Monday, September 24, 2007


I'm still needing a post. I will try and put one up tomorrow. Deadlines and my side gig at pimpin' just gots me all outta wiggetty wack.

I was going to do a post on animation, but countsy has an interesting post that's filled with yummy gooey filling. But ya know,,,,I did promise one on animation so I'm going to stick to that and get back to my little gay friend over the weekend. (no robo...the other gay friend).

So check it, if ya like...or don't. Isssss allll gooooood.

EDIT:: NAWWW. I just cant. Countsy..I'll give you a reply first. Just cuz I think your cute. And since your throwin in the towel. And no..I don't think that its due to not having the intellectual makeup to defend your own asinine beliefs. (well not totally anyway). I do believe you when you say its because work is picking up.
So comb your hair and brush your tooth, and look for it over the weekend.

Till then........