Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fresh and tanned, with my tummy a little bigger and booty a little more bootylicious!
I had had a little too much incompetence from obama and had to take a break.
The truly wonderful thing about obama and the dems is that they honestly give one too much to write about. If you can actually get alot posted, you wear yourself out from the sheer tonage of ineptitude that comes from our little webster prez, that one simply must take a little breather from it.
But boy howdy, I am pumped and primed like a fat, freckled staffer for barney frank--RARIN' TO GO! (at least till my next vacation in four months)
But first I'll hit you with some moments from my aforementioned vacation in my next post.
Then we get to some nitty gritty. And yes I promise..due to some requests in the forums, that I will post more about the boring, empty,vapid, phony,plastic animation and arts industries that I'm in.
Till then, get your popcorn, wine and tissues ready.....
.......we gon' git a lil messy.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The 'Artist' known as 'HANDEL'...
Due to return in two days.
PS: Up yours, Hoto!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
ACORN: A house of cards falling down and falling fast.
Well as days go on with more video tapes being dripped out by Andrew Brietbarts site Biggovernment.com, It has forced the media to begrudgingly have to START covering this story.
Heres's where we're at now:
*The Census Bureau has since severed ties with the ACORN organization.
*The Gov of calif has called for an investigation of ACORN
*New York freezes all ACORN funds.
*Quomo launches a probe of ACORN.
*And the Senate voted to cut off Federal funding to ACORN by a vote of 83-7.
And who were those 7 senators that voted to keep funding the child trafficking organization ACORN?
More on that in a different post.
..but let me ask you this....
Just how many republicans and how many democrats do you think made up the 7?
All democrats. The seven that voted to KEEP funding the criminal child whoring organization, were ALL DEMOCRATS.
Shocked? Yeah...me neither.
ACORN : The hammer keeps falling. Coast to Coast.
More to come?....Uhhh, Ya think???
More ACORNS cracked. YOUR tax dollars.. for child trafficking.
Pathetic.....But I guess many see this as...'progressive'.
ACORN: tax evasion, conspiracy, fraud, child trafficking for the sex trade. And....friends and workers for Obama
(5:20 MARK:...."train those 14 year old girls to "keep their mouths SHUT...")
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
And NOW...For something completely different.
Ahhh Daughters.
They are...the very best.
NEW posts coming tomorrow. A slew of them!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"ACORN" BUSTED: promoting tax evasion and underage girls as prostitutes.
The obama led and praised ACORN organization has been busted for promoting tax evasion and cheating the system.
A couple of journalism students went undercover as a pimp and prostitute.
Armed with a mic and hidden camera, they caught ACORN workers going above and beyond the call of duty in their efforts to cheat and evade taxes in order to get this would be pimp and prostitute a house for their brothel.
It would be enraging in and of itself if it didn't take on an even darker twist...
The would be pimp and prostitute then say that they have "more girls being shipped in from El Salvador and they would need to figure out how to keep them secret or "off the books".
They also say...that "these girls are as young as 14 and 15."
Without batting an eye...the ACORN workers dutifully help them and search for ways to keep them off the books, and with suggestions to possibly claim them as "Dependents" and that they should be "trained" to "Keep their mouths shut!"
Now I ask you...what type of individual engages with these types of organizations?
Oh yeah...that's right. I forgot.
The workers in the sting in both Maryland offices and Washington offices have since been fired.
But I'm sure that they'll all be able to find new work.
I dunno...maybe as a "CZAR" or sompin.
I've put up a Glenn Beck segment on this. If nothing else, watch the underage illegally smuggled in girls segment at 5:18 mark.
Sadder still...is when these workers are giving this advice about the underage girls...is that you hear CHILDREN playing in the background.
REMEMBER: ACORN, is an organization that obama has worked for and endorses and praises. He has said that they will have a seat at the table and help him with his policies.
ACORN is slated to get upwards of 18.5 BILLION DOLLARS IN STIMULOUS MONEY.
Robo?...countsy?...good lot ya got here. Good lot.
And now...For something completely different !
CUZ ITS JUST SOOOO WONDERFUL when hollywood gets honest.
