Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Well helllo there!
Ahhh the holidays!
But really...has there been all that much to really talk about? I mean besides the overall disintegration of a great country?
There has been almost more than I could write about..the level of incompetency has been so staggering and so abundant that it's been almost impossible to keep up.
The latest coming from the oh so close Christmas disaster of the 'pantie bomber'...
The only thing stopping this guy was his own incompetency. Not only was it chilling to know how close this plane filled with people came to blowing up, but also chilling to hear obama's people (with obama signing off to the statements) saying that the 'system worked'.
Folks....we are in for some very dark days...because obama....well, he's not dropping the ball. He's forfeited the game.
I'll be back with many posts ..POSTS galore, in the new year.
(including being 'unfriended' on facebook by an old school mate. Over what? Having a different veiwpoint than his delicate and 'openminded' liberal mindset. Its a goody and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Till then...HAPPY NEW YEAR! Celebrate it by smoking a stogey and eating a vegan!
Friday, December 25, 2009

Luke 2:8-14
“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Monday, November 23, 2009
Palins book sold 300,000 on the first day and by its first week is on its way to being a million seller. Already at 700,000.
Congrats to the lady!
Sometimes an article says it JUST perfectly..
Victor Davis Hanson
Where Has the Thrill Gone?
The Harder They Fall?
"Who appointed over 40 ambassadors on the sole basis of campaign contributions, or has as many lobbyists in government as did any President in memory? And who releases touchy news—whether increased unemployment or trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civil courts—on Friday nights, or wants his Democratically-controlled Congress to debate unpopular legislation on Saturday nights?
You see where this is going. Prophets fall harder than normal politicians. When you claim that seas recede and planets cool before your presence, and that Latin mottos, new presidential candidate seals, neo-classical victory trophies, and faux-Greek temple sets are the appropriate backdrops for Your speeches, then you raise the bar a bit high. Obama is not necessarily any more partisan than a Nixon or Reagan or Bush, only just as partisan—but when he claimed something quite different.
Add in the hope/change mantra, and a cadre of lackeys talking about tingling legs, his majesty Caesar, and apotheosis into a “god”, and our young Icarus was simply soaring too near the sun for his own fragile wax-feather wings. The problem is not just that Obama is proving Clinton-like in his Chicago hardball partisanship (cf. the trash-talk of Rahm Emanuel, Mao-admirer Anita Dunn, or the Truther Van Jones), but that his entire persona was fabricated on a touchy-feely “there is no red state, no blue state America.”
Despite Obama’s vows to restore science to its rightful place in government (I think that was his dig at George Bush’s opposition to human embryo, stem-cell research), we get superstition. Instead of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ non-partisan, depressing unemployment figures, we are instead to rely on a new unproven notion of jobs “saved” and “created”, and in nonexistent, made-up congressional districts, listed, no less, on a government official website. War against reason?
Remember the “reset” button promises abroad? Do we have a safer, saner relationship with Putin? Is Iran closer to disarmament? North Korea quieter? Did George Mitchell transform the Middle East? Is the “good” war still good, the “bad” one still bad? Do the Brits feel the special relationship is stronger? Maybe Sarkozy is more impressed now with America, or are the Poles and Czechs?
And do Chavez, Castro, Ortega, Morales, Zelaya, and others in Latin America feel more pressure to be democratic or less? Is one third of the planet in India and China more comfortable with the messiah Obama or with the hated Bush?
At Home
And the future? Will the country look eagerly forward to cap-and-trade taxes? The new income tax rates? Will small businesses like the caps off FICA taxable income, and health care surcharges? Perhaps the people can get behind impending “comprehensive immigration reform” (in the way we are now for “comprehensive health care”), which will de-emphasize enforcement and emphasize amnesty?
As Obama’s popularity falls, expect his own partisanship to increase, and the Chicago brass knuckles to be more evident. Obama knows that he can hope and change only until he hits 35-40% approval ratings, and is rendered shouting to half-empty audience halls and a triangulating congress.
Full Steam Ahead
A final prognosis—or why Obama is in deep, deep trouble, since he won’t quit in his dream to transmogrify American into something like Belgium at best and Brazil at worse.
Millions of independents and swing voters went for Obama for five reasons: (1) they believed the media hype that Bush was the “worst” (fill in the blanks); (2) the sudden financial panic of September 2008 and the anger at Wall Street banditry and bail-outs; (3) Obama’s youth, charm, and oratory; (4) the feel-good novelty of voting in our first African-American president; (5) Obama’s centrist campaign message of paying down debt, working with allies, drilling, being tough against Al Qaeda, and being bipartisan.
It’s taken almost 11 months, but voters now know that propositions 1-5 are now refuted or irrelevant:
1) Bush is history. Like Truman, in time he will begin to look better not worse. More importantly, Bush’s sins that bothered voters— too much big government and big deficits—were simply trumped by Obama’s gargantuan deficits and federalization of health care, banking, and the auto industry. “Bush did it” doesn’t work any more. “Obama did it even more” is the new worry.
