Wednesday, December 31, 2008

LOSSES: 2008...

Carlos Meglia

December 11, 1957 - August 15, 2008

This one was another hard one for me to take. I LOVE Carlos Meglia's work. I always have. He has that cartoony look mixed with overwhelming power and grace that just knocks me on my Assy. He was doing it long before anyone else was. Long before Ramos, Long before Art Adams, Long before Herrera...there was Meglia.

He is one of my very favorite artists.
My very favorite....
And it just kills me to know that hes just not there anymore. And to leave at the age of 50.

2008: LOSSES....

Michael Turner

April 21, 1971 - June 27, 2008

Even though everyone had known for sometime that Michael had been battling cancer for the better part of 8 years. Its still shocked us all to hear of his passing.
This one really hit me hard...Michael yes, is a great comic book artist, But he really was one of the sweetest people that you could ever hope to meet.
When you hear of someone like him dying at such a young age..It really does make you think that maybe theres something too that billy joel tune:
"only the good die young. "

2008 : The Losses....

Charleton Heston

October 4, 1923-April 5, 2008

Stud. absolute film stud. Not only that, but the guy played one in real life too.


2008 : The Losses....

Dave Stevens 1955-2008

Dave Stevens, creator of the "ROCKETEER" and pin-up artist extrodinaire.
One of those ladies he loved to draw and inso doing helped propel her to new heights of popularity, to a whole new generation of adoring fans..was Bettie Page.

Dave was an incredible artist. He was 52.


Bettie Page
April 22, 1923 – December 11, 2008

One of the most visually stunning women I think I have ever seen. Losing her really does feel like losing a part of comic history. In large part due to the work of Dave Stevens, But she really is a unique person.
There are few people who can really captivate an audience. And she does it with such ease.
Not just because the pictures are sexy..there are lots of sexy women in the world. But she does it in a way that others cant..I guess its in part because in those pictures, there isn't (as much) of the slutty thing going on as more of a 'good girl innocence' to them.
Again..not a new idea....But no one did it like Betty Page. Maybe because when she did it, it wasn't contrived, but instead quite real.
No one has drawn in and BEEN drawn by more artists than this lady.

She is....the original.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


And there were in the same country shepherds watching and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold an angel of the lord stood by them and the brightness of God shone round about them: and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy that shall be to all the people: For, this day is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord , in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying:
Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace to men of good will.

Luke 2. 8-14

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I know...I've been away for a lil while....

....Its the holidays! Gimme a freaky deaky break!!

I know that alot of you have been wondering what my take on obama is.
I'll be back on it. There is a reason for it. I'll tell you soon.
Next weekend to be precise.

For now, Its time to get me a cup o' egg nogg, A glass of wine and a mug of coffee.
Anyone that knows me knows that I aint be lyin' bouts that too.

Be back soon.

Till then, up yours.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I hope your eating something slightly better for your Thanksgiving.

10-Pound Hairball Pulled From Girl's Stomach

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Negotiations with the attractive girls union break down.

Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman

Just substitute the name "Matt" in the place of "Mike", and I think that its pretty dead on.
We all know a 'matt' don't we? Sad little effeminate pansies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Throw mon-eh in da hole!

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


To all of our wonderful troops. Past and present.

You are loved and appreciated least half of America (Democrats hate you already knew that)>:)

God bless you and thanks for all that you are and do.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Dow reacts to obama election. Loses 943 points in two days.

Could it pop up again tomorrow? Sure.

Is this drop a coincidence? Nope.
Will we continue to have moments like this? YUUUP.

Its a reaction to what they think is coming.
Is there alot of "re-arranging of funds" right now? Taking your money and legally 'hiding' it?

How do I know?
I'm one of the ones doing it.


new posts coming on the weekend.

When its true...sometimes its hillarious.this is one of those times.

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Its a great country.

I think barring any sort of miracle, its a safe bet to say that the wrong guy won.
I knew (as many did) that there was a wind against us this year. Lots of obstacles. Not to mention that its just hard as hell to win it three times in a row.

That being said, I wont give a snarky post this time. I will give exactly the post that I said I would give. Because it is and will again point out the differences between the sides.

