Sunday, September 13, 2009

"ACORN" BUSTED: promoting tax evasion and underage girls as prostitutes.

The obama led and praised ACORN organization has been busted for promoting tax evasion and cheating the system.
A couple of journalism students went undercover as a pimp and prostitute.
Armed with a mic and hidden camera, they caught ACORN workers going above and beyond the call of duty in their efforts to cheat and evade taxes in order to get this would be pimp and prostitute a house for their brothel.

It would be enraging in and of itself if it didn't take on an even darker twist...

The would be pimp and prostitute then say that they have "more girls being shipped in from El Salvador and they would need to figure out how to keep them secret or "off the books".
They also say...that "these girls are as young as 14 and 15."
Without batting an eye...the ACORN workers dutifully help them and search for ways to keep them off the books, and with suggestions to possibly claim them as "Dependents" and that they should be "trained" to "Keep their mouths shut!"

Now I ask you...what type of individual engages with these types of organizations?
Oh yeah...that's right. I forgot.

The workers in the sting in both Maryland offices and Washington offices have since been fired.
But I'm sure that they'll all be able to find new work.

I dunno...maybe as a "CZAR" or sompin.

I've put up a Glenn Beck segment on this. If nothing else, watch the underage illegally smuggled in girls segment at 5:18 mark.
Sadder when these workers are giving this advice about the underage that you hear CHILDREN playing in the background.


REMEMBER: ACORN, is an organization that obama has worked for and endorses and praises. He has said that they will have a seat at the table and help him with his policies.

ACORN is slated to get upwards of 18.5 BILLION DOLLARS IN STIMULOUS MONEY.

Robo?...countsy?...good lot ya got here. Good lot.