on and enjoy. There's much to celebrate here. Such as the awakening of the sleeping public.
Welcome back to reality. Ugly isn't it? And you voted for it.


"AP-GfK Poll: Great hopes for Obama fade to reality"

"WASHINGTON – That was fast. The hope and optimism that washed over the country in the opening months of Barack Obama's presidency are giving way to harsh realities.

An Associated Press-GfK Poll shows that a majority of Americans are back to thinking that the country is headed in the wrong direction after a fleeting period in which more thought it was on the right track.

Obama still has a solid 55 percent approval rating — better than Bill Clinton and about even with George W. Bush six months into their presidencies — but there are growing doubts about whether he can succeed at some of the biggest items on his to-do list. And there is a growing sense that he is trying to tackle too much too soon.

The number of people who think Obama can improve the economy is down a sobering 19 percentage points from the euphoric days just before his inauguration. Ditto for expectations about creating jobs. Also down significantly: the share of people who think he can reduce the deficit, remove troops from Iraq and improve respect for the U.S. around the world, all slipping 15 points.

On overhauling health care, a signature issue for Obama, hopes for success are down a lesser 6 points.

Add it all up, and does it mean Obama has lost his mojo? Has yes-we-can morphed into maybe?

"I think it's just reality," said Sandy Smith, a 48-year-old public relations worker from Los Angeles. "He's not Superman, right?"

Indeed, it's not unusual for approval ratings to slide once presidents actually get to work. They're pulled down by things going on in the real world, by people who don't agree with the ways they're addressing problems, by criticism from political opponents.

In Obama's case, the problems he's confronting domestically and internationally are legion, and his ability to blame them on his predecessor is fading. Challenges still abound in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unemployment, at 7.6 percent in January, hit 9.5 percent in June and is expected to keep rising well into next year. Almost 4 percent of homeowners with mortgages are in foreclosure, and an additional 8 percent are at least a month behind on payments — the highest levels since the Great Depression.

The president is deep into the debate over how to overhaul the nation's health care system, and people are nervous about how their own insurance could be affected. Obama's critics are accusing him of conducting a risky "grand experiment" that will hurt the economy and could force millions to drop their current coverage.

It's all taking a toll on expectations. The number of people who think it's realistic to expect at least some noticeable improvement in the economy during Obama's first year in office dropped from 27 percent in January to 16 percent in the latest survey.

There's been slippage, as well, in how people view the president personally, although he's still well regarded. About two-thirds now think he understands the problems of ordinary Americans, down from 81 percent in January. Sixty-nine percent think he's a strong leader, off from 78 percent before the inauguration.

"He doesn't know enough about any of this," says Michelle Kelsey, a 37-year-old student in Breckenridge, Mo., who gives Obama a three for leadership on a 10-point scale. But then again, Kelsey says, "Nobody could have done better."

"I just feel like people haven't given him enough time. It's going to take longer for the economy to come around."

In an interview aired Tuesday on "The CBS Evening News," Obama linked high poll numbers to inaction.

"The easiest way to keep your poll numbers up, and to garner good press, is to do not that much here in this town, and not to cause a lot of controversy. And there's some people who would probably advise that that's the approach you should take. But that's not why the American people sent me here. They sent me here to solve problems," he said.

It's not just Obama who's feeling the drag. Approval of Congress — already low — has gotten lower, slipping 6 percentage points to 32 percent.

Overall, the number of people who think the country is going in the wrong direction hit 54 percent in the latest AP-GfK poll, up from 46 percent in June.

That's not necessarily surprising. In years past, the public has tended to be more pessimistic than optimistic about the country's future. Recent exceptions have been short-lived, at the start of the Iraq war, after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, after the capture of Saddam Hussein and late in the Clinton administration.

Perhaps most troubling for Obama may be where he is losing ground. His approval rating was down 9 points among Americans overall but 20 percent among independents. Similarly, the increase in those who think the country is headed in the wrong direction came mostly from independents and Democrats.

Dissatisfaction among independents grew disproportionately on Obama's handling of a range of issues, including the economy, taxes, unemployment, the environment and more.

Independents are "the ones to watch," according to Professor Robert Shapiro, a Columbia University expert on public opinion. "The Republicans were more pessimistic from the outset. The Democrats are going to be more resistant to negative information."

Overall, Obama still can feel good about a 55 percent approval rating, Shapiro said, but "the fact that it is on the downswing is something to be concerned about. That's going to affect how members of Congress, and in particular people in his own party, may respond to him."

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted July 16-20 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. It involved interviews on landlines and cell phones with 1,006 adults nationwide. The survey had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points."