2) The panic that we would lose all our 401(k’s) and home equity has passed. What we are left with in its wake is a sinking feeling that badgering small business and the Chamber of Commerce, as if they are Goldman Sachs grandees, isn’t working. Raising income, payroll, and surcharge taxes at a time state, local, and sales taxes are surging, is, well, a good way to turn a recession into a depression—or at least a stagflating, weak recovery. Sometime around next March, “Bush’s did it” will transmogrify into Obama’s recession. Obama can’t run against the economy, but must fix it—or take the blame. His best hope is that the Republicans don’t run a demagogic figure such as he himself acted in 2007-8.
3) Obama’s smoothness is getting old. All of us can almost write the next Obama speech: a) “some” say/do, but “I” say/do… The bad straw man is set up, followed by the contrast of the annointed “I” and “me” ad nauseum. b) then comes the apology for the sins of the rest of us—mitigated somewhat by the election of , yes, Barack Obama, the first black President; c) third is the impossible: spending more on health care saves more; cap and trade massive taxes will result in economies; no more lobbyists means gads of them, Bush shredded the Constitution equates into I’m copying his anti-terror protocols; d) an end with hope and change ruffles and flourishes. Bottom line: the oratory is old and trite, given the lack of commensurate accomplishments.
4) On the matter of racial landmarks, some of the voters think, rightly or wrongly, that they did their thing, proving America is not racist by the fact of Obama’s election. Now? A lot of independents, however, won’t seem obligated to vote in 2010 or 2012, motivated by the same sense of liberal assuagement of guilt. This been there/done that feeling will be accentuated should Obama’s supporters continue to play the race card as his popularity dips as a result of a statist and neo-socialist agenda.
5) We know now that the campaign was a centrist deception. Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright make logical the presence of the Truther Van Jones and Anita Dunn (cf. her encomium to Mao). His most partisan Senate record presages his near suicidal effort to ram through statist health care, tax hikes, and partisan appointments, in addition to polarizing rhetoric. His campaign promises to meet with Ahmadinejad were not only met, but again trumped by serial apologies, selling out the Poles and Czechs and outreach to Chavez and Castro. In other words, the so-called right-wing nuts who tried to scare the hell out of voters are proving to be Nostradamuses of sorts.
All sorts of things can happen. Printing and borrowing can give us a brief, though unsustainable recovery around 2010. A war could break out. We could get hit big-time again as in 9/11.
That said, I think not merely the thrill is gone, but a righteous anger about an Obama trifecta— of serial apologies and bows abroad, massive borrowing and deficit spending, and government-take overs of private spheres of life—is swelling up in the electorate. I haven’t seen in my lifetime anything quite like it. And this furor of being had has the potential not just to take Obama down, but also his ideology and supporters along with him for a generation."
Obama's Asia field trip..a complete FAILURE.
In the midst of dithering on the wars and sending the troops needed and wanted by his commanders, as well as while the economy continues to crumble and unemployment continues to skyrocket...Obama decided to take a lil trip to Asia. Not entirelly sure of fwhat the reason was for the trip. Perhaps he was just getting tired of his NUMEROUS golf outings.
The concencus on the trip by world press....a complete waste of time, and acomplishing nothing other than to be a submissive bitch while bowing ( yes bowing again... ) to emporer Akihito.
Some pickings from assorted news writings:
"The real problem may be Obama’s friends — or rather, those among his formerly most enthusiastic supporters who are now having second thoughts.
The doubters are suddenly stretching across a broad section of the Democratic party’s natural constituency. They include black congressional leaders upset by the sluggish economy; women and Hispanics appalled by concessions made to Republicans on healthcare; anti-war liberals depressed by the debate over troops for Afghanistan; and growing numbers of blue-collar workers who are continuing to lose their jobs and homes.
Obama’s Asian adventure perceptibly increased the murmurings of dissent when he returned to Washington last week, having failed to wring any public concessions from China on any major issue."
"We were especially disappointed that China made no discernible move to join with the United States and other major powers in threatening tougher sanctions if Iran fails to make progress on curbing its nuclear weapons program. President Obama should have made clear in his private talks that the United States and Europe will act anyway if Beijing and Moscow block United Nations Security Council action.
It was also dispiriting that Mr. Obama agreed to allow China to limit his public appearances so markedly. Questions were not permitted at the so-called press conference with Mr. Hu, and his town hall meeting with future Chinese leaders in Shanghai not only had a Potemkin air, it was not even broadcast live in China. It’s obvious that the last thing Mr. Hu wanted was to get questions about issues like his brutal repression in Tibet and Xinjiang. That doesn’t explain Mr. Obama’s acquiescence in such restrictions.
Mr. Obama did not meet with Chinese liberals. In Shanghai, he spoke of the need for an uncensored Internet and universal rights for all people, including Chinese, and at the press conference he called for dialogue between Beijing and the Dalai Lama. He delayed a meeting with the Dalai Lama until after the China summit and should schedule it soon.
President Obama was elected in part because he promised a more cooperative and pragmatic leadership in world affairs. We support that. The measure of the success (or failure) of his approach won’t be known for months, and we hope it bears fruit. But the American president must always be willing to stand up to Beijing in defense of core American interests and values."
