Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In over his head Giggle-girl, laughing at economic struggles.

There are a few things to catch here:
1) Just how how of touch and in over his head he is.
2) Note his comment on Iraq..MEANING, everything that he and all of his dem comrades were saying about Iraq being lost, was TOTALLY wrong .

This is such a creepy guy. How could anyone sit there..and laugh at these questions. Laugh about the struggles people are going through (by and large created and made worse by his floundering).
Sit there and make jokes about any of this.....

The reporter nailed him. Punch drunk indeed and increasingly acting like a sociopath.

Get serious 'mr president' .
Get your act together and start acting like an adult, rather than a giggling, arrogant, immature, impulsive, spoiled school boy.

(oh wait...you are a giggling, arrogant, immature, impulsive, spoiled school boy. .)