I will give a hearty congrats to the other side and say well fought.
Tomorrow though.... It begins.

I'll have more to say then. >:)

But for now, I say well fought! It is truly...a great country!

Black Panthers Cause Problems In Philadelphia

anyone surprised please raise your hand...anyone? noone?

of course not.

Monday, November 03, 2008

'Lippy and Choopus' and Ron Paul........?

I know another feller....'Robo'.
He's a pal of my nemesis, 'countsy'.
I've criticized 'robo' as being something of a 'follower' of my nemesis 'countsy'.
Just kinda keeping his nose really close to the stank hole of the 'countsy', being that its easier to 'go with the flow' with your workmates rather than think for yourself and act accordingly. Why rock the boat, ya know?

I read somewhere (possibly 'countsys' blog) that 'robo' said something like he was actually leaning towards Ron Paul. Now I don't know what scares me more...
either its :

1) a desperate attempt to look like your a free thinker, willing to take ones lips off the pockmarked, cottage cheesed tuckus of 'countsy'...ORRRR

2) He really does like ron paul for whatever reason....either ignoring the stupidity of ron pauls isolationism, and blame America first attitude.
Also ignoring that he (paul) was highly touted by far FAR fringy RIGHT wing groups who like his isolationist rants and writings .

But! Lets give ole robo the benefit of the doubt. Lets say he WAS truly intrigued by Ron Paul's fascinating allure. His alpha male ruggedness! His UBER CHARAAAAAAAAAAAAAZMA!!
Lets say by now, ole Robo has schooled himself as to what a dork Ron Paul is. Who is Robo NOW going to vote for?
McCain or barry ?

Who is it Robo? I'm going to assume that you have had some time to do some research on the two of them. Any thing about McCain bother you? anything really EXXXTREEEEME about him?
How bout barry O? Anything EXXXXXTREEEEME about HIM?

Tell me robo. Pweeze oh pweeze! I'm really curious! Lay your cards on the table for all to see. With reasons why you are choosing who your choosing.

But ...there's always the chance that he can't hear me. Its hard when your head is either tucked firmly in ones own assy or in someone elses.

(or so I'm told...)

The difference......

A palie of mine asked me, "Handel...(he doesn't really call me 'Handel') He says "Handel...what are you going to do if barry wins?"
I remind him that I have always thought that this thing could go either way. It just depends on whether or not the people out there are awake and care about facts. But yeah..It could go either way. I still believe that tonight. On this election eve.

If McCain wins, I'll sigh and be glad that the grown ups are still in charge. If barry wins, I'll sigh and have my first day of worry as I wonder when the terrorists will bring their game to the malls of our country.

Another palie of mine, who follows my back and fourth with a nemises of mine by name of 'countsy', said to me..."Oh man, what are you going to say to 'f**ckula' ( his term)?"

I say: I will wish him a hearty congrats and then remind him that its time to produce now. On the ridiculous promise to give 95 % of the population a taxcut, increase spending, decrease the military AND keep our country safe, produce jobs while bankrupting small business, and increasing taxes on everyone. (and thats just a few items).
But I will give my congrats to his scurviness.

I say this even after recently stopping by his bloggy and perusing this quote after Palin gave her speech at the RNC convention::

"George Bush with a vagina!!
Nice speech, bitch. Reading a speech someone else wrote from a teleprompter. "

(Now lets put aside that shes got more experience GOVERNING than obama has. Lets put aside that obama is almost lost without his teleprompter....)

Theres the difference right there between conservatives and leftists...clear as glass.
I'll wish countsy a congrats, and sit back and watch the train wreck...but I'll wish him congrats..
HE (countsy) says things like "bush with a ..."

There's a term for that folks...."bad upbringing".
What more can be said? When I'm confronted with these examples, it strengthens my belief that little boys shouldn't grow up with 'two daddies'.

Baaaaaad upbringing.

My thoughts on SARAH PALIN.

Looking back over the last three months, I don't think that I've had a post on my thoughts on Sarah Palin.
Well here's my thoughts.

I adore this woman. Just adore her.

