Thursday, July 26, 2007

robo yet again...

Hi again Robo- Sorry to leave ya hanging, just lots to do before my fun weekend. I see that you responded to my last post. Well I don't wanna be rude and not answer you. So let me reply in kind.

"" he (Handel) is too dense to notice that I called him a coward!!!""

Did'ja? I looked again, and I still didn't see that. Look if that's what you truly think, robo..just SAY it. Really. Be CLEAR about it. (again, clarity clarity clarity story guy). Just say : 'Handel..YOU sir are a COWARD'. You SEE what I did there? Clear, precise, not vague whatsoever. There is no need to pussy foot around (and in your case I emphasize the first half of that term).
Be clear. Because if you WERE trying to be clever in how you were saying that...It just doesn't read. And really..if you have that big of trouble actually saying something that is really quite easy to say clearly, I can only imagine how rough it is for you to rough out an 'acting' scene. They must give you the action scenes. Which is good! They're fun to do. Seriously, practice at being less cute and clever and try being clear and precise. Because you are neither cute or clever, so if you don't have clarity.......well, Action scenes.

"" I'm a rarity in this industry.""

Now that's clear and precise! A wonderful phrase that is both its own set up AND punchline.
'rarity'. You so silly!

"""I don't think Global terrorism isn't a problem.
On the contrary, it's a big problem.
A problem that Little GW doesn't have the mental capacity to handle.
I think he's soft on terrorism, Handy. """

Oh really! I know that you aren't a fan of Bush. That's fine. But why do you say that about a guy that had better grades than Kerry? Why do you say that of a guy that had better grades than gore?
Why do you say that about someone who has managed to keep another attack from happening thus far after about 6 years since sept 11? Or don't you believe that he has anything to do with that? Perhaps your one of those infants that think its just a...oh I dunno...a WACKY coink-a-dink! If you don't mind, I'd love an answer to any of those questions. Please.
As far as being 'soft' on terrorism. I see. Compared to what? Compared to who? Please inform me of this, oh good general robo. Which democrat would be tougher than Bush? Who do ya like?
Slow joe biden? hillary? yeah, right. Maybe obama? uh huh. A guy that said he would open the door to speaking to Iran and North Korea. himself to be a propaganda tool.
Or maybe you like trial lawyer john edwards. Another one who strikes fear into the hearts of the terrorists.
Again...please answer that. I mean obviously a story guy like your self, who no doubt has much more mental capacity than Bush to handle global terrorism. Please let me know what general robo would do differently. Hell, democrats are already doing everything they can to smother even the smallest of ways to fight against these bastards. Why, did you know general robo, that just recently the dems tried to pass law that if you see something suspicious and speak out about it...YOU CAN BE SUED. You see something suspicious at an airport robo...don't report it...the dems want you to be sued. That's coming from the folks that no doubt you think have much more mental capacity than Bush.
You know what, robo? I'd like to know who you like and who you think your gonna vote for. Please tell me. I'm very VERY curious about this my 'pragmatic friend'. Which party do you think would handle terrorism better? Remember now...Your 'pragmatic'.

"""I think Invading Iraq was a tactical mistake."""

Well once again we disagree. But again I'm interested...If NOT Iraq, then where? Iran? You wanna do Iran?
Do you know WHY Iraq was the choice, robo? No you don't. Let me help you, oh enlightened, pragmatic one. Morons like countsy has said what all the other leftists morons have said. "Iraq didn't cause sept 11! Why are we there?""
Bush never said Iraq was responsible for 9-11. Not once. Go back to the State of the Union after 9-11. And read what he said about HARBORING NATIONS that sponsor terrorism.
Now the question for you is ....WAS Iraq-- BEFORE we attacked them-- a harboring nation? WERE they sponsors of terror? If so, WOULD that fit into EXACTLY what he said?
I await your answer.
But on these issues, I see a trend with you, that I see in most lefties. Your a bitcher. You just like to bitch about it. I understand, Its easier to do than come up with solutions.
Unless your solution is the kusinich solution. The 'policy of peace', kill them with smootches.
If so...please point out in history where this has been effective.

robo::"""I think turning our ports over to Dubai an even bigger mistake.
I'd like to close the borders, and deport everyone not currently holding a green card.""

Well now, you see? You fall into that 'even an ugly broken clock is right two times a day" category. Good for you! I'd love to see you post about something like the borders. Although..I wont hold my breath.

robo::""However, I also believe in due process and the right to Habeus Corpus for war prisoners."""

Sure. Although If they're enemy combatives, the last thing in the world I want is some evil bastard getting into and abusing our justice system with some leftist/ democrat lawyer supplied by the oh so sympathetic 'aclu'. Or don't you agree that they (aclu) are in fact dems? This will show if your intellectually honest. Again.....holding my breath- I will not.

"""I am not a democrat. I am not a republican.
I am a pragmatist.""

Now this is even more funny than the 'I am rarity in this industry' gag.
But OK. Your a 'pragmatist'. I swear, I've never seen a bunch that were so embarrassed to call themselves what they are. So they're no longer "liberals". No! No! We're "PrOgReSsIvEs".
Or "NO!NO! I'm not a leftist, I am an "Independent".
"NO! NO! I'm not a democrat, I am a.......'pragmatist.'
And you called ME a 'coward'.
But ok....your a 'praaaaaaaaaaaaaagmatist'
Let me know what it will be changed to next month, I don't wanna be on the back end of the name trend. That would be oh so embarrassing. I can just hear it.
"Dude your soooooo last year, We're now 'peacy-nicey-free's'.
But to me they will always be what they are.

And robo, I haven't 'put words into your mouth'. Not once. I quote you WORD for WORD.
And I go from there. Sorry if that bothers you. But if its your own stupid phrases that bother you, then maybe you should get some better views, or better defend the dumb ones that you have.

"". Like Alan Berg, or Morton Downey Jr.
(If these references are beyond you, do a google search and educate yourself)."""

No I have a vague idea of who these people are through news articles of when they died. I must confess that I have never watched or listened to either of these people. Obviously, you have.
Tell me, was this part of your 'opening your mind' experience? Your 'growing up'.
Well, since listening to different music was what helped you grow and open your mind, maybe your watching and listening to them will make you qualified for your own talk show!

robo::'''I'm sorry my music example confused you so much. I was using it as a way of illustrating personal and intellectual growth. Little did I know that you lack the ability to think in the abstract and thus it was lost on you. So sorry.""""

Oh no! I wasn't confused at all by your music example robo. Please don't misunderstand me. I just thought it was stupid. So, no need to apologize, unless its to apologize for the silliness of it.
I mean really. It wasn't exactly DEEP or anything.
ROBO:""I listened to different music and therefore I have personal growth, and I am open minded because Dizzy rocks. I grew up cuz Charlie Parker rips!"
I get it. You know what? Maybe if you listen to some Spin Doctors or the soundtrack to Doctor Who, maybe that'll turn you into a doctor. Then you could be 'robo PHD'!

Maybe? Well suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Why not?

""""From now on, I'll speak more simply so that you can understand."""

Robo, my sweet, sweet need to speak more simply. I understand you fully. You speak 'simply' enough. In fact...
I think 'simple' should be your middle name.

Now you've gone on and screwed up all my time for the post on story guys, Which is really much MUCH more interesting to me than what you title yourself as this year, or how jazz helped you reach puberty.
I actually think you may like it. BUT it will have to wait till after the festivities of the weekend.

Later robo. Do let me know how that doctorate is coming along, will you?