Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ok..sorry for being late. But as I said..every time I think I'm ready to post..something else happens that just leaves me stunned. my post to 'countsy.'

At the end of January..My old BFF 'countsy' had a post to me on his bloggy. It was a post where he kind of apologized for the name calling that we experienced when going through our back and Forths. He said it was something he regretted. Ok. I took it for what it was. And I took it as sincere.

I gave my reply to it (February 5 post), where I accepted his regret as sincere, and that was that.

That said.....
I had at the time..wondered why he had decided to give up his 'political blog'. I just didn't understand the reasoning. I mean doesn't it stand to reason that you would want to keep it up (now that the dems have congress and the white house?) And have it as your sounding board? If nothing else to cockadoodledoo and boast your agenda?

Well of course!

So, why give it up? Why take it down when you have just about everything you could ever want?
I just couldn't understand it.
And I gotta say...I kept coming back to it. "why?"
Not that it HAUNTED me or anything..But..I guess I'm the kind of 'Handel' that likes a good puzzle, and unless I figure it out..It kinda tends to bug me a little.
So.."why give it up? Why would he not want to continue his political blog? It's not as if he has nothing to say, or is too shy to say it? So why?"

I just couldn't figure it out...

Until now..........

It finally hit me. You see...leftists and large...two things:
Whiners and cowards.
The easiest thing in the world is to whine and bitch. Bitch and whine. It's almost auto pilot type of stuff. It's almost custom made for the lazy of mind really. And that is the left in a NUT shell. That's why there are so many leftist protesters! They are really really good... at whining.

So during the Bush years, they had the perfect setting to do what they do best.
But now? They have control of the white house and congress. Now it takes something else OTHER than bitching and whining.
Instead of bitching and whining, you now have to....defend.
And to do so effectively you have to hold to facts and truth.

So in order to DEFEND this administration...this would have to depend on the truth and not just bitching and whining. Not just emotion....but record and FACT. YOU are accountable.

My theory is...That the reason 'countsy' gave up his blog, is that he CAN'T defend the indefensible. That with just under 60 days into this administration, we have seen bungle after bungle, fumble after fumble, mistake after embarrassing mistake!
Incompetence, amateurish decisions, and an inability to be an effective leader. Who can't even get a cabinet together!
As I write this...The 'president' (small 'p') and his congress have given out to AIG TONS of money in an effort to ram things through (NOTE: ALL REPUBLICANS VOTED NO ON THIS) and GAVE AIG the bonuses that they (congress and barry obama) are now bitching about.

Incompetence! Inept! Amateur! MAN-CHILD!
The stock market has gone down 3000 points since his election. A HUGE thumbs down from the investors.
You know? The ones who help create jobs. turning out to be exactly as I SAID HE WOULD BE.


It stands to reason, that its much easier to whine...than it is to defend. Especially when there isn't anything worth defending.

To defend would actually take some effort! And to the 'whiner left'...(Remember, the lazy of mind)...It is far easier to just GIVE UP YOUR BLOG than to actually defend it.

'countsy'...I still accept your apology as sincere. But it seems to me, that you should be apologizing not really for your aggressive nature...but for your laziness and cowardice.

Not to mention the imbecile (yes, imbecile) that shares your values and is now sitting with Jay Leno making fun of disabled children. (fiddlin' while the economy burns)

Pathetic. But such................... is the leftist.