Here's why:
When she was rolled out as the VP choice, many people came out saying "who?"
I knew who she was due to her record in Alaska and her stance on energy. That and I have relatives that are familiar with her. I knew her to be a very capable person, with a fiery streak. A fighter.
But I didn't know how she would fare on the national scene. Its a bit different than the local. In other words...shes a governor. Governors know how to run things which is what makes them the most able to be a leader of a country. But would she translate to the 'national scene.'

I said that --knowing that the media would be out for her. As they are with any conservative.
I had no idea just HOW MUCH though. They went after her with anything that they could come up with. Even sounding like the national enquirer than so called 'reputable' news organizations.
"is trig not her baby but her daughters baby???"
The amount of bile that was thrown at her, was stunning. And continued on through the last week of the campaign. (more on this in a future post).
It really made two things clear.
1) The news has really abandoned even the 'illusion' of being balanced and non party.
2) The left was clearly afraid of Sarah Palin. Moreso than John McCain.

Especially after she was hit with a week of non stop attacks, and then to come out and give a jaw dropping speech at the RNC convention.

She scares the crap out of them.

Shes smart, shes got charisma, shes real and genuine, shes a fighter. With a record.
And yeah...she's damn attractive.
That last one can cut both ways. As a plus and a negative.
Dems don't worry about that with their female candidates as they all look like old shoes, which may make it easier for some women to vote for them.
But in Palins case, shes attractive and she isn't ashamed to show herself as what she is. A woman. Feminine.
Another thing that dem women don't like. Which is why they are the pantsuit party.
Femininity scares dem women. Threatens them. Since they aren't attractive they feel more..comfortable trying to be men than actually being women.

Palin's charisma is also something that scares the crap out of them. To see her bring out tons of people. Tons of them. To rival any crowd that Hillary came out with. To rival Barry as well.
To see her take all the shots and come back with dignity and poise and grace and STRENGTH....Is really really impressive.
And a dem...scary as all SHITE!

She is the real deal.

And win or lose tomorrow...she is here to stay. And she will definitely be back. To which I say....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah baby.

If she, Jindal, Pawlenty, Romney are the future...all we have to do is minimize the damage within the next four years. (of which will still be extensive as if barry wins, I truly expect to see the first act of street terrorism, as we'll be so weakened due to a child like view of the world...mark me on that). More on that some other time.

But to Sarah? Glad your here! And if the McCain ship doesn't make it tomorrow....You load that gun for 2012. There's a dumb moose properly initialed B.O. full of B.S. that needs to be field dressed.


Got a handfull of posts coming up. Including some aimed at some of my old friends and foes....

Keep yer eye out for them..

Sunday, November 02, 2008

ACORN'S sister organization, WALNUT. PART 1.

jason Matera is back undercover talking to morons and goombas. Also known as the obama base. I could swear the guy at with the sign that has never been with a girl is my pal 'countsy'. But enough of that.

Look it over and laugh then cry.

Friday, October 31, 2008

This is pretty awesome.

Although I think its kinda pathetic when the GIRL beating the crap out of a baddie is more believable than the guy in this case.

I personally think they should have had obama STOP in the middle of the run towards the tank, sit and lift his leg straaaaaaaaaaaaight up in the air and proceed to lick his bung hole like a cat.
I think that would have been much more of a believable thing for him to do AND fit the personality traits of most liberal 'men'.

(Hey robo...feel free to use that in your strip if your ever lagging for a clever idea. And something tells me that if your reading this, you are seriously considering it.)

Celebrity no-nothings speak about voting..


Sigh...I love real people. Guess thats why I'm not in the animation industry anymore. >:)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sarkozy: "Obama an empty suit"

Sources: Sarkozy views Obama stance on Iran as 'utterly immature'
By Barak Ravid

"French President Nicolas Sarkozy is very critical of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama’s positions on Iran, according to reports that have reached Israel’s government.

Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate’s stance on Iran as “utterly immature” and comprised of “formulations empty of all content.”

Obama visited Paris in July, and the Iranian issue was at the heart of his meeting with Sarkozy. At a joint press conference afterward, Obama urged Iran to accept the West’s proposal on its nuclear program, saying that Iran was creating a serious situation that endangered both Israel and the West. According to the reports reaching Israel, Sarkozy told Obama at that meeting that if the new American president elected in November changed his country’s policy toward Iran, that would be “very problematic.”"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dictators Mock Obama's Ignorance

yeah. I'd say thats about right..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered

Not from 20 years ago..but from 2001.

