Monday, July 10, 2006


Welllllllllllllllllllll, Its more bad times for our leftist friends.

As most of you know (or perhaps you don’t as it wasn’t covered all that much-why? because its a victory for the republicans), that Karl Rove has been cleared of any and all wrong doing that he was accused of (by the nutty left). And the special counsel said that he (Rove) would not be indicted. Serving as a good solid kick to the gut of the left. As they were wishing to whatever god it is that they worship (god of tofu perhaps? or maybe the tree gods.) for an indictment.

Also coming in the same time frame was the Iraq resolution that was argued and debated on the floor of congress.

Congresswoman' maxine waters screeched "many democrats are a'gonna git trapped!!!"


And just how does one get trapped when all this is, is just to get your, YOUR personal viewpoints recorded for history. Unless of course that’s what you consider being trapped. The paper trail record of what it IS that you actually believe in. This paper trail, this wonderful record consisted of statements that pretty much brought out for all to see what exactly the dems are all about. They couldn’t even say that they wanted to "WIN THIS WAR". Which was one of the statements.

Isn’t that pathetic. Not a surprise. Only that it was wonderful to see them placed in this position of a "NO squirm zone"

From waters to boxer to kook ball murtha. They had to put their black hearts out there for all to see. And boy did they!

freaky deaky brilliant!

Now when they look back 60 years from now, Hopefully Iraq will be a thriving ally of ours (God willing), the world will see who was working for freedom and democracy and sadly..(Again not surprisingly) who wasn’t.

Another event was President Bush going TO Iraq, to talk with Iraqi leaders face to face rather than over the phone. Something that the dumocrats poo-poo'ed as a 'stunt'.

Is it any wonder why our service people dislike, and distrust the leftists?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND as if that wasn’t just as deeeeee-licious as all get out! Even though it wasn’t covered at all by the media There was the stripping of post from the crooked congressman William Jefferson (DEEEMONCRAT) because he got busted for bribes and stashing it in his fridge! Pretty much taking all the steam out of their sails, and they could no longer really say with a straight face that "republicans = corruption, so trust us even though we hate our country democrats".

Bad times indeed for the demonrats.

But the demonrats had at least ONE victory to point to. A week or so later, two of our service people were brutally murdered by the terrorists. Mutilated and killed in a barbarous fashion.

So at least the demonrats have THAT to work off of for inspiration. Because remember...In order for the left to win, America has to lose.