Michael Bay's Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox
Saturday September 12, 2009"This is an open letter to all Michael Bay fans. We are three crew members that have worked with Michael for the past ten years. Last week we read the terrible article with inflammatory, truly trashing quotes by the Ms. Fox about Michael Bay. This letter is to set a few things straight.
Yes, Megan has great eyes, a tight stomach we spray with glycerin, and an awful silly Marilyn Monroe tattoo plastered on her arm that we cover up to keep the moms happy.
We know this quite intimately because we’ve had the tedious experience of working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan Fox on both Transformers movies. We've spent a total of 12 months on set making these two movies.
We are in different departments; we can’t give our names because sadly doing so in Hollywood could lead to being banished from future Paramount work. One of us touches Megan’s panties, the other has the often shitty job of pulling Ms. Sourpants out of her trailer, while another is near the Panaflex camera that helps to memorialize the valley girl on film.
Megan has the press fooled. When we read those magazines we wish we worked with that woman. Megan knows how to work her smile for the press. Those writers should try being on set for two movies, sadly she never smiles. The cast, crew and director make Transformers a really fun and energetic set. We’ve traveled around the world together, so we have never understood why Megan was always such the grump of the set?
When facing the press, Megan is the queen of talking trailer trash and posing like a porn star. And yes we’ve had the unbearable time of watching her try to act on set, and yes, it's very cringe-able. So maybe, being a porn star in the future might be a good career option. But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably due her rotten childhood) -- easily another 45 minutes in the chair!
So when the three of us caught wind of Ms Fox, pontificating yet again in some publication (like she actually has something interesting to say) blabbing her trash mouth about a director whom we three have grown to really like. She compared working with Michael, to “working with Hitler”. We actually don’t think she knows who Hitler is by the way. But we wondered how she doesn’t realize what a disgusting, fully uneducated comment this was? Well, here let’s get some facts straight.
Say what you want about Michael – yes at times he can be hard, but he's also fun, and he challenges everyone for a reason – he simply wants people to bring their ‘A’ game. He comes very prepared, knows exactly what he wants, involves the crew and expects everyone to follow through with his or her best, and that includes the actors. He’s one of the hardest working directors out there.
He gets the best from his crews, many of whom have worked with him for 15 years. And yes, he’s loyal, one of the few directors we’ve encountered who lowered his fee by millions to keep Transformers in the United States and California, so he could work with his own crew.
Megan says that Transformers was an unsafe set? Come on Megan, we know it is a bit more strenuous then the playground at the trailer park, but you don’t insult one of the very best stunt and physical effects teams in the business! Not one person got hurt!
And who is the real Megan Fox? She is very different than the academy nominee and winning actors we’ve all worked around. She’s as about ungracious a person as you can ever fathom. She shows little interest in the crew members around her. We work to make her look good in every way, but she's absolutely never appreciative of anyone’s hard work. Never a thank you. All the crewmembers have stopped saying hi to Ms. Princess because she never says hello back. It gets tiring. Many think she just really hates the process of being an actress.
Megan has been late to the sets many times. She goes through the motions that make her exude this sense of misery. We’ve heard the A.D’s piped over the radio that Megan won’t walk from her trailer until John Turturro walks first! John’s done seventy-five movies and she’s made two!
Never expect Megan to attend any of the 15 or so crew parties like all the other actors have. And then there's the classless night she blew off The Royal Prince of Jordan who made a special dinner for all the actors. She doesn’t know that one of the grips' daughters wanted to visit their daddy’s work to meet Megan, but he wouldn’t let them come because he told them “she is not nice."
The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of the famous Giza pyramids. God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is fucking forcing us to go to the fucking pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is referring to.
So this is the Megan Fox you don’t get to see. Maybe she will learn, but we figure if she can sling insults, then she can take them too. Megan really is a thankless, classless, graceless, and shall we say unfriendly bitch. It's sad how fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only they knew who they're really looking up to.
But ‘fame’ is fleeting. We, being behind the scenes, seen em’ come and go. Hopefully Michael will have Megatron squish her character in the first ten minutes of Transformers 3. We can tell you that will make the crew happy!"
-Loyal Transformers Crew
Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending..."
"Many came on their own and were not part of an organization or group. But the magnitude of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours..."