Views that he still has today. Although he says he is NOT a marxist for whatever reason.

Cuz I guess it goes against the illusion.
But still TRUTH.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I Am Joe


Pro-American...or...for obama.

Pro-growth.....or...for obama.

Cindy and Sarah are hot....Michelle looks like barack.

I mean really...>:)

Biden: "vote for us. We'll blow you up"

the truth hurts. But it doesn't have to.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Obama given the vote of no confidence by his own VP pick. Pretty much stating what is the truth. The enemies of freedom will see obama as a weak sister (which he is), and will go at him hard. That is certain.
Also certain, is that:
They WILL NOT do that with McCain.

Obama by the numbers is an inexperienced politician. A one term (incomplete) senator, who has no (NONE) accomplishments, NO record of leadership, NO trail of a moral compass.

A nothing.

He is weak. And he'll be exploited. When your own VP pick is sending up warning flares....Why go with the untested and childlike?

When you can go with a tested leader. A man of record. Someone that WONT blink.

Do you think that Putin is shivering in his shoes at the thought of an obama presidency?

We'll see.
Whether or not the country makes the right choice or a reckless choice that will put the country in danger in every way.
JUST to make a 'feel good' vote.

That wont do much when your saying "YEAH, I just voted for the first black president" the person behind you in the unemployment line.


“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you - not financially to help him - we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mark Foley thinks obama is cute.

Obama gets the endorsement of mark foley.

What more is there to say really?

An open letter to "toot"...

Dear "toot".

I am a voter. I will be voting for the conservative this year as opposed to the Marxist which I'm sorry to say is your grandson. It is a historic election with the first black man AND woman running for VP. Its pretty exciting.

I understand that you are in ailing health. I'm certain that part of that is due to being abandoned by your grandson. Being called a 'racist' by him to further his position in the election must have broken your heart. I am very sorry for that.
While it shows extremely bad character for him...I feel that you should know that many on my side will not hold you responsible for his despicable and shameful actions.

In an effort to show 'distance' from REAL racists such as the pastor that he had mentored under for over 20 years, subjecting his own small children to hate and delusional views.....He tossed over the only person who probably cared for him, unconditionally.


It is very tragic.

You should not blame yourself. You did all you could do. His lack of character, and confused psyche stems from many many things. Such as his father walking away from him. His walk to try and find something to fill that void...led him to the very fringes to find his 'daddy figure'.

A 'strong male' presence to try and emulate. Only to develop into a very weak man himself.
Shallow, and empty. While he may (or may not) succeed in this presidential quest...It WILL get harder for him. Things will come out. And he will be the embarrassment that many know him to be....The truly terrible thing is that that means the country will have to go through pains to reveal it. Race relations will plummet as he tries to expand a victim mentality across the country which will only be tolerated for so long.
The weakening of the country and the making of it vulnerable to our enemies, due to having a childlike view of the world. A view that never seemed to 'grow up', due to the father issues that he has.
The anger that he must have due to it, making him more...comfortable to befriending evil rather than stand up to it.

The promises (lies) will be broken, and people will see him for what he is....
...A nothing.

But the fault will not be with you Toot....

I pray for good health for you . I pray for recovery from your illness....

And for your broken heart. Over the loved one that maligned and abandoned you.

YOU...the only one, who never walked away, should never have been the one who was walked out on.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Liberal (wussy) radio host storms off set...

Ed shultz..liberal radio host storms off the set after just ONE question. Which just underscores my point that liberals by and large are mamby pampy, limpy spined weenies.
You have that in harry reid, you have that in nancy pelosi. You have that in ed shultz. And you definitely have that in obama.

Somewhere in a dark cave, the enemy is hoping even more for an obama win. They know who they have a better chance against or....with.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

MMmmmmmm hammmmmburger..

