Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tonights State of the Union...he just doesn't get it.

A week after the truly historic election in Massachusetts, Obama and the dems have been saying that they 'get it'. That the election last Tuesday wasn't a referendum on obama care, but instead that it was because the people didn't feel like obama was ...DOING ENOUGH to get it through???
REALLY? Are these people THAT stupid? Well....yes.
But this isn't about them being stupid..this is about them desperately wanting their insane philosophy to work. And they're willing , against all evidence that shows it DOESN'T work...they are willing to drive the country right into the ground.

Scott Browns election last Tuesday sent shock waves through the country and sent the politicians quivering. But now the thought is..that the public reaction in Mass, is due to obama not spending enough, and not jamming his health care through. EVEN THOUGH Scott Brown ran SPECIFICALLY on STOPPING obama care.

So...after the defeats in Virginia, New Jersey and the devastating defeat in Mass...what is the boy prez gonna say at the state of the union tonight?

Here's what I predict:

Look for him to come out and give lip service. In his very eloquent way (which seems to be his only real talent) to say that he "hears us".
His proposed 'spending freeze' that was unveiled the other day, will be touted tonight as evidence that he is NOW a fiscal conservative. A spending freeze that does absolutely NOTHING to curb our fiscal bleeding.
Look for other things to be brought out that are nothing more than dressing..WINDOW DRESSING to make it look to folks (specifically the independents that are flocking away from him in droves) like he is really working and taking steps to solve the countries economic death crawl.
This...should be insulting to every THINKING American. Because quite frankly...he and the dems think your a moron. This is designed to fool you into thinking that it means anything. Fool you into thinking that after a year of NON STOP irresponsible spending, that he is NOW the responsible leader with his fingers locked on the purse straps.

Uh huh...right.

The sad thing is, that this is and will move some people, cause quite frankly some people are truly stupid. I mean comon...people DID vote for him based on nothing more than oratory..and that's WHO this speech is designed for.
Now we'll see just how many are fooled.

On the upside: It will fail. Why? Because the policies..the policies that OBAMA and the dems are putting forth, don't work. They CAN'T work. And the evidence will be obvious.
As the policies that were put forth a year ago are now.....obvious. (remember..I was right. On ALL counts.)

All you or anyone else has to do a little research. And those that would be fooled tonight by empty eloquence, all you have to do is wake up for just a split second from your self imposed coma and take notice:
You see that pool of blood your sleeping in? That's from your self inflicted wound from a year ago.
Don't make the same mistake twice, fooled by the same flowery emptiness.