Well in the wee early hours now..it has just broke that obama ex czar van jones has been given the boot.
I won my bet with myself! I knew it would have to be before monday. Before the two worthless obama speeches come (tues and weds).
So I owe myself some lovins for that.
Look for more heat to be turned up on the obama czars and questions and complaints as to why no one can question or vet these people.
Or better yet...why OBAMA himself is either so incompetent that he can't or doesn't vet them or why he KNOWINGLY is placing these nut cases within his adminstration.
Its getting interesting huh? Heres hoping we can survive this idiot.
As for mr van jones...he has to live with the knowledge that he got his clock cleaned by Glen Beck.
Hey my brutha van? ......have a coke and a smile and...well, you know the rest.