Now that looks good! I covet the hamburger. Real men likey the hamburger. Which leaves out my old pal "countsy".
You see, countsy is a pansy. And as we all know...pansies looove tofu.
Hmm...for that matter..I wonder what my other palsie walsie "robo" likes.
Robo is an interesting feller. While 'countsy' is a full on pansy, I like to think of my pal "robo" as a..Oh I don't know...I guess the nearest image that maybe comes close is a transexual in between the operational stages. What I like to call an "ugly inbetween".

Who knows...maybe he likes the hamburger...but I have a feeling that like many things changed by 'peer pressure'...perhaps even dietary likes have been altered as well.

tofu...= wussy boys.

(same goes for sushi...altho thats a more 'elitist wussy' catagory)


CLEARFIELD, Pa. (AP) — A chef at a western Pennsylvania Italian restaurant ate a 15-pound burger with 5.2 pounds of toppings in 4 hours and 39 minutes. Brad Sciullo, of Uniontown, is the first person to successfully eat the huge burger at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, said pub owner Dennis Liegey.

The burger — called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser — include a bun, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers and a cup each of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and relish.

When asked what possessed him to eat a burger that big, the 5-foot-11, 180-pound Sciullo said: "I wanted to see if I could."

Tim Mahoney (D) is kind of a sleazy ass...

In other words..Hes a typical democrat. Theres alot to read here, so for those of you that don't like to read...(countsy) or maybe don't read too well (countsy), Let me sum up for you.

Democrat cheated, Offered a paid job to bimbo at taxpayers expense. Fired mistress to try and get out of this mess when she said she was going to go public
Offered a payoff of ALOT of money (hushmoney).
And party leaders are caught scrambling to try and convince people that they werent covering up for him (when they most definitly were).

Look for alot more on this as there more than likely was some criminal doings going on here.


Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress

Tim Mahoney Elected to Remove 'Ethical Cloud' of His Disgraced Predecessor, Mark Foley


UH ohhhh....More to come on this to be sure.


TIM MOHONEY (D-FL) was busted for paying off his mistress $121,000.
ABC reported:

West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him, according to current and former members of his staff who have been briefed on the settlement, which involved Mahoney and his campaign committee.

Mahoney, who is married, also promised the woman, Patricia Allen, a $50,000 a year job for two years at the agency that handles his campaign advertising, the staffers said.

A Mahoney spokesperson would not answer questions about the alleged affair or the settlement, but said Allen resigned of her own accord and "has not received any special payment from campaign funds."

Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said...

Joe Biden Can't Count

Kinda reminds me of that old Warner Brothers cartoon with a baby bear finding a barrel of gunpowder and ticks off the leters to try and read it:


And then he proudly says:


The sad thing is that dumb Joe Biden is still smarter than most of the people of chicago .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

obama off teleprompter...marxist.

Well I love it when hes off teleprompter and candid. Here he tells a hard working plumber that he's going to tax him more so he (obama) can spread it around to the people under him. ASSUMING that the people under him are:
1)deserving of it.
2) and also assuming that the people under him DO NOT have the same opportunity to get ahead.

Thereby punishing this plumber for having gumption and ambition to actually TRY and start a business.

I have several friends (and enemies) that are in the animation and film industry. They are leftists. They don't normally think things through..So..let me help them.

If they are making a good amount of money. (which they do), they are going to be considered 'rich'. NOW! if they live in a very high cost area sayyyyy this going to hurt them as they try and pay off their house? Pay for their property taxes? Save to send their kids to college?

Of course....But as I say...they aren't accustomed to thinking things through.

That's why they're leftists.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


You know...As the election plays out in two weeks, one thing is for sure. IF obama wins (and again,,,could go that way.) There is going to be something of a hoot watching this train wreck of sorts.
There will be sooo much of this sort of stuff coming out. So much more, that it will clog just about anything getting done.

..More on this laters.

take a look at at another pal of obamas.
-Louis Farrakhan

Obama's Friends

just the facts ma'am. Just the facts.


You know...I despise howard stern. Really despise him. But when he is correct on something, you gotta give it to him.

Here he takes a mic on the street and talks to some of the dumbest, idiotic, sophomoric, lazy thinkers.

What obama likes to call....his "base".

depressing and fascinating. (but more depressing than fascinating).

laugh, then weep...but enjoy. >:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

When two effeminite leftists ('countsy' and 'robo')... up with a somewhat more conservative 'Handel'.