"When he entered office, US President Barack Obama promised to inject US foreign policy with a new tone of respect and diplomacy. His recent trip to Asia, however, showed that it’s not working. A shift to Bush-style bluntness may be coming. …
Upon taking office, Obama said that he wanted to listen to the world, promising respect instead of arrogance. But Obama’s currency isn’t as strong as he had believed. Everyone wants respect, but hardly anyone is willing to pay for it. Interests, not emotions, dominate the world of realpolitik. The Asia trip revealed the limits of Washington’s new foreign policy: Although Obama did not lose face in China and Japan, he did appear to have lost some of his initial stature.
In Tokyo, the new center-left government even pulled out of its participation in a mission which saw the Japanese navy refueling US warships in the Indian Ocean as part of the Afghanistan campaign. In Beijing, Obama failed to achieve any important concessions whatsoever. There will be no binding commitments from China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A revaluation of the Chinese currency, which is kept artificially weak, has been postponed. Sanctions against Iran? Not a chance. Nuclear disarmament? Not an issue for the Chinese.
The White House did not even stand up for itself when it came to the question of human rights in China. The president, who had said only a few days earlier that freedom of expression is a universal right, was coerced into attending a joint press conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, at which questions were forbidden. Former US President George W. Bush had always managed to avoid such press conferences."
"President Obama’s nine-day trip to Asia is worth a look back to fix two potent problems, past and future. First, the trip’s limited value per day of presidential effort suggests a disturbing amateurishness in managing America’s power. On top of the inexcusably clumsy review of Afghan policy and the fumbling of Mideast negotiations, the message for Mr. Obama should be clear: He should stare hard at the skills of his foreign-policy team and, more so, at his own dominant role in decision-making. Something is awry somewhere, and he’s got to fix it. …
It was not good optics for Obama to bow to Japan’s emperor. He seems to do this stuff spontaneously and inexplicably, as with his bow to the Saudi King some months ago. And it was truly unfortunate that Obama and his aides didn’t flatly insist that he be allowed to address the Chinese people directly on television and meet with non-stacked Chinese groups—as has been the case during previous presidential visits. Beijing’s leaders obviously didn’t feel confident enough of their own standing at home to give the popular Mr. Obama such access. But he and his team should have made it a precondition of the visit. Its absence left an unhappy taste.
The White House might try to blame the State Department (such an easy and delicious target) for the missteps. But State’s role in the conceptual planning of the trip was not central, and the department’s senior Asia hand, Kurt Campbell, surely knew better. It’s also hard to tar the National Security Council’s own senior Asia expert, Jeff Bader, another pro like Campbell. Perhaps even higher officials at the NSC dropped the ball. Perhaps Mr. Obama might take responsibility himself, as President Kennedy did after the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961. Now, that would truly clear the air—and open the door to some obvious and necessary changes in the administration’s decision-making machinery. Every decision, large and small, is shaped and made by the president himself and enforced by Denis McDonough, a deputy NSC adviser and the administration’s Lord High Executioner. Does Obama get enough pushback? Is he hearing a range of views? Can he see that his powerful intellect might profit from bowing to the voices of experience? If Mr. Obama reflects on the Asia journey and other mishaps, he might loosen the reins and bring in additional policy and diplomatic pros as inside counselors or outside advisers."
But boy howdy! I hope he enjoyed the pic of himself at the great wall...I really do, since we all paid for it .
Obama approvals (or lack thereof)
RASMUSSEN: ...............46%
QUINNIPIAC: ...............48%
Rasmussen: ObamaCare approval new low 38%
What we have here is classic liberalism. The very essence of "you the typical american are a bunch of rubes who don't know whats good for you. WE will show you how to live your lives and make all the decisions for you. Whether you like it or not. Despite how much you scream about it."
Classic elitism. DESPITE the fact that none, NONE of their plan makes sense! But just the sheer want for their ridiculous world view to actually succeed (for once) even though absolutely NONE of it works on paper. Therefore they stoop to the very methods of the very wall street hucksters that they despise to calculate their numbers.
HOPING that its enough to get it by and after its a done deal...that is when they try to somehow make a square peg fit in a round hole. And the American Public that gets hurt (for generations) be damned .
With the 2010 elections not too far down the road, we have the beginnings to correct this 'feel good' experiment that so many of you were dumb enough to fall for. (robo, countsy, etc etc).
But it will come at a price I'm afraid. With unemployment at a 10.2% rise....(amazing).
and continuing pain and hardship for countless Americans....the midterms seem far far away. But they will be here, and when they do come....Don't make the same mistake you made the last time.
In other words...try thinking this time.
"Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan. Half the survey was conducted before the Senate voted late Saturday to begin debate on its version of the legislation. Support for the plan was slightly lower in the half of the survey conducted after the Senate vote.
Prior to this, support for the plan had never fallen below 41%. Last week, support for the plan was at 47%. Two weeks ago, the effort was supported by 45% of voters."
Obama gets slammed by SNL...and hey!! It's even FUNNY!
I can't tell which is more interesting to me.
The crash or the burn of the obama presidency.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Quinnipiac poll: OBAMA UNDER 50%
"President Barack Obama’s approval rating has fallen below 50 percent for the first time in polling by Quinnipiac University as U.S. voter discontent grows over the war in Afghanistan.
