"Remember those we've lost,
Thank those that keep us safe,
And pray for everyone."
Sadly...only after just 8 years since the attacks...the country HAS forgotten about it. And have been told to NOT THINK about it. News outlets have gone out of their way to not show any footage of that fateful day, saying to do so would be 'political'.
Where are we now?
We now have a president who has thrown out the term "terrorist" and in its place we now have "Enemy Combatants".
We now no longer have the term "War on Terror".
We now have the very real possibility of terrorists (ooops sorry..'enemy combatives') being tried in the U.S...having access to our courts, as well as the possibility of being RELEASED.
IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. ("robo"?..stupid silly "robo"?..paging "robo"?)
We now have OUR govt PAYING for relocation of terrorists to tropical paradises.
We now have projected deficits of 9 TRILLION dollars. And ballooning.
We now have a near Junk Rating credit rating.
We now have so much spending with no way of paying for it!
We now have a man-child who 8 months in does NOT EVEN HAVE HIS MOST IMPORTANT CABINET MEMBERS IN PLACE.
We now have a man-child who has extreme radicals in his administration,. placed in a way that does not require them to be VETTED by congressional hearings.
We now have an extraordinarily weak 'leader' in office, with very little experience in ANYTHING...whose main strength is giving a well delivered teleprompter speech, and a slogan of "hope and change"....that's it.
Where are we now?
We are now open.....more than ever before...to another attack. Wide open.
In every manner:
In the vids above...through the showing of the attacks and the people who watched it happen from ground zero...Through the footage in the second video of actual people...Fellow Americans...who are leaping, and falling to their terrible deaths.....I kept asking myself,
"How could we forget so soon?"
More posts through the weekend.