EDIT: Pull your pants up, countsy.

Friday, October 10, 2008

affirmative action for housing. Democrats to blame.....

...from clinton to obama.
Lays it out pretty clearly, and the evidence is irrefutable.
Great video especially the admission from Cuomo at 2;18 and 2:42.

And 3:12 knowing the risks and not giving a damn.

3:49 is when the obama report come on. And his involvement as a community organizer.Working with 'acorn' to bully the banks and forcing them to give these loans to people that can't afford them.

Its devastating. Will facts matter? Don't know yet.

It should.
Me personally, I own my properties, BUT
IF YOU want to own your own house in the future, or pay off your house that your in now, you better open your eyes and grow up.

This is real life stuff...not the 'hopey changey' crap your being asked to eat.

Candian liberal Dion screws up, again, again and again

I actually felt for this guy at first.
We all screw up and there's nothing wrong with a 'do over'.
But after the second and THIRD time, I think you just have to bury your head in your face and say...

.....moron leftists....


Thursday, October 09, 2008

and NOW for something ...completely different!!

Just another small excerpt...

from another writers perspective about the obama STANK PLANE.
Really though...what do you expect from someone with the initials


Bill Dyer:

"All politicians sell an image. All voters ought to want to know what's behind the image they're being sold. Part of Obama's image is that he's very smart and, therefore, competent. But what substance backs up that image? Is he actually competent at anything besides projecting an image?

Even with all of the expertise available to him as the now long-settled candidate of the national Democratic Party — with all of its talent and experience and, for all practical purposes, an unlimited budget — less than a month before the election, Barack Obama still hasn't managed to assemble a team who can manage to hand out a timely campaign schedule or keep his campaign airplane from smelling.

So I do not ask this as a rhetorical question, but as a very serious one: What is it, besides sheer blind faith, which leads anyone to believe that he can do better with the whole country than he has with his campaign?"

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Obamas campaign plane smells like butt....

I guess when the candidate is a literal ass, it should be no big surprise. :)


October 7, 2008, 3:24 PM

Reporter's Notebook: Seeing How The Other Half Lives

From CBS News' Dean Reynolds:

"Obama's campaign schedule is fuller, more hectic and seemingly improvisational. The Obama aides who deal with the national reporters on the campaign plane are often overwhelmed, overworked and un-informed about where, when, why or how the candidate is moving about. Baggage calls are preposterously early with the explanation that it's all for security reasons.

If so, I would love to have someone from Obama's campaign explain why the entire press corps, the Secret Service, and the local police idled for two hours in a Miami hotel parking lot recently because there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. It was not an isolated case.

The national headquarters in Chicago airily dismisses complaints from journalists wondering why a schedule cannot be printed up or at least e-mailed in time to make coverage plans. Nor is there much sympathy for those of us who report for a newscast that airs in the early evening hours. Our shows place a premium on live reporting from the scene of campaign events. But this campaign can often be found in the air and flying around at the time the "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric" is broadcast. I suspect there is a feeling within the Obama campaign that the broadcast networks are less influential in the age of the internet and thus needn't be accomodated as in the days of yore. Even if it's true, they are only hurting themselves by dissing audiences that run in the tens of millions every night.

The McCain folks are more helpful and generally friendly. The schedules are printed on actual books you can hold in your hand, read, and then plan accordingly. The press aides are more knowledgeable and useful to us in the news media. The events are designed with a better eye, and for the simple needs of the press corps. When he is available, John McCain is friendly and loquacious. Obama holds news conferences, but seldom banters with the reporters who've been following him for thousands of miles around the country. Go figure.

The McCain campaign plane is better than Obama's, which is cramped, uncomfortable and smells terrible most of the time. Somehow the McCain folks manage to keep their charter clean, even where the press is seated.

The other day in Albuquerque, N.M., the reporters were given almost no time to file their reports after McCain spoke. It was an important, aggressive speech, lambasting Obama's past associations. When we asked for more time to write up his remarks and prepare our reports, the campaign readily agreed to it. They understood.

