Wednesday, April 25, 2007


SO I'M THREE DAYS LATE!!! Gimme a friggin break! What can I say, I'm biddy!
Anyway, I have a bit of a revelation to tell you about. Not all that long ago, I gave some story nerds, I mean friends a really, really hard time about their stupid art blogs. Of which I said that their 'art blogs' were nothing more than petting zoo's. Where they weren't really interested in a serious comment/crit type of thing. Which is totally fine as long as your honest about it. Well...that was my opinion.Nothing more nothing less.
Recently I've been talking to some comic book pals who have 'art blogs' as well. And they're good art blogs too! But I asked them why they do it. Telling them about my conversations/arguments with and about them(art blogs).

Some of them did say that its just for sh*ts n giggles. Which falls into that realm of being honest about it. And again---fine.

But most of them said some thing along the lines of "yeah...Its just fun. BUT it also serves as a networking type of thing. Where they can not only place finished stuff up, but also rough sketch and commission work. What makes this different than what the story goons are doing is that unlike their blogs, its not just a showoff type of ego stroke (although the honest ones say that that is a side benefit), ---but they also SELL what is on their blogs. Its like a cafe press type of thing. It also serves as a side portfolio where some even said that they have received comic gigs and illustration gigs from it when a publisher or art director See's the work.

The story goons aren't really ever going to sell the story boards. To be fair, Their not meant for that. And the animation industry is so incestuous that It really isn't going be a big boost to have one IF your hope is to for more gigs.
So...It IS just to be stroked by your buddies. Again,,,nothing wrong with that if your honest about it.

So after hearing that...It made me feel better about the whole 'art blog' thing. Even made me feel like I was too hard on the story sketch people.
Although I still think that the comic guys reasons are more noble and much more worthwhile in having one, than to just be stroked.

So that said, believe it or not...It does make me feel more comfortable with them. Still not sure if I WANT one...but who knows?


I'm tired and I'm going to have some coffee.
Yeah you read that right.

Look for next post on Sunday.