Obama’s job approval rating fell to 48 percent in the Nov. 9-16 survey of registered voters nationwide by the Hamden, Connecticut-based university, with 42 percent polled saying they disapproved of the job he is doing.
“In politics, symbols matter, and this is not a good symbol for the White House,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a statement."
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?"
Approve 48%
Disapprove 42%
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling - the economy? "
Approve 43%
Disapprove 52%
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling - foreign
Approve 49%
Disapprove 42%
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling - the
situation in Afghanistan?"
Approve 38%
Disapprove 49%
Would you describe the state of the nation's economy these days as -
excellent, good, not so good, or poor?
Good 8%
Not so good 42%
Poor 49%
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
California smert people....
Now I ask you...being that this is in Calif...just who do you think the majority of these geniuses voted for? Hmmmmm I wonderrrrrrrr.
Saturday, November 07, 2009

For the first 26 years, unemployment hit a double digit figure. More than 558,000 jobs lost in Oct. The rate jumping from 9.8 to a stunning 10.2%!!
via: "U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics"
"The unemployment rate rose from 9.8 to 10.2 percent in October, and nonfarm payroll employment continued to decline (-190,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The largest job losses over the month were in construction, manufacturing, and retail trade.
In October, the number of unemployed persons increased by 558,000 to 15.7 million. The unemployment rate rose by 0.4 percentage point to 10.2 percent, the highest rate since April 1983. Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the number of unemployed persons has risen by 8.2 million, and the unemployment rate has grown by 5.3 percentage points. "
"But the loss of jobs last month exceeded economists’ estimates. It’s the 22nd straight month the U.S. economy has shed jobs, the longest on records dating back 70 years. Counting those who have settled for part-time jobs or stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate would be 17.5 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994."
Now remember my lovely little wankers..the mighty barack obama know..the one that was so pork laden? The one that was supposed to stave off unemployment at 8.0%. The one that unless passed IMMEDIATLY without delay, there would be disaster?
The same stimulus bill that no, NO republican voted for because they said it would neither help stave off job loss NOR help the economy due to its wasteful spending..
Well.....10 months after that was put into effect...we are now at 10.2% unemployment.
Now even with the elections of last tuesday where the people sent a clear message to all dems including webster prez...they stand ready to shove this obama care healthcare bill through.
If you go back and look at my'll see I was right all the way through. Hey Robo and countsy? You out there? (of course you are)
The dems are going to shoot themselves right in the big fat fanny...
That is IF the American public continue to wake up. And judging from the approval ratings for obama care....
It looks like that will be the case.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
OK! Here we go-
Well there was an election the other day. Perhaps you've heard. Virginia DOWN THE LINE. Down the friggin line!
The governorship by a whopping 59 percent and democrat Deeds had paltry 41 percent.
18 points. That's called a blowout my friends.
Not only did they lose the Gov'shp, but they also lost five (possibly six) Virginia seats.
As well as:
Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling also won a second term Tuesday, defeating Democrat Jody Wagner. And Republican state Sen. Ken Cuccinelli was the winner of the race for state attorney general, beating Democratic state Del. Steve Shannon.
In Jersey..that's NEW JERSEY..A place so blue that one would think impossible for a Repub to win there. A state that SO overwhelmingly voted for obama ,now...has turned over and voted for Republican Christie .
With a turning of the independents by OVERWHELMINGLY huge margins in Virginia AND jersey.
So what does that tell us?...It tells us that people by and large are so FREAKED by the exploding (and dangerously irresponsible) spending by the dems, that they are feeling the classic case of buyers remorse.
And are now feeling thier senses being RATTLED back! In JUST 11 MONTHS!!!
The dems..of course are trying their best to dismiss this as nothing more than 'local politics and local matters'.
That of course is laughable.
Either, the dems are total morons and really are ignorant to what has just happened and truely believe that it really is nothing at all....
the dems know full well what a dire thing this is and what it foretells and they are scared
$&#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
Either way, I love it! If they are so dumb as to believe this is nothing....then they will barrel forward and screw themselves.
If they DO know what has just happened.....then they are totally spooked, and the blue dogs are even MORESO, therefore leaving them utterly between a rock and a really really hardplace.
They are holding onto NY-23 as thier sole reason for living.
San fran nan is saying that due to that..that the dems look at the night as a "Dems win". should be noted as that the last minute repub candidate for that seat was indeed a no name person who ran and he only lost by JUST a smidge!
A no name!!! A last minute NO NAME! HAHAAAAA!
Oh folks...what we have here, is what you call the choppy waters right before the Niagra Falls drop.
If you don't believe me.....all you have to do is go back and check out 1994.
The dems are making their own noose...and their making it really really tight.
The least we can do is supply the ladder.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
You know our valiant president obama? He's kind of a little bitch isnt he?

Our fearless webster president to no ones surprise has turned out to be a bit of a little bitch. It's true.
"The problem with obama has never been the color of his skin, but the thickness of it."
That's the crit on obama and he's proving his critics right over and over and over again.
