"Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending..."
"Many came on their own and were not part of an organization or group. But the magnitude of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours..."
While the number count varries widely--as the state owned mass media tries its darndest to try and hide or lessen the story, one thing is clear.
This was HUGE.
Just as big if not bigger than any other recent 'historic' protest. This was a warning shot to pr prissydent and congress.
And only the begining.
Remember...I said from the beginning..that i do believe obama will try and ram this through...and if successful will set in motion a domino effect of things to come.
We'll see..
Awaken the sleeping Giant.