Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A letter to my friend "matt taylor"

Matt taylor! You seem to be more than a little paranoid my friend. Probably one of those tinfoil hat wearing conspiracist.

Look my lil sister. I wish you nothing but all the love and luck in the world. I want you to succeed and do well. As well as ya CAN in a failing and floundering state like cali.
Live and be happy. We will continue to have wonderful back and fourths as we have in the past. And I will teach and educate you as I have in the past.

But again, please know...I speak just as freely as anyone else. In fact..I think I'm abit more controlled than most. If anyone...ANYONE wants to have at it with me, be it friend, then they can say their piece. But they better be prepared for a response.

Again..this goes for ANYONE. If you choose to throw the gauntlet out of arrogance or just cant help yourself..If you choose that rout, you'll get no bad feelings from me. No resentment. But we'll test your 'tolerant' side and see just how 'open minded' you really are.

I look forward to the next four years. Confident that things will be well on my side. Because it all rests on someone else now. And we'll see how things go when the responsibilities are completely someone elses.

Dow down alot yesterday as they took in the man-child.
California is at deaths door due to one party rule.

Let the good times roll baby.
'Yes we can'.

(rolls eyes)