The recent much publicized war with Fox News because he doesn't like that they aren't rolling over like every other 'news' network to his every word, has shown lil webster to be a very petty and small little puss of a man.
Getting himself an 'enemies list' on anyone that does not have that 'tingle running down his leg', such as Fox News who has the 'audacity' to (GASP) actually REPORT on news stories such as his EXTREME 'czar' appointments such as Van Jones, ACCORN scandals, his string of broken promises, his lack of transparency, his massive deficits that he's racking up. His EXTREME spending. The 10% unemployment (which was to have been curbed at 8% with his ridiculous pork laden 800 billion+ 'stimulous' program of which every republican RIGHTLY declined to vote for)...the list goes on and on.
Part of the reason that he has warned other networks to "not follow Fox's lead" is because he (and he admits this) wants to 'marginalize his critics'.
He needs to really do this because he has something coming up which he doesn't want people to remember. Which is his "I wont raise taxes".
Which he will most definitely HAVE TO. And he wants no one to remember this and most of all, no one to REPORT IT.
Obama isn't used to people not climbing into his anus. It hurts his feelings, and he pouts and stomps his foot about it.
The problem warning in the most condescending way...the other networks to not follow foxs lead, puts the others which ARE ALL TRAILING fox in ratings-- in a very bad position.
It in some ways does what the nobel prize UNDERLINES the very incompetence of obama AND the media.
"Do what I say. Do what I tell you to do media. Report what I deem reportable."
So they (the media) are now in a spot where they either have to look like they are lap dogs for obama (which they are). OR they will feel like they now HAVE to actually do some (GASP AGAIN) actual reporting.
The latest embarrassment came this past week as the obama admin tried to leave Fox News out of the pool interview of the pay czar. The other networks voted to not interview him at all if Fox was left out. The white house, with tail tucked between its Ba-gina.... relented.
As if they ever had a choice in the matter.
Obama, is coming off as what he is. With a decline steeper and faster than any president in history....He is showing what he is.
A spoiled little sissy. An efeminite elitist little bitch, with his own mean girl 'enemies list'.
(and I love it. Bring on 2010.)
Prelude to obamacare.
From the people who brought us the swine flu vaccine shortage - Government-run health care! UPDATED
By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
10/24/09 12:25 PM EDT
President Obama's late-night declaration of a nationwide public health emergency last night shouldn't be allowed to obscure the most important lesson of the developing swine flu crisis - The same government that only weeks ago promised abundant supplies of swine flu vaccine by mid-October will be running your health care system under Obamacare.
On Sept. 13, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, told ABC's This Week program that the government was on schedule to deliver an "ample supply" of swine flu vaccine by mid-October:
"We're on track to have an ample supply rolling by the middle of October. But we may have some early vaccine as early as the first full week in October. We'll get the vaccine out the door as fast as it rolls off the production line."
But here we are five weeks later and news reports are coming in from across the nation of long waiting lines of people wanting the shot, but being turned away because of grossly inadequate supplies. The typical explanation from public health offiials is that the swine flu vaccine requires more time to be cultivated than seasonal flu vaccine.
That's no doubt true, but did federal public health officials just discover that fact? These are the same government officials who will be in charge of your health care under the government-run health care system being sought by Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress.
And the president's declaration contains this statement that is rich with irony in the context of the debate on health care reform: "The foundation of our national approach to the H1N1 flu has been preparedness at all levels -- personal, business, and government -- and this proclamation helps that effort by advancing our overall response capability," according to Fox News.
The declaration will allow waiving of federal regulations on a case-by-case basis. But how will we waive an entire government-run health care system?
Here's something else to think about: How will Obama and congressional Democrats seek to take advantage of this public health crisis? This is, after all, the administration that never lets a good crisis go to waste, right?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Doin' a bang up job there 'Webster-obama'
Harris Poll: obama approval 45%
(losing support across the board in all age groups)
Rasmussen Poll: Obama-care- 42% in favor 54% are opposed
Friday, October 16, 2009
Too good. And too true. HAH! (lyrics included)
I heard it today, Barack got a prize
Seams theyre dishin peace, prizes left and right
If you wanna prize, you can do it to
Theres just a few things, that you gotta do
Im mowing the lawn
You get a peace prize
Doing the laundry
Thats a peace prize
Im grooming my dog
Peace prize
He seems to like it
Thats a peace prize
You, get a peace prize
He, gets a peace prize
I, get a peace prize
Everybody, gets a peace prize
They gave a peace prize, to our president
Hed only been prez, for two weeks by then
The same time he takes, to dust his smokes
Some people call this, nobel prize a joke
But remember yall, Big O gives us hope
More hope for all man, even for the pope
This award aint for, anything he did
But for things he promises that he will
The first man to win, a peace prize for hope
Bankrupt America, The man is dope
Obama wants change, see it in his eyes
If you do to, youve earned yourself a prize
Im in the hot tub
Peace prize
Im doing some dips
Peace prize
Showing potential
Peace prize
Being a black guy
Gets a peace prize
Im making a sandwich
Thats a peace prize
Shes eating the sandwich
Peace prize
Its delicious
Heres a peace prize
Uh, yeah peace prize
The Nobel prize, aint given to fools
The whole committee, Went to greater schools
They thought Barack, Was Nobel worthy
they decided to, look at his story
He was voted to, be our president
Then they closed the books, The man is in
His namell go down, with other cool cats
Al Gore, Carter, Yasser Araffat
The prize aint always given to the best
Its got to be, politically correct
Thats why its not, everybody wins
For what not to do, Take a look at him
Liberate Iraq
You get no peace prize
Curb AIDS in Africa
No peace prize
Your last name is Bush
You get no peace prize
Ha, no peace prize
Obama, gets a peace prize
Automatic, Peace Prize
Huh, peace prize
Everybody, peace prize
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Reich argues for the public option against.... himself.