'Newsweek' bags on obama care....

Even the magazine that has had its nose so far up obamas crack, thinks obama care sucks butt.
The troof... will set'cha freeeeeee!


"Endless Summer"

Howard Fineman

Barack Obama has a knack for riding political waves. I put that down to his upbringing in Hawaii, where surfing is second nature. He also yearns to make history. I put that down to his time as editor of the Harvard Law Review, where it dawned on him that a son of a Kenyan and Kansan could be president, and a path-breaker in the process. But now the president's skill at riding well-timed waves into history is being tested. In fact, he's in danger of wiping out. The reason is health-care reform. Why? Because his timing isn't good and his plan, at least what we've seen so far, isn't "reform."

Obama and his aides, fearing a loss of momentum, are trying to stoke a sense of urgency in hopes that the Senate will feel compelled to pass a 1,000-page-plus measure before its August recess. I asked a very plugged-in Hill Democrat whether the Senate would do so. "Less and less likely," he said. That doesn't mean that health-care reform is dead. It does mean at best that the fall is going to be dominated by a ferocious national debate, and that the outcome is far from clear.

Obama's timing is bad because of the recession, which puts more strain and focus on the federal budget, even as it makes devising a health-care plan that moves toward erasing deficits in the decades ahead—what's known as "bending the curve"—more difficult. The president knows that he needs to sell health-care reform both as a matter of morals and of money: that we can only avoid irreversible national bankruptcy by controlling health-care costs.

But every one of the three proposals put forth so far on the Hill would, as written, add to federal deficits, not ease them. What would have been a tough sell in the best of circumstances is now all the more difficult in the face of deepening worries, especially among independent voters, about the long-term federal debt.

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, told me that there are "curve-bending" provisions scattered through the three bills, but that those provisions need to be consolidated into a final bill for the whole thing to work. Here's another political problem: most of Gibbs's so-far-unaccounted-for curve-bending would be derived not from additional cuts in spending, but from raising taxes to generate revenue.

The president has vowed to make sure that his final plan is paid for, meaning that it won't add to long-term deficits, but that's far short of what he and his budget director, Peter Orszag, originally said they were aiming for. It's not a curve—at least not a downward one. If Obama is going to argue that we can't not afford to do this, the numbers have to show the chance for radical savings. So far, they don't.

The second reason why the health-care wave is fading is this: so far, this isn't "reform" in any thoroughgoing sense. The original idea was to rethink the entire convoluted and overly complex system, and to find ways to truly change the way we think about health care to both improve care and save money. There ought to be ways to do that. But the three bills to emerge so far seem like more of an attempt to buy off existing constituencies than a real rethinking of the mess.

Insurance companies are a good example. Yes, they would be required to sell coverage to people with preexisting conditions, but they would get something monumental in exchange for tighter regulation: a government mandate that everyone buy their product. No wonder an industry group has released an ad praising what Congress is doing. Yes, there would be tighter regulation of hospitals, doctors, and other caregivers, and cuts in Medicare and Medicaid spending, but all of the players would stay in place in pretty much the same relation to each other that they now have. So, yes, millions of people would get subsidized coverage at taxpayer expense, but we would be sending them into a system that everyone admits is dysfunctional and unsustainable now.

And why is Obama keeping his surfboard on this weakening wave? For one, he thinks that he can broker a deal among Democrats, which, in theory, would be enough. He believes that his powers of persuasion and patience for detail will prevail. He also wants to be able to proclaim that he's has made health care "available" to all.

But that's not technically what the bills do. They don't contain an entitlement in the strict sense; they don't directly state that every American is entitled to health care. But by forcing people to buy—and forcing companies to sell—insurance, and by offering assistance to those who can't afford coverage, the measure comes closer than we ever have to the vision of a national health-insurance program that President Harry Truman put forth more than a half century ago.

Obama wants to say, "I've redeemed the Truman promise." In other words, "I've made history." But this president is a long way from the beach, and no one knows which way the tide is running.

© 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ellie Frazetta : 1935-2009

I just learned that Ellie Frazetta, Wife, business manager, and inspiration to the father of modern day Fantasy, Frank Frazetta...had passed away a day ago from Brain Cancer.

For anyone that knows anything about the Frazetta's, know that Ellie was truly the mastermind behind the success of husband Frank. Yes, Frank is a MONSTER GENIUS of a guy..but as anyone knows..artists aren't the quickest people in the world. Which is why so much of the work from the old masters were just given away. Ellie was a trail blazer in the field by making sure Franks originals came back to him. Something that paved the way for all of us up and comers.
Ellie also saw to it that it might be a profitable thing to get Franks works on posters and prints, t-shirts and everything else you can name.

