Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How loooooooow can he gooooooooo?

Rasmussen poll: 45%

Zogby poll: --------42%

CBS poll:----------- 40%

I actually lost a bet with myself. I thought the Rasmussen poll would top out at yesterdays 46%.
Oh well. Its one bet I don't mind losing.

The cbs poll on his healthcare efforts is especially interesting to me. Now the media can no longer make excuses and cover up for their messiah. :

"President Obama’s approval rating on health care has dropped six points since July to 40 percent, and now more Americans, 47 percent, disapprove of his handling of health care, according to a new CBS News poll taken between Aug 27 - 31…

Americans are not only skeptical of Mr. Obama’s handling of health care, but also of the effectiveness of reform. Americans are more apt to say the middle class and small business would be hurt, not helped, by the plans currently under consideration…

One-third call themselves dissatisfied with the way the Obama administration is handling health care, and another 17 percent describe themselves as angry about it. Thirty-four percent are satisfied, and just 11 percent are enthusiastic…

Specifically, Americans predict Congress’ reform plans will cause costs to go up, quality of care to get worse, and the availability of doctors to decline. No more than one in five think Congress’ current plans would make any of those areas better."

And the beat goes on?