Friday, May 25, 2007


Well, for those of you that are unfamiliar with my views, I lean unabashedly to the right. When I first came into the bloggy mix, I had many an argument with a wussy man by the name of 'countfunkypants'. He was pretty much the epitome of the leftist nutbag. A whole lot of emotion with very little thought. Well now he has a 'by the numbers' chart on his blog. I'd like to address them.

He (like most leftists) are crying about the loss of troops. As if they really gave a damn about the troops. We all know that they don't. But lets take some of his numbers, shall we?
3,000 plus troops have lost their life in Iraq. Fighting and ultimately dying for the core beliefs that make this country the best country on this planet.
Each loss is tragic. But we have to look, the numbers!

War of 1812: 20,000 dead
Mexican-American war: 13,000 dead
Civil War: 62,000 (approx)
World War I: 116,000
World War II: 405,000
Korean: 34,000
Vietnam: 58,000


Folks, While each loss is tragic, It is STAGGERING that our losses are that low after these three + years. Staggering. Especially when the task is enormous.
The fact of the matter is that leftists don't really care about the numbers. They don't really care about anything at all. They care about themselves. And that's pretty much it. They are Narcissists. The fact that there are people that raped children, that buried thousands of people in mass graves, that killed parents in front of the children. That tortured children and women in front of husbands. That killed entire families as punishment for a family member speaking his mind.
People that will send children with bombs strapped to themselves---to kill mourners at a funeral.
That BEHEAD grade schoolers outside of their school and toss the heads into the school, to 'send a message'.

This isn't important to a lefty. You will hear them say: "Not one more life for this worthless war!!"
In France circa 1939 this would have been translated to "Not worth a single life.....NOT FOR A JEW!"

It kinda makes you wonder what the limp wristed, noodlespined leftists would be squealing if they had been alive in 1944 after the pounding that we took after the landing on Omaha Beach. Where we suffered over 3,000, during the first few hours of the initial landing.
OR after the battle of Iwo Jima where we lost close to 7,000 troops, after the 36 day battle.
What would they be saying? "Its not worth it." "lets leave, Lets run away."
My goodness! I bet they would just be screaming and crying at the top of their squeaky little voices!!

But that was a different time. Surly there was no such thing as the narcissistic left back then.
Oh but there was, though. It was called....France. And what was France back in 1940?
Occupied. Surrendered to the Nazis.

At this point in time, We have our crazed left, all to eager to surrender to the modern Nazi. islamo-facists that have all the insanity, and all of the evil of the Nazi 67 years ago.....and MORE.
The left is as always, all to willing to cozy up to evil. They sure aren't willing to fight it. Not for the innocent of Iraq. And they still after all these years, still hate Jews. Which is why there is so much venom aimed at Israel.
Maybe the reason that they are all to willing to surrender (and the quicker the better) to evil, Is that they, the leftist, have SO much in common with them.
Hatred of Jews and Christians.
Narcissism and the love of self.
Ego and insecurity
and freakish elitism and group think.
and small penises. ( Well that's what I heard!)
LASTLY: Another set of numbers was that Bush's Job approval was 33%. That's pretty tough. But he's making the hard choices that one has to make. And sometimes you have to make those decisions because its THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
What 'countfunkypants' declines to tell you, is that the democrat congresses approval is at 29%!!!
LOWER than GWB's approval! Now why IS that? What's THEIR excuse?
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I don't know...I love that though. I'm not one to take polls seriously. They dont mean a thing to me. The 'right thing' is the 'right thing'. Whether or not its popular at the time. But I did find it VERY interesting how that was left out of his (countsy's) numbers.
LOWER than Bushes. That's a hoot. Poor stupid wide eyed nancy. Poor stupid 'countsy' (and his mindless tag-a-longs).
Poor stupid left.
To be fair though, strength, courage and the love of country has never been their strong points. so it only makes sense that they would fall back on what they know.
Surrender and the appeasement of evil.
What a proud legacy.