The second clip (below) is audio with Reich being more honest when speaking to an audience at UC Berkeley.
Ahhhhh the left. Intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt, and overall void of any soul.
He says at the end of the first clip to send your friends a copy of that video. I say send both of these and let the viewer decide for themselves...WHICH is the truth.
Prepare for High tax and low quality..
IF this goes through.....
The next question will be how long will it take for the Republicans to undo the damage?
With dunces like 'robo' and 'countsy' out there clutching there 'blankies' and suckin they're thumbs with they're silly (yet sweet) childish ways of's no wonder we find our selves in the mess that we are in.
It is true that elections have consequences. And its the people of this country that will have to pay those consequences.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Saturday, October 03, 2009
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | ||| | ||||
Enjoy the ass kickin.
More olympic yumminess..
CNN anchor freaks with disbelief as he realizes that obama is not a god.
Enjoy the freak out. I know I did.

..And landed HARD with an excruciating (and delicious) THUD!
Yesterday, I wrote: "Does anyone else out there think that this ISN'T in the bag.
Of course it is. It's nothing but a PR stunt to make it look as if this pansy ass still has clout.
IF it ISN'T already in the bag...and the olympics aren't coming to chicago....then that would make obama one of the dumbest people to ever hold the office."....
The reason I said this, is that It just doesn't make sense for him to go to this and lobby for it if it weren't already in the bag. Why risk so much of your credibility, so much for so little??
Why risk going and pandering and then stand the chance of getting egg all over your face and looking weak as you come back to America looking WEAK to THIS country and every other country???
WHY go and look like an utter fool by : In the midst of an economic recession, when joblessness have ticked up to 9.8% WASTED TAX PAYERS MONEY by taking TWO jets, filled with a presidential entourage and secret service (and using extra gas to cart the tonage known as 'oprah and michele'),
In a time when the economy is very shaky, and his universal health care is running into all kinds of trouble with the PEOPLE of this country...When IRAN is testing missles and new facilities to create nuclear weapons...
..why do this? Unless you actually had it in the bag and were looking for an easy PR win?
Again..the fact that he DIDN'T have it in the bag, and put everything up for nothing...means he is more about arrogance and less on intellect.
He is...despite the whole "HAAAW-VAAAHD" thing...He is not, a very bright person.
Sorry...he just isn't.
The press was STUNNED! As was the crowd gathered at an outdoor event in chicago..STUNNED that chicago got wiped out.
And not just wiped out, BUT IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE!
Chicago got layed out! IN THE FIRST ROUND!!
If this were an olympic sprts 'event', they wouldn't have even got the bronze! They (chicago and obama) were in FOURTH! A distant FOURTH!!
(scuse me a sec..)
Oh man...that's just too delici-oh-so-yummy!
The crowd was in shock, the obama media was beside themselves. And the reason once that they couldn't believe that it WASN'T IN THE BAG!
The spin was wonderful. In order to try and do damage controll. But there was just no way around it. Damage was done.
An interesting thing that came out..was that it appears that the committee was just not all that impressed with obama and crew. The feel from his speech was that it was all about HIM.
ARROGANT little pantywaist.
Great job champ! Your doin a SWELL job!
>: D
Friday, October 02, 2009
Well, obama has decided that there is no better time than now (what economy problems? What joblessness problems? What Iran Problems?) head on out to Copenhagen to try and get the olympics (worthless) to be held in (worthless) chicago.
Now lets be clear....Who DOESN'T think that this isn't already in the bag?
Of course it is. It's nothing but a PR stunt to make it look as if this pansy ass still has clout.
IF it ISN'T already in the bag...and the olympics aren't coming to chicago....then that would make obama one of the dumbest people to ever hold the office.
The interesting thing about this, is that in the midst of all of the gangland killings and violence in the great city of's interesting that even chicago itself doesn't even want this stupid thing known as the 'olympics' to be held in their city.
Maybe bacause they sense what would really happen if it does come.
They...Chicago....will LOSE money. LOSE money in a state and city where they already have mas unemployment and mass violence. A city that is by all accounts in the toilet due to democratic rule.
Now if even they know this, then one has to hold out hope that even dems in that city might have at least a SMALL amount of common sense.
Or perhaps it falls in the realm of: "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fresh and tanned, with my tummy a little bigger and booty a little more bootylicious!
I had had a little too much incompetence from obama and had to take a break.
