Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama hits 50% job approval in Gallup

Gallup : 50%

Rasmussen : 50%

A little bit from the L.A. times:

"Should the slide continue, Obama will by no means be the first president to slide below 50% in the Gallup Poll, which has been tracking public approval of presidents since Harry S. Truman.

But Obama has reached his new low more quickly than most of his predecessors did, according to Gallup. The percentage of people voicing disapproval for the job the president is performing also stands at a near-high of 43%.

Slipping below 50% before November of the first year in office would represent “the third-fastest drop” since World War II, Gallup reports. Republican Gerald Ford slipped below 50% in his third month as president, Democrat Bill Clinton during his fourth month.

It took Republican President Eisenhower five years to fall below 50% in the public’s eye, Gallup notes. It took both Republican George Bushes about three years. It took Democrat Lyndon Johnson and Republican Richard Nixon more than two years."

NOW! Let me say this...
Again, I don't expect obamas polls to hold here. I expect them to to fluctuate up and down. Some days higher and some days lower. But they will be jumpy due to continued unrest with a very very nervous and increasingly skeptical public, as they deal with the daily feelings of "oh my gosh..what the hell did we just do last Nov????".

So we'll see up and downs..mainly because what we are seeing HERE is NOT the 'big dip'.
What I am more and more thinking what we'll see is: A double dip recession.

Now..for the benefit of my somewhat dim storyboard pals out there...That means a "w" shape recession instead of a "v" shape recession.
To break it down to Disney lingo (again for my story pals..)...think of what is happening NOW as the small dip in "splash mountain" BEFORE the BIIIIIIIIIG DIP at the end.

That 'big dip' will come when the 'webster prez' and his dumbass leftist congress pass some of those policies. (obama care, cap and trade etc) and we start to see some of the consequences on the economy --due to them.

I already have in place some things (financially) in case i'm correct. Because if I am correct (even slightly)....It taint' gonna be no picnic folks.
And its going to be nationwide.
I hope not..but honestly, i cant' see how it could not be.

Think California times 12.

AND if its going to be that for the much worse is it going to be for those states LIKE california that are already in the crapper (due to their own state legislatures being infested by dems).
For those of you in the calif animation industry, that are still working in studio IN the country......enjoy it while you can.

(And you know who you are).