Monday, July 03, 2006


Well today is the Fourth of July! So HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, AMERICA!

And to celebrate this fantastic day, to celebrate this fantastic country, the best country in the world. Let’s state the fact that is without question:

CONSERVATIVES LOVE THIS COUNTRY, leftist democrats.....hate this country.

Well perhaps that’s not news to most, only to those on the left of course. But its true and one has only to look no further than the Gallup poll just released the other day, stating that a whopping 74% of republicans are found to be EXTREMELLY patriotic and proud of their country.

While only 40% of leftist liberal democrats are even remotely proud. (Awww po' bebe's)

So often I find myself in heated battles with those on the left that say that they LOVE this country! That they are JUST as patriotic as anyone. That republican’s don’t have a lock on patriotism! They stand there just befuddled that anyone can even THINK that!

Oh really? Well let’s look at the facts, shall we?

Who are the ones that always want to tear up and stomp on the flag?

Who are the ones that are the first to want to tear down our military (whether in funding or verbally), the very people that protect our freedoms. Whether that’s the freedom to simply walk down the street or the freedom to gather with your likeminded elitist leftist friends, donning your favorite stinky "peace" t-shirts and in fact, BURN the flag.

Who are the ones that are constantly the first to BLAME this country for anything and everything? The first to say that this country "is no better than any other country". (this as they step into their mustangs and saunter to a two hour lunch with the directors somewhere on sunset).

Who are the first to want to do away with the saying of the pledge of allegiance?

Just a few examples, and believe me...there are tons.

But yet...these limpy spine, spoiled, little ingrates will do nothing to back up their blather. Like move to Canada. Or move to the Netherlands (the lefts idea of the "IDEAL").

Or better yet France!

Naw...and why would they?

Demonrats are stupid, crazy and if that means that they have to be deemed a hypocrite so that they can get together at the local java and jazz and bitch about this country.

So be it. They know a good thing when they leach off of it.

Hmmmmm, kind of reminds me a little of....a "parasite". But that’s a return to another conversation, and a much more accurate usage of that word than when it was originally used.

Don’t’cha think?