It turns out, that our beloved webster prissydents "Green Czar", not only turns out to be a total radical, but also....a "Truther".
"Truthers" are nutcases that think that the Govt was the ones that set up the Trade Center, and Pentagon attack.
Turns out he signed a truther petition,, and now denies that he believed in it or the views espoused by it.
Now, that either makes him an idiot for not knowing what your signing, or KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT HE'S SIGNING and...agreeing with it.
The washington times, in hopes that he (jones) name was possibly on there mistakenly..got this from the 9-11 organization:
"9/11Truth.org spokesman Mike Berger told the Washington Times over the phone that all of the signers had been verified by their group. He said 9/11Truth.org board members “spoke with each person on the list by phone or through email or individually confirm they hae added their name to that list.” “I think in most cases they spoke to them personally,” he added. “No one’s name was put on that list without them knowing it."
Jake Tapper just posted this:
"a source says Jones did not carefully review the language in the petition before agreeing to add his name."
Like I said....Idiot. But I think being that jones has TWO cards to play here (1) That he's an Idiot.
(2) That he knows full well what it was and agreed with it fully!
It doesn't surprise me that he's going to play the idiot card.
This leaves webster prez in a very tough spot.
What to do?
What to do?
What to do???
I'm betting that he's out sometime next week. :D
Glen Beck and jones have been sparring for a week or so. Jones first attacking Beck with calculated boycots which by the way have done absolutly nothing to hurt Beck. Quite the opposite..as Becks ratings have gone SKYROCKETING. Beating even O'Reilly. (wow).
So since this is either going to lead to obama giving Jones the boot..OR...if not, obama will be badly damaged and embarressed by this and it will continue to be an anvil around his neck.
Either way.....BECK FOR THE WIN!
(Congrats Glen Beck)
Put that head on your trophy wall. Its a good one!
(a video coming soon of beck DESTROYING jones on this)
But lets talk about obama. While this paint jones as a moron either way you slice the commie pie..What does that say about obama and his judgement?
The reason obama is going the rout of 'Czars', is that they don't have to be subject to any examination by congress. No "hearings". No background check...
They just sail on to their positions.
Like most of obamas picks...no vetting whatsoever.
Or maybe he (obama) knows full well about his picks..and their radical nutty backgrounds and...thats exactly what he wants.
Likeminded nuts.
Not only is obama an arragant person, but a moron as well.
Obviously this jones junk was going to come out at some point
But he just doesn't seem to care.
This is reckless. This is stupid. THIS.....is dangerous.
We are 7 months into this. And what we are witnessing is a train wreck of the highest magnitude.
We can only start to correct this...in the mid terms.
But theres going to be lots..LOTS of damage done by this junior prez.
The beat goes on....