The truly wonderful thing about obama and the dems is that they honestly give one too much to write about. If you can actually get alot posted, you wear yourself out from the sheer tonage of ineptitude that comes from our little webster prez, that one simply must take a little breather from it.
But boy howdy, I am pumped and primed like a fat, freckled staffer for barney frank--RARIN' TO GO! (at least till my next vacation in four months)
But first I'll hit you with some moments from my aforementioned vacation in my next post.
Then we get to some nitty gritty. And yes I promise..due to some requests in the forums, that I will post more about the boring, empty,vapid, phony,plastic animation and arts industries that I'm in.
Till then, get your popcorn, wine and tissues ready.....
.......we gon' git a lil messy.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The 'Artist' known as 'HANDEL'...
Due to return in two days.
PS: Up yours, Hoto!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
ACORN: A house of cards falling down and falling fast.
Well as days go on with more video tapes being dripped out by Andrew Brietbarts site, It has forced the media to begrudgingly have to START covering this story.
Heres's where we're at now:
*The Census Bureau has since severed ties with the ACORN organization.
*The Gov of calif has called for an investigation of ACORN
*New York freezes all ACORN funds.
*Quomo launches a probe of ACORN.
*And the Senate voted to cut off Federal funding to ACORN by a vote of 83-7.
And who were those 7 senators that voted to keep funding the child trafficking organization ACORN?
More on that in a different post.
..but let me ask you this....
Just how many republicans and how many democrats do you think made up the 7?
All democrats. The seven that voted to KEEP funding the criminal child whoring organization, were ALL DEMOCRATS.
Shocked? neither.
ACORN : The hammer keeps falling. Coast to Coast.
More to come?....Uhhh, Ya think???
More ACORNS cracked. YOUR tax dollars.. for child trafficking.
Pathetic.....But I guess many see this as...'progressive'.
ACORN: tax evasion, conspiracy, fraud, child trafficking for the sex trade. And....friends and workers for Obama
(5:20 MARK:...."train those 14 year old girls to "keep their mouths SHUT...")
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
And NOW...For something completely different.
Ahhh Daughters.
They are...the very best.
NEW posts coming tomorrow. A slew of them!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"ACORN" BUSTED: promoting tax evasion and underage girls as prostitutes.
The obama led and praised ACORN organization has been busted for promoting tax evasion and cheating the system.
A couple of journalism students went undercover as a pimp and prostitute.
Armed with a mic and hidden camera, they caught ACORN workers going above and beyond the call of duty in their efforts to cheat and evade taxes in order to get this would be pimp and prostitute a house for their brothel.
It would be enraging in and of itself if it didn't take on an even darker twist...
The would be pimp and prostitute then say that they have "more girls being shipped in from El Salvador and they would need to figure out how to keep them secret or "off the books".
They also say...that "these girls are as young as 14 and 15."
Without batting an eye...the ACORN workers dutifully help them and search for ways to keep them off the books, and with suggestions to possibly claim them as "Dependents" and that they should be "trained" to "Keep their mouths shut!"
Now I ask you...what type of individual engages with these types of organizations?
Oh yeah...that's right. I forgot.
The workers in the sting in both Maryland offices and Washington offices have since been fired.
But I'm sure that they'll all be able to find new work.
I dunno...maybe as a "CZAR" or sompin.
I've put up a Glenn Beck segment on this. If nothing else, watch the underage illegally smuggled in girls segment at 5:18 mark.
Sadder when these workers are giving this advice about the underage that you hear CHILDREN playing in the background.
REMEMBER: ACORN, is an organization that obama has worked for and endorses and praises. He has said that they will have a seat at the table and help him with his policies.
ACORN is slated to get upwards of 18.5 BILLION DOLLARS IN STIMULOUS MONEY.
Robo?...countsy?...good lot ya got here. Good lot.
And now...For something completely different !
CUZ ITS JUST SOOOO WONDERFUL when hollywood gets honest.
Michael Bay's Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox
Saturday September 12, 2009"This is an open letter to all Michael Bay fans. We are three crew members that have worked with Michael for the past ten years. Last week we read the terrible article with inflammatory, truly trashing quotes by the Ms. Fox about Michael Bay. This letter is to set a few things straight.
Yes, Megan has great eyes, a tight stomach we spray with glycerin, and an awful silly Marilyn Monroe tattoo plastered on her arm that we cover up to keep the moms happy.
We know this quite intimately because we’ve had the tedious experience of working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan Fox on both Transformers movies. We've spent a total of 12 months on set making these two movies.
We are in different departments; we can’t give our names because sadly doing so in Hollywood could lead to being banished from future Paramount work. One of us touches Megan’s panties, the other has the often shitty job of pulling Ms. Sourpants out of her trailer, while another is near the Panaflex camera that helps to memorialize the valley girl on film.
Megan has the press fooled. When we read those magazines we wish we worked with that woman. Megan knows how to work her smile for the press. Those writers should try being on set for two movies, sadly she never smiles. The cast, crew and director make Transformers a really fun and energetic set. We’ve traveled around the world together, so we have never understood why Megan was always such the grump of the set?
