Sunday, August 31, 2008

2008 Democrat National Convention, Day 2, Part 1

This is sooo great.
Jason mattera again at the Dem convention Talkting to some of the great unwashed.

some highlights are:

1:40 in : some dumb little girl (fer sure dude") says "They're still talking about the 'war on terrorism, like it still exists."
She also quotes Marx and claims that as hone of her "heros"

ALSO AT 3:46 IN, there are two democrats/leftists of the democrat female persuasion that appear. Jason (undercover conservative) says to one girl (who has facial hair),,"you know..i gotta say, you have a lotta balls to grow that out. (The sheer brilliance of that line is almost scary).
And she says..."It's not about balls..its just about being who you are.."


The other girl says something about her having body odor and hair on her legs...ah yes...Democrats.

Now mind you..this is the democratic 'youth vote' that obama so badly wants.
Which reminds me. Let me just say this for the record. Parents BEWARE! Make sure your kids have a solid foundation before sending them off to a 'place of higher learning'.
Because if will send them off far smarter and far more coherent than what they will come out with. And far more hairier and stinkier.

"Higher learning" ...oxymoron.