While the number count varries widely--as the state owned mass media tries its darndest to try and hide or lessen the story, one thing is clear.
This was HUGE.
Just as big if not bigger than any other recent 'historic' protest. This was a warning shot to pr prissydent and congress.
And only the begining.
Remember...I said from the beginning..that i do believe obama will try and ram this through...and if successful will set in motion a domino effect of things to come.
We'll see..
Awaken the sleeping Giant.

Friday, September 11, 2009
"How could we forget so soon?"
"Remember those we've lost,
Thank those that keep us safe,
And pray for everyone."
Sadly...only after just 8 years since the attacks...the country HAS forgotten about it. And have been told to NOT THINK about it. News outlets have gone out of their way to not show any footage of that fateful day, saying to do so would be 'political'.
Where are we now?
We now have a president who has thrown out the term "terrorist" and in its place we now have "Enemy Combatants".
We now no longer have the term "War on Terror".
We now have the very real possibility of terrorists (ooops sorry..'enemy combatives') being tried in the U.S...having access to our courts, as well as the possibility of being RELEASED.
IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. ("robo"?..stupid silly "robo"?..paging "robo"?)
We now have OUR govt PAYING for relocation of terrorists to tropical paradises.
We now have projected deficits of 9 TRILLION dollars. And ballooning.
We now have a near Junk Rating credit rating.
We now have so much spending with no way of paying for it!
We now have a man-child who 8 months in does NOT EVEN HAVE HIS MOST IMPORTANT CABINET MEMBERS IN PLACE.
We now have a man-child who has extreme radicals in his administration,. placed in a way that does not require them to be VETTED by congressional hearings.
We now have an extraordinarily weak 'leader' in office, with very little experience in ANYTHING...whose main strength is giving a well delivered teleprompter speech, and a slogan of "hope and change"....that's it.
Where are we now?
We are now open.....more than ever before...to another attack. Wide open.
In every manner:
In the vids above...through the showing of the attacks and the people who watched it happen from ground zero...Through the footage in the second video of actual people...Fellow Americans...who are leaping, and falling to their terrible deaths.....I kept asking myself,
"How could we forget so soon?"
More posts through the weekend.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Nancy got's some 'splainin' to do ....
I also saw this on a lefty blog. The blog article is railing against their savior and has some silly things to say about Conservatives, but I DID like this part :
"I’m heartbroken over Van’s departure because it’s these little meaningless concessions that undermine people’s faith in the system. You get folks all riled up about change. You empower a man who embodies that change. And they you let him be run out of office by f*cking Glenn Beck? So Glenn Beck is running the White House now? Is that how it’s gonna be? Just tell me that I knocked on all those doors for nothing, and I can start the grieving process, but don’t pretend this will solve anything.
I can’t help but look at this spineless response and see it in contrast to the previous administration. You know how gangsta they are? DICK CHENEY IS STILL TALKING SMACK!”
Cheney isn't talkin' "smack"....He's speakin' the TRUTH. There is a difference.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
van jones?.....LIGHTS OUT!!!
Well in the wee early hours now..it has just broke that obama ex czar van jones has been given the boot.
I won my bet with myself! I knew it would have to be before monday. Before the two worthless obama speeches come (tues and weds).
So I owe myself some lovins for that.
Look for more heat to be turned up on the obama czars and questions and complaints as to why no one can question or vet these people.
Or better yet...why OBAMA himself is either so incompetent that he can't or doesn't vet them or why he KNOWINGLY is placing these nut cases within his adminstration.
Its getting interesting huh? Heres hoping we can survive this idiot.
As for mr van jones...he has to live with the knowledge that he got his clock cleaned by Glen Beck.
Hey my brutha van? ......have a coke and a smile and...well, you know the rest.
These are the people that the obama administration and lefties are calling "the Mob".
The reason he and they call them that, is because they are unfamiliar with what real, PROUD Americans are.
You see, when you aren't one...its easy how you can be confused when you are actually confronted by one.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Glen Beck DESTROYS obama and jones on thier "TRUTHER-ISM".
Heres the video.
Glen Beck making a bunch of tasty sausage out of jones and obama on their "Truther-ism".
