Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Mom Jeans"

Now I wish I made this term up for obama's girly jeans..but I didn't. It started on the conservative blogosphere, and was glommed onto by some in the entertainment talk shows. (like kimmel).

This was a great take on it though, so I'm posting it here.

If you saw 'the pitch' was about as manly as you would expect from obama..which is not very.
Limpy,weanie and devoid of any power behind it. And I hear that it pretty much bounced and didn't get over the plate.

Surprised? Not very.
Now 'W'...he made it over the plate and through strikes to boot! Theres the difference between the two. Never send a boy to do a mans job. That goes for the presidency AS WELL as throwing out the first pitch.

Yeah, I know that there are some that are going to say..."OOOOO your RACIST!"
First, to those dummies...There was no racist slam intended and your seeing what you want to see. Second, Obama is a youth. Mentally, morally, and experience wise.
So I am (as always) correct in my statement above. So bite me.


I know I've been away for awhile. Its been a tough time to post anything. Being an all around swell guy, saving the world, and composing takes alot of time. Not too mention just being a TOTALLY sexy individual and keeping my tushy nice and snuggable. It all takes alot of time!
But..this weekend, I am hoping to go nuts with several posts. To try and make up for my absence.