Similar requests are often denied or ignored by the Obama campaign aides, apparently terrified that the candidate may have to wait 20 minutes to allow reporters to chronicle what he's just said. It's made all the more maddening when we are rushed to our buses only to sit and wait for 30 minutes or more because nobody seems to know when Obama is actually on the move.

Maybe none of this means much. Maybe a front-running campaign like Obama's that is focused solely on victory doesn't have the time to do the mundane things like print up schedules or attend to the needs of reporters.

But in politics, everything that goes around comes around."


Sunday, October 05, 2008


OK!! Here's my take on the VP Debate.

I think I may be in the minority when I say I am less impressed with style than I am with substance.
Biden, who has been in the senate for 200 years, of course is going to have a backlog of names to rattle off at any given moment. That will impress the non thinkers in legion like my leftist friend "countsy" and his nancy "me too" tag along "robo".
But Joe Biden has a looong history of being wrong on so many things, and on the wrong side of so many things that its no surprise that the debate would show some light on a number of either lies or just being so ignorant of reality that its both jaw dropping and scary at the same time.
The remark about obama "two years ago warning about the subprime portgage crisis".


OR about hezbolah "being forced out of Lebonon.


These are just two of maybe 9 things that I counted that were either fabrications or just ignorance on ole Joe part.
But he has a style that allows him to cover up his idiocy. By trying to sound like he actually KNOWS a thing or two.
The real sad thing is that it is done knowing that the press won't do their job and will let it slide (as they do the real important work of trying to see if baby Trig is actually Palins Baby....oh brother).

How did I think that she did in the debate? I thought that she did great. Seriously. I think that many were waiting to see her fall flat on her back side. But of course thats not going to happen. The press in their want to controll a story has built her up to be this moron, just as they did with Reagan...and she killed it.
She of course is not a moron. People forget (check that...elitist forget) that she has argued before and debated succesfully and with style and TEETH. She knows what shes doing. And she does it better than Biden.

Now again, the non thinkers (countsy) will point out post debate polls. Well that doesnt ring true to me. From a media so entrenched and invested in obama (again putting out every rumor and tabloid lie about Palin and never touching Obamas Ayers or Rezko connections or even the Edwards affair).
So... I don't pay awhole lot of attention to them.

The Presidency wont be won or lost by the VP debate or choice anyway. (not really).

When McCain was UP by 7, A friend wrote me and said "Oh man! Up by SEVEN!" I reminded him that its a close election. And a seven PLUS is meaningless. This could go either way.
I still believe that even with Obama now up by 7.
Now that said...theres still a possibility that it could be blown wide open. And we could see a landslide by one of them. could go either way. All it takes is an event (big or small)...and we could have a winner tomorrow!
I personally am still of the mindset that it will go down to the wire. We'll see.
It'll be a looong 29 days though.

In either respect, whether McCain/Palin win or lose, SHE will be back...Because shes a tornado. The way to tell that?

The firestorm that erupted when she was introduced to the world. The hysterics that she generates from the left. And believe me...the left saw that debate and convention speech....They're scared out of their lil sissy panties. (countsy).

She'll be with us for a loooong time. And for that....I'm thrilled.

MORE on my thoughts of Palin in the next post.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


I know that I said that I would post my thoughts on Palins debate and of Palin herself. But I just can't get er done tonite. So I'll try for tomorrow nite instead. Till then, heres a fun little fact. Fun yet very telling and very sad.

But not at all surprising.

Courtesy of: Ed Morrissey


Yesterday, the Palins released their income tax returns for the last two years, as expected for the general election. While the returns showed the Palins to be squarely in the middle class, with income between $127,000 and $166,000 combined, they also revealed a charity gap between the two VP candidates:

"Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made considerably less money than rival Sen. Joe Biden, but the Palin family gave more to charity in the last two years than Biden has in the last eight combined, according to Palin’s tax records released Friday afternoon. …

In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080.

But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.

By contrast, Biden (D-Del.), Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s running mate, has donated a total of $3,690 since 1998 despite his higher Senate salary, according to an analysis posted by National Review."

