Saturday, April 14, 2007


Don Imus.
Well, I just thought I'd say a few words about this.
Nothing I like better than to see one of those rare occasions when a leftist gets eatin' by other leftists.
But I can not believe how much this has taken over the attention of this country. what does it say when what takes our attention off of ridiculous story #1 (Anna Nicole smith) is another ridiculous story by the name of 'don Imus'.
Now I believe that every one in this country has heard that don Imus on the 5Th made a comment about the Rutgers basketball team and called them (ahem) "nappy headed hoes".
Now before any of you say Oh Handel your a bigot! Your a bigot, how could you call the biggest of all media stories, "RIDICULOUS"!?!? Let me tell you why I say that it is not only 'ridiculous', but also very much.... a 'non story'.

Was the comment bad? Yes. Was it terrible, reprehensible even morbidly ignorant? Sure. Was it the first time that these words spilled out of the mouth of some dumb ass? No.
I would even go out on a limb and say that our race hustlers by the names of sharpton and jackson even own a few Cd's that have 'ludicrous' and other 'rappers' saying those words and much much worse. Maybe even some of the Rutgers players themselves own such Cd's? Possibly?
That is one of the things that irritates me I suppose. HERE COMES JESSE AND AL--to the rescue! Where were they before Imus said these words? Have they never heard a 'ludicrous' "song"? Or snoop doggy douche? Or any other 'mainstream' rapper? Why were they silent about all of the past 15 years worth of filth?
But that's just the tip of the ice berg really. There is sooo much anger. So much over the top outrage. at what? three words. Three words...."nappy.....headed.....hoe's".
Is THIS the most devastating thing to hit the black community in 50 years? Judging from the outcry and anger displayed this week, you would certainly think so! A comment made by a leftist radio dork about a college basketball team.
Why doesn't the rev al (which church?) and rev jackson (which church?) make a grand statement about the rap industry? Which use terms about women that make 'nappy head hoes" look tame in comparison. Well that would mean that they would have to take a real stand. And that would take courage and guts. And truth. And they wouldn't be welcome in those hip circles any more. They couldn't go to all the cool parties. They wouldn't be able to "KICKIT". (word).

That would take real effort after all, and its far easier to get everyone charged up on this phoney story. And lets face it, al and jesse don't really care about fixing the REAL problems. It would mean that they would be out of a job if they fixed the real problems. Far better to have everyone continue to feel that they are a victim and therefore in NEED of 'brotha jesse', and 'brotha al'. They are the equivalent of the blacks who sold blacks into slavery --in the past and in present day.
al and jesse. YOU are the same. You have done nothing but harm blacks, and I have nothing but contempt for you.
IF this outrage over ('nappy headed hoe's) is truly sincere, then jackson should show leadership and should step down..from what EVER position he holds for the remark about "going to hymie town", and then denying the remarks. Then accusing Jews of conspiring to defeat him in an election.
Or what about the fact that jackson had said that he backs the stripper in the Duke lacrosse rape allegation and offered a scholarship to the woman who lied and libeled the players. Did jackson apologize for THAT? Ummmm nope.
As for the clown known as sharpton. 'Tawana Brawley'? Anyone? No? Yes? Google that one. Its a hoot. Or the 'Crown Heights Riot', or the "Freddies Fashion Mart" incident.
These two idiots are a cancer. They've done more to harm the black community than anyone else in a looooooong time.

But no...Its the term 'nappy headed hoes' that is the big obstacle for the black community today.

Funny. I thought it was these poser rappers with their filth, and not to mention the:

* almost 50 % dropout rate for blacks.
* 60% of black children grow up in fatherless homes
* 790,000 black men are in jail or prison.
* 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers.
* 320,000 black babies are aborted annually.
* And lets throw in Blacks account for more than half of new AIDS cases.

(now THAT'S a REAL inconvenient truth)

Step up to the plate rev's. Admit what the problems are rather than exploiting them. Help people, rather than taking advantage of them. It's the difference between being an adult and being a child.
Being a MAN,

Or being.............a 'boy'.