Wife of 53 years to Frank..thier story is truly an inspirational one. A success in business and more importantly a success in life and love. Boasting four children and several grandchildren.
She is missed.


A great write up from "spectrum fantastic art" posted below:

"Unfortunately sad news tends to come in waves. Ellie Frazetta, wife of 53 years to Grand Master Frank, died in her sleep July 17 after a year-long battle with brain cancer; she was 74 years old.

Hot-tempered, opinionated, aggressive, and sometimes just an out-and-out pain in the butt, Ellie could be a bull in a china shop when dealing with people: it's hardly surprising that she accumulated her share of enemies and detractors over the decades. But she could also be effusive, friendly, kind, and generous to a fault; she would open her home to visitors and treat them like family. If she liked you she made sure you knew it every day; if she didn't... look out!

While Frank gained recognition for his art, it was Ellie who capitalized on that popularity, pushing and promoting and making Frank Frazetta bigger and more successful than he probably ever would have been without her. To minimize her efforts would be a mistake: together they made a potent team.
They met in 1952 when she was 17 and Frank was 24; they quickly became inseparable and, despite her father's misgivings, were married when she turned 21 in 1956. Their first child – Frank Jr. – was born within the year. The Frazettas experienced career ups and downs (as detailed in Icon, Legacy, and Testament) through the years and had three more children together­. During this time, Ellie increasingly began to act as Frank's business manager. Not every decision was the right one and not every business deal turned out as it was hoped, but through trial and error she created a successful poster business, realized substantial sums for Frank's original art, and opened several incarnations of a museum devoted to his work. She was his biggest fan, his staunchest defender, and his steadfast companion in good times and bad. And in doing so she became something of a role model for many other artists' spouses that have followed her lead through the years.

After Frank's undiagnosed thyroid condition in the 1980s and debilitating strokes in the '90s, Ellie was care-giver (and mother and grandmother) and breadwinner: she made book deals, published her own products, and licensed art for calendars, advertising, and comics. She lived her life without excuses or apologies... but there was also a certain vulnerability and sadness lurking beneath a steely exterior that would become apparent on those rare occasions when she allowed her guard to momentarily drop.
Ellie Frazetta's story is a complex one, not easily understood nor readily explained; hopefully one day it will be properly told.

It was a long and painful final year for her both physically and emotionally; may she rest in peace.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Moron+Racist+california= Barbara Boxer.

Heres a WONDERFUL clip from the other day. Barbara Boxer gets her a$$ handed to herself on a silver platter, with garnish and a tad of rice pillaf to munch on down.

Barbara Boxer has always been one of the most idiotic people in the senate. Truly! When I say "IDIOTIC", its not just for flourish. She really is a moron, of highest degree.
Not just stupid, but an arrogant, full of herself, garish, elitist jackass (every one of those things incidentally are requirements to be a card carrying democrat by the way), who lets her full on racism show (as all democrats do more often than not), and gets it shoved back in her face. HARD.

So eat this up, cuz its yummy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Mom Jeans"

Now I wish I made this term up for obama's girly jeans..but I didn't. It started on the conservative blogosphere, and was glommed onto by some in the entertainment talk shows. (like kimmel).

This was a great take on it though, so I'm posting it here.

If you saw 'the pitch' was about as manly as you would expect from obama..which is not very.
Limpy,weanie and devoid of any power behind it. And I hear that it pretty much bounced and didn't get over the plate.

Surprised? Not very.
Now 'W'...he made it over the plate and through strikes to boot! Theres the difference between the two. Never send a boy to do a mans job. That goes for the presidency AS WELL as throwing out the first pitch.

Yeah, I know that there are some that are going to say..."OOOOO your RACIST!"
First, to those dummies...There was no racist slam intended and your seeing what you want to see. Second, Obama is a youth. Mentally, morally, and experience wise.
So I am (as always) correct in my statement above. So bite me.


I know I've been away for awhile. Its been a tough time to post anything. Being an all around swell guy, saving the world, and composing takes alot of time. Not too mention just being a TOTALLY sexy individual and keeping my tushy nice and snuggable. It all takes alot of time!
But..this weekend, I am hoping to go nuts with several posts. To try and make up for my absence.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Regardless of the dillweed in office right now, who no doubt looks at today and rolls his eyes while lighting up a ciggy and grabbing the flag to wipe his own toddler a@@ with....This is and will always be the greatest country on the face of the earth.

And even though we are facing some very tough times right now (thanks to the aforementioned pansy in office right now)..we will get through them.

God Bless this country and
