Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Now I don't put allot on polls. Whether they have him at 50% or 59% or whatever.
The one thing that they do tell me is that this country is very sporadic at the moment. A sign of uneasiness. A sign of great discomfort.
Which is why you will see oddities like the market YESTERDAY shooting up some 500 points and then down again 150 points today.

With the great unease that is being felt..People are obviously thinking.."What did we put in office?"

That's not good folks. Not good for this country. I really...REALLY hope that obama becomes an adult REALLY SOON. Because this country is coming very close to a real breakdown...And if he doesn't wise up soon to the fact that its largely because of HIM..and HIS PARTY....Then we are going to be in some real interesting times.

""Pollster John Zogby said his poll out today will show Americans split on the president’s performance. He said the score factors out to “about 50-50.”

Some polls show Obama coasting with a 65 percent job approval, but not in Zogby’s tally.

“The numbers are going down,” Zogby told the Herald. “It’s not because of the gaffes, but a combination of high expectations and that things aren’t moving fast enough with the economy.”"