Thursday, August 06, 2009

AARP MEETING...disrupted by elderly daring to ask questions.

The thing to watch is the condescending nature of the AARP spokesperson towards the old folks in the crowd who are just wanting to ask some much needed questions.

The elderly..who have not been known to be overly in the republican camp of voters...are becoming increasingly concerned with the ramifications of "obama care". Why? Because they're worried about being put to sleep.

They have very good reason to think that.
With the inevitable rationing that will happen under "obama care" and the need/want to save where the govt can (under websters plan, a plan that AARP has signed onto), almost certainly leaves the weak out of the scenario.

That means:
The infirmed
The Handicapped
and yup...the Elderly.

The cavalier attitude of "just take a pill and lower the burden for others", is deplorable.
And when you see the disdain...the utter contempt that this cow has for the people that she is speaking to..You can almost hear her thinking.."Just shut up and nod yes to everything I say!"
And when they have the audacity to actually ask some QUESTIONS and voice some CONCERNS.....Well....she will have none of that.

And she doesn't. She takes her mic and goes home.

But the meeting went on......without her.

These citizens, are being vilified for having the gall to be concerned. To ask questions.
They are being called "Nazi's".

.....being called "nazi's".

The beat goes on....