Wednesday, October 15, 2008

obama off teleprompter...marxist.

Well I love it when hes off teleprompter and candid. Here he tells a hard working plumber that he's going to tax him more so he (obama) can spread it around to the people under him. ASSUMING that the people under him are:
1)deserving of it.
2) and also assuming that the people under him DO NOT have the same opportunity to get ahead.

Thereby punishing this plumber for having gumption and ambition to actually TRY and start a business.

I have several friends (and enemies) that are in the animation and film industry. They are leftists. They don't normally think things through..So..let me help them.

If they are making a good amount of money. (which they do), they are going to be considered 'rich'. NOW! if they live in a very high cost area sayyyyy this going to hurt them as they try and pay off their house? Pay for their property taxes? Save to send their kids to college?

Of course....But as I say...they aren't accustomed to thinking things through.

That's why they're leftists.