The whole show was fantastic. A brilliant, dizzying take down of jones AND obama. This portion is one of five portions. (See the rest on youtube) .
This WILL be the news tomorrow. Bet on it.
Eat up!
We'll make more.
Obama's "Green Czar" not just a radical, but also a 'TRUTHER'.

It turns out, that our beloved webster prissydents "Green Czar", not only turns out to be a total radical, but also....a "Truther".
"Truthers" are nutcases that think that the Govt was the ones that set up the Trade Center, and Pentagon attack.
Turns out he signed a truther petition,, and now denies that he believed in it or the views espoused by it.
Now, that either makes him an idiot for not knowing what your signing, or KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT HE'S SIGNING and...agreeing with it.
The washington times, in hopes that he (jones) name was possibly on there mistakenly..got this from the 9-11 organization:
"9/11Truth.org spokesman Mike Berger told the Washington Times over the phone that all of the signers had been verified by their group. He said 9/11Truth.org board members “spoke with each person on the list by phone or through email or individually confirm they hae added their name to that list.” “I think in most cases they spoke to them personally,” he added. “No one’s name was put on that list without them knowing it."
Jake Tapper just posted this:
"a source says Jones did not carefully review the language in the petition before agreeing to add his name."
Like I said....Idiot. But I think being that jones has TWO cards to play here (1) That he's an Idiot.
(2) That he knows full well what it was and agreed with it fully!
It doesn't surprise me that he's going to play the idiot card.
This leaves webster prez in a very tough spot.
What to do?
What to do?
What to do???
I'm betting that he's out sometime next week. :D
Glen Beck and jones have been sparring for a week or so. Jones first attacking Beck with calculated boycots which by the way have done absolutly nothing to hurt Beck. Quite the opposite..as Becks ratings have gone SKYROCKETING. Beating even O'Reilly. (wow).
So since this is either going to lead to obama giving Jones the boot..OR...if not, obama will be badly damaged and embarressed by this and it will continue to be an anvil around his neck.
Either way.....BECK FOR THE WIN!
(Congrats Glen Beck)
Put that head on your trophy wall. Its a good one!
(a video coming soon of beck DESTROYING jones on this)
But lets talk about obama. While this paint jones as a moron either way you slice the commie pie..What does that say about obama and his judgement?
The reason obama is going the rout of 'Czars', is that they don't have to be subject to any examination by congress. No "hearings". No background check...
They just sail on to their positions.
Like most of obamas picks...no vetting whatsoever.
Or maybe he (obama) knows full well about his picks..and their radical nutty backgrounds and...thats exactly what he wants.
Likeminded nuts.
Not only is obama an arragant person, but a moron as well.
Obviously this jones junk was going to come out at some point
But he just doesn't seem to care.
This is reckless. This is stupid. THIS.....is dangerous.
We are 7 months into this. And what we are witnessing is a train wreck of the highest magnitude.
We can only start to correct this...in the mid terms.
But theres going to be lots..LOTS of damage done by this junior prez.
The beat goes on....
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
How loooooooow can he gooooooooo?
Rasmussen poll: 45%
Zogby poll: --------42%
CBS poll:----------- 40%
I actually lost a bet with myself. I thought the Rasmussen poll would top out at yesterdays 46%.
Oh well. Its one bet I don't mind losing.
The cbs poll on his healthcare efforts is especially interesting to me. Now the media can no longer make excuses and cover up for their messiah. :
"President Obama’s approval rating on health care has dropped six points since July to 40 percent, and now more Americans, 47 percent, disapprove of his handling of health care, according to a new CBS News poll taken between Aug 27 - 31…
Americans are not only skeptical of Mr. Obama’s handling of health care, but also of the effectiveness of reform. Americans are more apt to say the middle class and small business would be hurt, not helped, by the plans currently under consideration…
One-third call themselves dissatisfied with the way the Obama administration is handling health care, and another 17 percent describe themselves as angry about it. Thirty-four percent are satisfied, and just 11 percent are enthusiastic…
Specifically, Americans predict Congress’ reform plans will cause costs to go up, quality of care to get worse, and the availability of doctors to decline. No more than one in five think Congress’ current plans would make any of those areas better."
And the beat goes on?