Recall what barack obama said in his appearance at the Saddleback Forum in August:

“Americans’ greatest moral failure in my lifetime,” he said, “has been that we still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

And what Biden claimed as the moral imperative from soaking people with higher taxes:

“Catholic social doctrine as I was taught it is, you take care of people who need the help the most.”

Once again, we see that liberals talk about charity, and conservatives take action. The Palins have been quite generous with their cash, while Biden has given far less on an annual basis with a much larger income stream. Since the two Democrats keep claiming the charitable impulse for spending other people’s money, it’s revealing to once again compare Biden’s own personal giving to his political rhetoric, and to his opponent in November.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Facts and truth....two things alien to democrats.

There is one thing that I like to say repeatedly. Don't trust democrats with anything.
Our schools are run and governed by democrats/leftists...and they are in shambles. A laughing stock to the world. So hellbent on teaching al gores ridiculous movie and less on the Fundamentals of learning.
Then try to cover it up by saying "we cant flunk anyone due to doing damage to their self esteem."

Fighting terrorism: The democrats solution is to bury their heads in the sand, raise their fat hineys in the air and quietly murmer through the sands :"be gentle.."

And this banking/financial mess :
Of which was foreseen by the republicans in 2003, 2005, only to be ignored by the democrats, who wanted to give loans to people that can't AFFORD those loans. All while calling the republicans "mean spirited" for even bringing it up.

How much more 'mean spirited' is it that now those same people that were given the loans (out of good intention),,are now LOSING their homes....losing everything.
Not to mention that other citizens who had nothing to do with any of that...are being hit HARD with loses to their stock portfolios. Older folks losing just about everything.

Democrat policies.

Now there is a 50/50 chance that obiden will win this election. The people will have to live with their choice.

The housing/banking mess are "loans by affirmative action". And look how thats turned out.
If the presidential race is also built on affirmative action mentality....people are going to hurt. And they will have to lay in the beds that they have made.

(for at least four years anyway..hopefully there wont be too much irreversible damage.)

Pretty clear choice. If your not a lazy thinker.

My thoughts on the VP debate (And on Sarah Palin) coming tomorrow nite.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Democrat "men"

You know, whenever I see someone like harry reid get all 'angry'...I have one reaction to it.

And that reaction is an eye rolling chuckle.

Its just ridiculous. I look at that and I can only imagine what the enemy terrorist filth thinks.
They probably wouldn't know whether to behead him or throw a burka on him.

I get that same feel from obama. Which pretty much falls in line with most hard left, leftist democrats.

And while I see some flashes of REAL manhood from obama every now and then, I still feel its forced and 'acted'

In short....

I still think obama is a panty wearing, weak little sissy.

a true modern democrat.

The tale of two bracelets.

A truly CRINGE INDUCING moment of the debate.

When something happens...that makes a truly deep impact on you, such as the death of a hero.....IF it does have that emotional impact on you..

You wear the bracelet on your wrist while carving the NAME of the hero in your heart and psyche.
If it doesn' wear the bracelet on your wrist for show AND for the reason of using it as a CHEAT SHEET....for the name that wasn't all that important to bother REMEMBERING.


Obama: "uh..what he said"

separating the boys from the men.

(you may quote me)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Banking Crisis: Timeline..and whose at FAULT.

....Whatsmore, guess who is number TWO in recieving money from fanny and freddy. Yup...barry obamarama.

AAAAND guess who has fannie and freddie people in high positions in his campaign?

Yuuuuup. barry obamamama.


Gots me a case of some jungle fev-AH!

This picture was obviously pre-opt . Word has it that he is about 85% 'guy' now, but in order to be a 'modern democrat male' has opted to NOT have the testicles or spine implants.
Because as we all know, democrat 'men' have neither of those things. (ironically, the leftist women have more testosterone than the democrat men. Hairy little bitter beasts that they are.)

To see barry in this way...he's actually better looking than michelle obama.
(Hairy little bitter beast that she is.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who's responsible for the Freddie/Fannie mess?

I was going to post something on this, but I'm pressed for time due to deadlines. So here is a good youtube post that pretty much says it all. If truth really matters at all, then heres a heaping spoonful.

Lesson? Don't let democrats touch anything. That is unless you actually want F.Up's beyond your wildest nightmares.

So it goes......