When facing the press, Megan is the queen of talking trailer trash and posing like a porn star. And yes we’ve had the unbearable time of watching her try to act on set, and yes, it's very cringe-able. So maybe, being a porn star in the future might be a good career option. But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably due her rotten childhood) -- easily another 45 minutes in the chair!
So when the three of us caught wind of Ms Fox, pontificating yet again in some publication (like she actually has something interesting to say) blabbing her trash mouth about a director whom we three have grown to really like. She compared working with Michael, to “working with Hitler”. We actually don’t think she knows who Hitler is by the way. But we wondered how she doesn’t realize what a disgusting, fully uneducated comment this was? Well, here let’s get some facts straight.
Say what you want about Michael – yes at times he can be hard, but he's also fun, and he challenges everyone for a reason – he simply wants people to bring their ‘A’ game. He comes very prepared, knows exactly what he wants, involves the crew and expects everyone to follow through with his or her best, and that includes the actors. He’s one of the hardest working directors out there.
He gets the best from his crews, many of whom have worked with him for 15 years. And yes, he’s loyal, one of the few directors we’ve encountered who lowered his fee by millions to keep Transformers in the United States and California, so he could work with his own crew.
Megan says that Transformers was an unsafe set? Come on Megan, we know it is a bit more strenuous then the playground at the trailer park, but you don’t insult one of the very best stunt and physical effects teams in the business! Not one person got hurt!
And who is the real Megan Fox? She is very different than the academy nominee and winning actors we’ve all worked around. She’s as about ungracious a person as you can ever fathom. She shows little interest in the crew members around her. We work to make her look good in every way, but she's absolutely never appreciative of anyone’s hard work. Never a thank you. All the crewmembers have stopped saying hi to Ms. Princess because she never says hello back. It gets tiring. Many think she just really hates the process of being an actress.
Megan has been late to the sets many times. She goes through the motions that make her exude this sense of misery. We’ve heard the A.D’s piped over the radio that Megan won’t walk from her trailer until John Turturro walks first! John’s done seventy-five movies and she’s made two!
Never expect Megan to attend any of the 15 or so crew parties like all the other actors have. And then there's the classless night she blew off The Royal Prince of Jordan who made a special dinner for all the actors. She doesn’t know that one of the grips' daughters wanted to visit their daddy’s work to meet Megan, but he wouldn’t let them come because he told them “she is not nice."
The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of the famous Giza pyramids. God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is fucking forcing us to go to the fucking pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is referring to.
So this is the Megan Fox you don’t get to see. Maybe she will learn, but we figure if she can sling insults, then she can take them too. Megan really is a thankless, classless, graceless, and shall we say unfriendly bitch. It's sad how fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only they knew who they're really looking up to.
But ‘fame’ is fleeting. We, being behind the scenes, seen em’ come and go. Hopefully Michael will have Megatron squish her character in the first ten minutes of Transformers 3. We can tell you that will make the crew happy!"
-Loyal Transformers Crew
Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending..."
"Many came on their own and were not part of an organization or group. But the magnitude of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours..."
While the number count varries widely--as the state owned mass media tries its darndest to try and hide or lessen the story, one thing is clear.
This was HUGE.
Just as big if not bigger than any other recent 'historic' protest. This was a warning shot to pr prissydent and congress.
And only the begining.
Remember...I said from the beginning..that i do believe obama will try and ram this through...and if successful will set in motion a domino effect of things to come.
We'll see..
Awaken the sleeping Giant.

Friday, September 11, 2009
"How could we forget so soon?"
"Remember those we've lost,
Thank those that keep us safe,
And pray for everyone."
Sadly...only after just 8 years since the attacks...the country HAS forgotten about it. And have been told to NOT THINK about it. News outlets have gone out of their way to not show any footage of that fateful day, saying to do so would be 'political'.
Where are we now?
We now have a president who has thrown out the term "terrorist" and in its place we now have "Enemy Combatants".
We now no longer have the term "War on Terror".
We now have the very real possibility of terrorists (ooops sorry..'enemy combatives') being tried in the U.S...having access to our courts, as well as the possibility of being RELEASED.
IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. ("robo"?..stupid silly "robo"?..paging "robo"?)
We now have OUR govt PAYING for relocation of terrorists to tropical paradises.
We now have projected deficits of 9 TRILLION dollars. And ballooning.
We now have a near Junk Rating credit rating.
We now have so much spending with no way of paying for it!
We now have a man-child who 8 months in does NOT EVEN HAVE HIS MOST IMPORTANT CABINET MEMBERS IN PLACE.
We now have a man-child who has extreme radicals in his administration,. placed in a way that does not require them to be VETTED by congressional hearings.
We now have an extraordinarily weak 'leader' in office, with very little experience in ANYTHING...whose main strength is giving a well delivered teleprompter speech, and a slogan of "hope and change"....that's it.
Where are we now?
We are now open.....more than ever another attack. Wide open.
In every manner:
In the vids above...through the showing of the attacks and the people who watched it happen from ground zero...Through the footage in the second video of actual people...Fellow Americans...who are leaping, and falling to their terrible deaths.....I kept asking myself,
"How could we forget so soon?"
More posts through the weekend.